keep me guessin [private/dawn]


New member
Jul 21, 2022



Black had a lot on his mind lately with everything that was going on between the clans, but one couldn't say that was the start of his more 'independenti streak. No, Black had been like this most of his young life, ever since his mother had been killed by a fox out on the marshes. It was the first taste of tragedy the newly weaned kit had been handed, and things didn't stop after that. He lost his best friend to a hawk hardly three month later, and then his father during The Great Battle just recenty. Everytime Black lifted his head to look around he was getting smacked in the face by life cold indifference toward him and his clanmates.

Back then, as a little kid, it had began as fear. A clinging paranoia that he could lose everyone and everything around him in the blink of an eye for seemingly no reason at all. But as he got older he got tired of just being afraid. And so he got angry as well, and he turned that anger into fuel for his determination. Maybe life was just a dog out to get them, but he'd be damned if he was going to just lie there and let it wreak havoc on him and everything he cared about. And so he got his shit together and began to work toward getting stronger, so that the next time life tried to close its jowls on him or his friends he could claw thits throat out and send it running in he opposite direction.

They'd already lost so much in such a short amount of time- all of them, and he was waiting for the day where he'd be wise and strong enough to fix all the things that were broken now.

A part of that, he knew, was making sure that those who remained were well looked after and prepared for whatever laid ahead. While Black wasn't someone you could call outgoing or relaxed, he wasn't a total loner or a hateful cat. Maybe he could be too serious[/i] sometimes, but he was a hard-worker and took his role in the clan seriously, and he did his best to look out for the others.

Seeing Dawn the other day while he was talking with Ice, it reminded him of how selfish he was being. Sure, he was angry, but he wasn't the only person who'd been effected by this. Frog had lost a parent. Dawn was hurt in the battle. He could only imagine how much it sucked sitting there alone all day, struggling to move like that. He was a far stronger cat than Black had pegged him for, and so the ink and frost feline had gone out that morning to hunt like usual before returning and making his way to the outdoor nest the other tom had been lounging in the other day.

"Hey." he greeted after placing the fat bird on the ground in front of him. "You wanna share this with me?" he asked, the words falling from his lips with far more confidence than he felt. He and Dawn had never really spoken or hung out before, but the tom had come over and joined him and Ice, so they probably didn't hate company, right? ​

tom - 10 months - shadowclan apprentice - homosexual - polyromantic - single

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Things had been rather quiet lately after the battle, the starry cats coming from the sky and of course the gathering that soon followed after. It was all so much to take in and Dawn wasn't really one to deal with change very well. So much so that the mink tom had been hold up in his nest for the last couple of hours, not sure if he should get up and do something. Though what he did know was that he was wheezing, his chest felt like it was full of muscus and his head was hurting a bit. Perhaps it was a good idea to get up and move around? Dawn wasn't sure, he had no medical knowledge to save his life.

Though the more Dawn sat there in his nest, the more his mind had time to wonder and dwell on the battle he had taken part in. Remembering the yowls and screeches of cats around him, the scent of iron thick and suffocating- it was enough to make him flinch visibly. The feeling of blood never truly left his paws as he stared at them in their golden marble tabby way. Gorse didn't deserve to die. At least not at his paws they didn't. Perhaps loosing his leg was part of the karma those starry cats dished out- cruel but fair.

Blue eyes blinked a bit as Dawn was soon approached by a larger, black form with a chest of brilliant white; Black. The two had spoken earlier in the day alongside his brother, Ice, and curiousity flashed across those pale eyes. What could he want? Black dropped prey at the edge of his nest and requested they should eat together, okay it was more like asked, and Dawn twitched his nose a bit. He was hungry and Fire wouldn't be back till much later- suppose it wouldn't hurt.

"Fine, but I see an inkling of sympathy I will throw paws," Dawn half joked, half serious with his voice. While a lot of cats pitied him due to loosing his limb, he didn't like it. He was as strong as they where still, he just was slower and needed a bit more time to get along.



A soft huff escaped thetom as he settled onto his haunched. "I don't pity you Dawn. You fought for your clan and were injured in the process- if anything, thats admirable." Black replied, leaning down to tear a bite out of the prey.

Did it suck that Dawn had to spend all this time recovering? Sure. And was it fair that they'd lost something so important at such a young age? Of course not. But Black wasn't about to start seeing him as someone who needed to be constantly coddled. Cats with impairments could contribute and function just as much as any able-bodied feline, and he was sure that once Dawn got his barings he'd be back at it in no time.

Did that mean the bright-furred tom didn't need any help right now? Hell no. While they may not be freinds, they were deifnitely allies, cats who stood beneath the same banner, and that was enough of a reason for Black to have their back now. Thats what a clan was, after all. "How've you been, though? Any better?"** he asked.

tom - 10 months - shadowclan apprentice - homosexual - polyromantic - single

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

A snort left the pale mink points nose, admirable? Is that what they where calling it now? Dawn felt skeptical about the situation but watched Black tear a piece of prey before doing the same with a thoughtful chew. Was that what cats would think of him now? A cat who fought in a battle and came out the other side? What about Gorse though? She didn't need to die for him to be seen as some kind of hero. He took her life without a second though and her gutted body would haunt him for the rest of his days it felt like.

