They're supposed to be hunting, that's why they're on this patrol in the first place, but well -- they'd gotten a little sidetracked. It was so nice to actually get out of camp, except that Sunflowerpaw couldn't stop thinking about what had happen the last time they'd been out on a hunting patrol, the pain in their paw as they chased down the young rabbit. And yes, they know that there are other ways of hunting. They've been keeping an eye out for motherless bird nests, but their heart isn't quite in it. They're a moor runner, they're supposed to be able to run.

Goldenpaw is on this patrol, at least. They'd branched out from the group, but neither have caught anything yet. It doesn't escape Sunflowerpaw's notice where they are: right by Rabbit's Run.

There's something about Goldenpaw that always brings out the competitive side of Sunflowerpaw, and they find an idea forming in their mind. They've been practicing, in camp, as little as they can. Being barred from going to the sun-warmed pool except on patrol has made training more difficult, but Sunflowerpaw is persistent. They've been working on their balance, trying to focus on their other three paws to avoid a repeat of their failed hunt. They've been getting... somewhere. It's definitely too soon to be challenging anyone to races.


It's just the two of them now, and Sunflowerpaw has been missing their old spars, and there's a little glimmer in their eyes as they come to their brother, tired of searching for bird nests and watching their brother hunt. They speak a single soft word to call his attention, "Golden." They sweep their paw out towards Rabbit's Run, tilt their head up a little in challenge. "Race?" they offer. Wolfsong might discourage them not to push themself, their other two brothers might fret. Goldenpaw is different, though. If there's anyone they'd trust to take the challenge and not go easy on them, it's him.


  • // @Goldenpaw lmk in discord if/how you wanna do dice rolls! atm im thinking contesting d20s :] (with sunflower having disadvantage on theirs)

    Rabbits Run is a great place to hone any Moor Runner's speed. Why not challenge a clan-mate or two to a race?
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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i wanna taste love and pain

Hunting had been a bit of a sore subject for Goldenpaw, it seemed in the last couple of moons he consistently was getting worse. Being told to go on a patrol for the specific activity was one of the only things that would take the wind out of his sail. Especially since other cats would be watching him screw up, he couldn't help but care about what they think so much. Everyone's opinion mattered to the lilac tom. The same applied to his siblings, but in a slightly different way. He didn't need them to know he was strong or fast or cool, well, he hoped they thought that, but mostly he just wanted them to know that they mean a lot to him. So when Sunflower and him started to wander off he wasn't quick to point it out. Not only that but anything he did was already going to be pretty decent next to his sibling. The poor kid seemed pretty put out recently and being rather obtuse Goldenpaw hadn't known how to help all that much.

After the mouse Goldenpaw had been stalking descended down its hole and out of his reach he turned his head in defeat. Hoping to find Sunflowerpaw with maybe an egg, then they could show they weren't useless, show that he wasn't useless. However, it seemed Sunflower wasn't as worried about disappointing the warriors in the patrol, it seemed they were even bored of trying to hunt. As they lifted their head in challenge and offered a race Goldenpaw couldn't help but feel a competitive burn in his chest. Would it be a fair race? Hardly, but both of them knew it. So, no harm no foul. "[color= #e9af31]You think you can beat me?
he teased his sibling "[color= #e9af31]You're nuts, but you're on[/color]" he charged ahead with a hop in his step, surveying for the perfect starting line.

wanna feel pride and shame "speech"


Sunflowerpaw's eyes light up as their brother accepts. "You think you can beat me?" he teases, and they give a little grin, a small hum of affirmation. Probably not, they know, but that won't stop them from trying. Something in Goldenpaw seems energized at the challenge, his own discouragement at his failed hunting endeavors slipping away as he bounds forwards. They trail behind at a more relaxed pace, not wanting to exert themself before the race even begins.

Sunflowerpaw waits for their brother to pick out a starting point, then lines themself up beside them. They crouch, adrenaline already thrumming with anticipation. They try to focus on what they've been practicing, pacing the camp as they worked on their balance. They'll show off just what they can do, injured paw or not. Sunflowerpaw locks eyes with Goldenpaw, takes a moment to find their words. A countdown, that's how this is supposed to go. "Three..." They say softly, enunciating carefully. "Two..." They give a flick of their tail on the third beat, a wordless signal of go.


  • // rolled a 13 !​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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