camp Keep Me Company | Intro


Like A Hurricane
Jul 1, 2024
Ochrewing rolled onto her back, groaning.

To say she was bored was an understatement. She didn't have a patrol to do for a good while, and frankly, she was dying for some action. There had been some issues with WindClan, but of course she had to sleep through that. The one time she sleeps in, she misses all the fun! That wasn't fair!

She groaned again, before getting to her paws. There had to be something to do, right? Maybe one of the kits wanted to get up to some mischief? She could help pull a prank. Or maybe... no she really shouldn't go out without a patrol. Not with the recent confrontations.

As she was pacing around, trying to work her energy out, she completely tripped over a pour soul lounging in camp.

"Ack! Sorry, sorry! That- That's my bad. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I- Sorry. I really am sorry about that!" She cringed inwardly, just waiting for the verbal lashing she was about to get.

It would have been better if she slept in again, at this rate.


  • a lh chocolate colorpoint with blue eyes and a bobbed tail
    22 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    poly pan. ; currently looking
    easy to befriend; will fear closeness
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It's like a show, watching Ochrewing milling about... so obviously at a complete loss when it comes to what to do... She goes about as far as her paws were willing to take her, and that was... nowhere at all, really. Moltface makes a stark contrast to her, perfectly content in the spot they've been lounging in for some time now. Rare slivers of sunlight claw their way out from under the trees and the gloom, making for a lovely sunhigh that ought to be enjoyed, rather than spent pacing... She couldn't imagine being so high - strung that it distresses her so very much just to do... nothing.

Moltface's observation may go unnoticed beneath the heavy droop of her eyelids, shielding watery eyes from brightness. Of course, this can't last forever... Ochrewing nearly goes tumbling. Over him of all cats, ontop of that! Apologies tumble hard and fast, Moltface looks on with a neutral look, thin - lipped and droopy eyed. An ear flickers. " No worries. You were bound to make a mess eventually, " he mews. Whatever interpretation Ochrewing gleaned from it, he didn't really care. There's an inquisitive tilt of their head. " Are you such a workaholic that you can't rest your paws a moment, love? "

Owlkit hadn't really noticed Ochrewing walking about- she had been too busy pouncing after a feather. Moments later did she look up, her hued eyes scanning the situation where Ochrewing had tumbled over Moltface. Moltface was a cat she was familiar with, given they both inhabited the nursery and queens looked after queens. Owlkit's ears perked gently at Moltface's statement, padding over on neat paws.

She settled nearby, vision tilting up towards the panicked of the two adults. "Why not have a little rest? I know naps are really enjoyable." Owlkit meowed gently, looking honestly confused why Ochrewing wouldn't have slept in or rested if she was so tired she was tripping over cats who weren't moving.
  • "speech"
  • 82330095_Xj6HTMBc6hr5gLq.png
  • OWLKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, 3 moons.
    SH blue tabby with low white. unusually small in stature, but moves with unintentional grace. eyes are split blue on top, orange on bottom. soft spoken and kind natured.
    mentored by no one / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / sibling to shadowkit, pitchkit, lynxkit, waspkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

a rather dramatic yawn comes from chilledstar as they stretch out their claws, lowering their front half and their rump high in the air before they collapse dramatically on the ground. owlkit had that right. a nap sounds wonderful. they don't get the chance to take these as much as they'd like– never have and likely never will– but they can take this one moment they're being given, right? part of them wonders where serpentspine is so they can hum him to sleep like they used to do when he was so small and frail for this world. he's not anymore, they know that. but can they really be blamed for wanting to protect him, even now? no. they don't think they can.

"great idea, owlkit. i think more cats should nap today. ochrewing. you're no use to the clan when you can barely stand. rest for a bit. that's an order."

maybe that's all she'd respond to. they know that it's mostly what they'd respond to, up until the point where they were the only one who could give them orders. workaholics were kind of just like that, weren't they?

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and a blue single eye. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, one across their missing eye and the one across their neck.
    48 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

A dry, brittle repetition of Chilledstar's statement would seep into the air moments afterward. "Rest?" meows ShadowClan's deputy, who ambles forth languidly, yet spiritedly. Like a fox nearing its victim, but delaying the ambush. "Look at her, she's restless! Trippin' over clanmates 'cause her paws can't stay grounded—c'mon, let's put her to work."

Sensitive-minded clanmates may regard Smogmaw's assertion to carry a vague edge - one akin to hostility - but his speech, and overall demeanour, gave no suggestion towards true and actual scorn. The tom instead holds his posture at a relaxed posture, whiskers perked in a complacent expression. Experience has taught him to keep away from opposing his leader's orders, even during matters this mundane. Still, he could not find himself to resist chiming in. Contradictions irritate him to the utmost... unless he had a paw in orchestrating them, but that was a different conversation.

The grey tabby draws nearer, rasping his throat against tepid Greenleaf ambiance. Truth be told, the warmth brought by this season drains his drive to work right down to the dregs. But, aware of Owlkit's young eyes darting betwixt them all, Smogmaw takes care to avoid promoting laziness. "Ochrewing," he adds, voice less phlegmy than before. "If your paws're desperate to do something, you may join me in collecting some bedding for the nursery. I's just about to fetch some." Then, a chuckle coaxed a grin, and his amber eyes flit toward the snow-streaked leader. "If Chilledstar permits it."

It's entertaining, like a show. Watching Ochrewing walking about– he was currently lounging on his side, with rare slivers of sun beams hitting his dark coat under the gloom of camp. Heterochromatic eyes, hidden beneath his curly curtain of comfort, blink as the molly walks without purpose. It was funny seeing a high-strung warrior pace around. The lanky bicolored tom couldn't even imagine being so… high-strung, it felt like a chore.

Batchaser's eyes widen as he watches as Orchewing almost trips over Moltface, with apologies tumbling from the mouth of the poor soul. He observes the interactions, before a large ear flicks to the squeaky voice of a kit. Napping is an enjoyable pastime. He lifts his head up from there it rested on his forepaws, tilting it up to yawn to the side. He snaps his jaws shut, turning his already disheveled appearance to the two chattering adults. The lanky warrior tilts his head to the side, observing as Chilledstar agrees? with Owlkit on letting more cats take naps today. Well then.

Batchaser raises onto pale - touched paws, shaking out his curled coat from dust that clinged to his figure. He hums as he glides towards the growing group, with a flick of his ear. "Hm. I agree, Owlkit. I think napping is an enjoyable thing…" He yawns out, he can't help but chime in. While he halts nearby next to the other chattering Shadowclanners. From underneath his fringe, he watches as the deputy speaks of work. Ew, working. The tom plops onto his front, while he watches the interactions silently again. He's too tired of talking. He really doesn't care if he sets a bad example of lazing, in the young eyes of Owlkit. Really, ain't his problem.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 32 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone