It hadn't taken too long for Ratpaw to begin to fret over... everything. Cicadastar wasn't here with them, Ravensong was sick and collapsed, the already dwindled food that RiverClan had dealt with before the Rogues was going to feel worse now that they were no longer eating their usual food and had twice as many cats to feed. When they had first come into camp Blazestar had pointed out the foods in the fresh kill pile, a small excuse for the word "pile" but she couldn't fault them in that - everyone was struggling now - but when the sight caught her eye she feared for her stomach. It had all been things she had never eaten before - let alone hunted - and Ratpaw didn't know how to properly hunt, the only thing she'd done food-wise thus far having been fishing. Head shook for a moment as the white apprentice tried her best to think of other things, but it always came back to worry and without realizing it she had been chewing on the inside of her mouth for a moment.

Looking around for a moment, it was then that Ratpaw realized that the forest meant that there would be plants. The trees grew here, and she was sure the medicine cat didn't go without herbs, so there could be flowers right. She wait for the next SkyClanner who passed her before quietly clearing her throat to try to catch their attention. "Excuse me?" Voice was quiet, she didn't know this cat and she didn't want to be rude. If the other didn't want to talk with her that was fine, and she was fully prepared to try to talk to another cat, but luckily she didn't have to. "Are there any flowers here?" Apple blossoms and buttercups were the ones she hoped for the most, though at this point she would take anything.
  • please wait for @LUX to respond before posting!
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Lux had been jumping from one thing to another, asking if the RiverClanners needed anything before moving on. It was a mundane task, but one he took with great strides. He was still relatively new which didn’t stop him in the slightest from helping, even when his body cried out from exhaustion. He never was one for listening to his needs.

He blinked, pulling himself out of his thoughts at the quiet ‘excuse me’ causing a halt in his steps, pivoting on three legs to stare at the RiverClanner with a crinkled smile. He certainly hoped he didn’t scare her, instead keeping his gaze downward. “Flowers?” He echoed. Flowers. Where did I see—? Oh! He shuffled, sitting on his hindlegs awkwardly to rub his nape, grinning sheepishly. One way to make an impression. He thought with a crinkled nose. “There is! Maybe I can show you? It isn’t far from here!” He chirped, rocketing onto three paws with an energetic bounce of malnourished legs.

“Did you have anything specific in mind?” He inquired, curiosity taking hold. He should see if any of the SkyClan warriors would like to accompany them, not wanting to step on anyone’s tail as a recent joiner.
thought speech

An apprentice, a RiverClan apprentice. And- and one of their newer additions, Lux. Still not a warrior, but learning to be one- learning the way, and doing a good job of it so far. Mental register taken, Twitchbolt couldn't help but listen to their conversation a little bit- with such a crowded camp, it was easy to lose cats, and... when you were supposed to be responsible you were also supposed to know where everyone was, weren't you? And he found he cared, like he'd told Blazestar, a lot more than he had thought. The idea of wandering into the forest with a hunting patrol to find a torn-to-bits body on the ground, or prey shredded jeeringly across the dust and dirt, made him feel sick to his stomach.

As he approached, his eyelids burst into a frenzy of twitches. "I- I'll come, too," he murmured, not giving a reason. Hopefully they'd assume it was just for the flowers, but the wary sheen in his wide eyes likely gave away that the idea of leaving camp without an army was becoming more and more of constricting, choking, unrelenting anxiety. Would even three of them be enough? And it was just flowers, they'd not be fought over flowers- but what if they saw a stray bird that a rogue was also going for, what if...
penned by pin ✧
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Call it divine intervention or just sheer dumb luck... but Twitchbolt would not be left to suffer with two inexperienced cats as his charges alone. The scruffy furred molly approaches as the SkyClan tom suggests his addition to the group, clearly just as nervous about their lonesome departure as she would be. Offering a reassuring smile, their gaze flicks to Ratpaw who has once again set about finding flowers- is it for SkyClan's sick this time? Peonies would be hard to find this time of year... it had been only a fleeting chance the blue tabby had any left wilting in her nest.

"I hope you don't mind if I come with you," the rhetorical question hangs there, hoping (knowing?) that the other lead would likely not refuse her companionship. Ratpaw was really her main concern anyways.... A child displaced and injured should not be wandering about wildly with figures she hardly knew. The path they tread on was paved with good intentions but where would it really all lead in the end...?

"Looking for peonies again?"
Had she known that Lux was a newer cat to SkyClan it was likely she wouldn't have asked the other her question, but when he said there were flowers and he could show her, the young apprentice's eyes grew wide and her spirits were lifted. Head nod for a moment in a response - she did want to be shown where they were - but stopped quickly as she opened her maw, ready to state they should probably ask others to go with them, only to not have to as Twitchbolt and Lichentail came over and offered their own help for their little patrol of flower finders. She trusted SkyClan cats more than any other clan in the territories - especially after their recent hospitality - but she felt a lot more comfortable with Lichentail there now.

Head dipped towards Twitchbolt as a small 'thank you' before Lichentail spoke once more and for a moment Rat almost nod her head once more but she stopped and shook her head. "I don't know if peonies grow here, I just want any flowers that aren't being used." Paws shuffled nervously for a moment before she offered a small smile to Lichentail. Quieter now, in the hope that only her fellow RiverClanner could hear it she spoke once more - "Do you think they tore them up? The peonies?" The unspoken "they" being the rogues, her mood deflated at the thought, her hard work and asking every RiverClanner she could think of for their old flowers for nothing.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The smoke molly made her way over with both ears perked forward noticing that Ratpaw was asking one of the Skyclanners if they had any flowers, for a moment, there's a ghost of a smile on her maw recalling when the snowy apprentice had asked for peonies for their sick. The smile disappears as quick as it came and she looked towards both of the Skyclan cats not knowing if they could be trusted with her close friend, they may be an ally and offering refuge for her and the rest of her clanmates but a small sliver of distrust rested within her. "I'll go too if you'll have me." Beepaw offers with her bottlebrush tail sweeping behind her and what Ratpaw says next makes her frown, a single ear flicking as she tries to keep her cool.

Ratpaw was more worried about the peonies being torn up rather than Beepaw's own father that had been torn up in front of her and the rest of Riverclan, she turns her gaze away to feint looking thoughtful but she could feel a small anger welling inside of her. The kingsblood beginning to regret that she had offered herself and had walked over to see what was happening, she forces a smile and shakes her head to reassure the other molly about the dried blooms that had been left back in Riverclan "I'm sure they're fine... I don't think they'd have interest in flowers..." She offers with a little wave of her snowy paw and tries to keep looking happy despite how upset she truly was.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed