camp KEEP IT REAL [ ☼ ] kit intro

The birth of his kits is enough. It keeps him going even through the unimaginable grief and pain he feels to have lost his younger brother. He was a father now, and he had to be strong. For them. It's not difficult to do, to loose himself in his new role. He's been a brother, a mate, a lead warrior, a mentor but this? This is something entirely different and when he comes into the nursery to see them he cannot imagine anything else more perfect. Dovekit, Beetlekit, and Littlekit. All three of them so much more than he ever could have imagined when he had tried to picture what his family would be like in his head. When he visits today though, it's different and perhaps the kits can sense it but he and Roeflame had spoken, hushed whispered tones uttered softly while the kits slept. Today would be their official introduction to the clan. He presses his nose to the top of his mates head and for a short moment he closes his eyes and just lets himself be in the simplicity of this moment. It was exciting for him, perhaps just as much as he imagined it would be for them. "We'll be right outside, I'll watch over them don't worry" he says in what he hopes is a comforting voice to Roeflame before he turns to his kits with a wide smile. "You three ready to leave the nursery for the first time?" he asks, fluffy tail waving in the air and then, regardless of their answers, he would start ushering them towards that big wall of light that would lead to the camp, the first step of the rest of their lives.

"This is it!" he tells them "This is your home, ThunderClan's camp" he still vaguely remembers his first trip out of the nursery, how scary but exciting it had been, how much he had loved the way the sunlight danced through the trees and cast shadows all around the hollow. He still did. There was nothing greater in his eyes than ThunderClan, though now maybe he would have to adjust those rankings a bit because when he looks down at the three bundles of fur that are his and Roeflame's he realizes there indeed was something he loved more. Three somethings to be exact.

// @Dovekit @beetlekit! @LITTLEKIT

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
The idea of leaving the nursery for the first time is both intriguing and daunting, a feeling that Dovekit wasn't sure they liked. They wanted so badly to take those steps outside the nursery and to see where Burnstorm went when he wasn't visiting the nursery, where all the faces that had come and gone from the nursery over the past two moons ended up when they weren't within that bubble of warmth and comfort Dovekit had grown so used to. When their father asked the trio if they were ready to leave the kitten hesitated for just a moment before a small nod of their head was all the confirmation they would give before all three of them were ushered out.

Eyes widen as soon as they push through the den entrance ears pricked as Dovekit looked around the camp in stunned silence, looking at each den and cat that they could see. "It's so... big!" The first words to leave the kit's mouth as they quickly craned neck up and head backwards to look at their father. "Do you go everywhere in here? Are there more kittens in those other, um... dens? Are they all like the one we sleep in?" The idea of so many more kittens than what they'd seen already was something that excited the kit, more friends to play with.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
They were asleep when it was decided- Beetlekit wouldn't have waited in anticipation of rushing out of camp, instead roused with his father's gentle smile, green eyes focusing on him briefly. He made a noise of discontent- perhaps for being woken. At the realization of why he had been awoken, Beetlekit was on his wobbly legs, yawning loudly and grinning sharply up at his parents. Ushered towards the entrance would Beetlekit tumble out of the nursery, laughing at Dovekit before his eyes- before his eyes met with the rest of camp!

He inhaled sharply, ears folding back and eyes wide with awe. "You're right, Dovekit! It is big. Big, huge, big." Beetlekit decided, his tail twitching as he stepped further into camp. His head turned, grin sharp on his muzzle as his little slice of the world got just that much larger. He gasped in surprise as warriors stepped past, apprentices looked on, elders chattered away in their den over in that corner. "Where's Howlingstar, dad? I wanna see her." Beetlekit suddenly demanded, his head turning back towards his family.

Eyebrow twitched at that point. "Of course there isn't more kits. Where would the warriors and everyone else sleep?" He stated, rather then asked, stepping back towards Dovekit.

———————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***——————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Flycatcher could remember a day many moons ago now when he had escorted a young Stormkit and Falconkit out into camp for the first time. How exciting a time it had been for them and him to be able to finally introduce them to ThunderClan properly. He could remember how eager they had been to get outside and play, and how eager his clanmates had been to greet them.

When he spots Burnstorm leading his kits out for the first, introducing them to the camp properly, Flycatcher smiles recalling his own experiences. He lets the little ones take it all in before approaching, peering down at them with a gentle expression. "Hello," He mews in greeting. "What do you think of camp so far?"

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- To a pair of inexperienced eyes, the woven walls of the nursery had felt big enough as it was.
Until, at least, chocolate limbs had learned to toddle, and then discovered the art of an unsteady sprint. Now, the nursery was much too small, unable to contain the greatness of Littlekit, who was already showing telltale signs of a growth spurt well on its way. Her paws had begun to grow quicker than the rest of her body, her frame gradually squaring- and today? Today her father would take her to see the whole world!
As Littlekit would trail on the heels of her brother, she could feel the wary gaze of her mother clinging to her and her littermates backs, perked ears catching a quiet but complacent hum in response to her father as he begun to slip from the nursery’s entrance.
Dovekit’s exit had some grace, while Beetlekit almost let smoked paws catch on themselves.
When it’s finally Littlekits turn, the excitement simply cannot contain itself any longer.
In an earthy burst of fluff and ebony, Littlekit bursts from the incline, nearly toppling her siblings over in the process of her scamper.
WOAH! Littlekit echoes, letting rich amber optics flood with juvenile excitement and wonder.
Dovekit asks if there are other kits here, and Littlekit begins to bob her head until Beetlekit is quick to debunk that theory- instead asking where Howlingstar was.
“Where's the warriors den?” Littlekit has hardly let her brother finish his sentence before shoving her own question into her fathers paws, kitten-round eyes expectant.
What do you think of camp so far? A newcomer asks, and Littlekit’s fleeting attention-span is once again shifted, this time towards the unfamiliar tom who had spoken last.
“Bigger than mama made it sound!” The child insists, only taking a momentary pause.
“Are you a warrior?” Another pause, sunshine eyes drifting to the whisk of her brothers tail.
“‘Cause i’m gonna be a warrior. The best one!” Suddenly, she is springing forward, aiming to barrel into Beetlekit and toppling him over.
To prove her point, of course.

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 2 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.