"No, I still can't feel it or move it. I think somethings broken," Dawn responded back with a soft sigh, pawing at the moss beneath him with a paw. Dawn wasn't sure if he would ever get his leg back at this point. It had been a couple of days, at least twenty-four hours, and he hadn't been able to do much of anything. Any amount of willing his back leg to move was in vein as his leg just stood there. Limp as can be, "It has been a while since I hurt it..I don't want to think about being paralyzed though," The idea made him shiver slightly.



OOC- I didn't totally try to use discord commands in the last post to stop the bold text, naaaaaah XD

Black couldn't speak for the other cats of the clan when it came to how they regarded the other toms injury, but that was his own opinion at least. And it was the right opinion. Because otherwise, what had Dawn or any of them been fighting for? If it meant nothing but a life of being looked down on then there'd been no point in fighting in he first place. it had to mean something, otherwise it was pointless. And the Great Battle, it had meant something.

Those cats had been taking Shadowclans prey and causing all kinds of problems, abusing Briars patience and spitting in the clans face. The Marsh Clan was the oldest group out here, and these cats had come in and stolen their birthright. So Shadowclan had been forced to make a stand, and for better of worse Black would give it meaning.

"Then don't." Black said, tail giving a swish as he took another bite. " You won't be sure if it's permenant for a while still, so there's no point in stressing out about it yet." he said, shrugging. He didn't expect that to be an easy feat, but there was no need to spiral yet.Dawns bdy was damaged, and if it could heal then it would probably take time to see results.

"Has anyone been helping you look after yourself?" he asked. He imagined that an injury of this extent would leave Dawn in need of help with certain things like grooming himself, fetching things, and even massaging the stiffness from his limbs from not being able to move around.

tom - 10 months - shadowclan apprentice - homosexual - polyromantic - single

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Black had a point in the matter, he could just not think about it though it still itched at the back of his mind. What if he was paralyzed? Could he still contribute to the clan? Still help his brothers out? There was so many 'what ifs' and he wasn't sure what to do abou the situation. There wasn't anyone who could medically take care of him or figure out what was wrong in the first place. Dawn gave a small sigh to himself and seemingly no longer felt hungry as he stared at the prey for a moment before Blacks' question drew him back.

"Fire has made me the nest and stuff, but otherwise no not really. Dusk has been busy and I don't know where Eventide is," Dawn answered with a small lash of his golden tabby tail. Fire though couldn't take care of him all the time and he had to try to do things on his own, "Why? Are you offering to help me out?" Those blue eyes looked to the black tomcat with a small head tilt. Not that Dawn would object, he didn't want the other to have to deal with him at all times. Dawn wanted to be independent, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do such a thing for quite some time now.

The mink point cat shifted a bit in his spot on the ground, reaching back to nudge his leg out of the way so he could comfortably lay down beside Black. This was stupid. How could he ever live a norml life now? Would his leg ever get better? It was doubtful honestly, but maybe he could be optimistic? Fire had stated that he was just as capable as her even with a lame leg, but then again the she-cat was alway looking on the brighter side of things. Dawn just couldn't bring himself to do the same thing. She didn't have to deal with a lame leg, she didn't kill a cat after they cracked down on his back- neither of them would know what he had done in the Great Battle.



A small frown would settle on the toms lips as Dawn spoke of only Fire really stopping to help them out, not even knowing where their own siblings were at this point. His own family should have been around to look after him at the very least- he knew that if it were he or Ice in that position, the other would be there to look out for them without ever having to be told. It was a little annoying to hear that Dawns only family didn't extend the same curtesy- or any of the other clan cats for that matter.

"Yeah, I guess I am." the tom replied.

Somebody had to look out for them aside from Fire. And while he didn't have any real knowledge that could help the other out as far as getting better went, he was willing to do what he could to help make the process as painless as possible. ​

tom - 10 months - shadowclan apprentice - homosexual - polyromantic - single

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Light blue eyes looked to the black and white tomcat, and gave a small furrow of his brow. Why was Black offering to help him? Dawn wasn't helpless to say the least, but it would definitely take a while for him to be able to do most things on his own. Like walking, hunting, fighting, and every basic thing under the sun would have to adjusted because of his leg. Dawn gave an outward sigh, "This is stupid. I shouldn't need caretakers," He muttered a bit and flicked his tail a bit, suddenly not wanting to continue to eat.

"Am I going to be a burden to the clan now? Cause I won't be able to hunt, probably barely fight anymore- what else can I do?" Dawn looked to Black as if he had some sort of answer, but he doubted the tomcat would have anything. A lame leg on a cat out in the forest was a death sentence, he could cut his leg and not even know it. The cinnamon mink gave another soft sigh and placed his head on his paws.