keep the faith || child attempts construction work

Aug 1, 2022

it's a long way forward, so trust in me

Ash just wanted to be good.

Cicadastar told her she was doing a good job, and that had filled her with such a rush, had flooded her chest with hot relief, had left tears prickling in glass-green eyes. She was being good, she was doing a good job-- everything was going to be okay.

She just had to keep going.

Keep staying in camp, keep helping-- or staying out of the way, whichever was better. She couldn't tell sometimes, and that made it harder. But she was trying. (And Cicadastar said she was doing good.)

She was never going to make her clanmates shout and sob like that again.

This morning Ash busied herself by collecting reeds. She took their tough stems in her little teeth and pulled till they popped free, taking as much as she could carry from the edge of camp, where they grew thick and wild. She'd listened in on Buck's weaving class the other day-- it was one of those times she'd elected to stay out of the way, rather than try to help. But she'd listened. And now, with no grown-ups around (at least not yet) it was Ashkit's turn to make herself useful. (To be a good RiverClanner.)

The little orange fuzzball dragged her reeds into a messy pile behind the nursery-- she'd heard some of the warriors speaking in low tones about flooding, about the waters that might rise and sweep tiny landbound kits into its depths, gone forever in only moments. Ash knew all about gone forever. She'd seen her share. She was growing up into a big kid, and that meant she could help now; no more clanmates gone forever. Glass-green eyes narrowed as Ash zeroed in on the weaker-looking patches of nursery wall, took reed stems in little orange paws. They weren't deft and flexible like Buckgait's paws or Willowroot's, cats who'd been doing this for moons and moons. She wasn't gonna give up though. (Good job. She was doing a good job. And she wasn't a quitter.)

So Ashkit sat, determined if uncertain, remembering Buck's words and subtle motions, clumsily trying to replicate; the river just behind her, lapping at her back paws.

i'll give them shelter like you've done for me

  • pls help her
  • - three moons old
    - will bite you
    - will put nettles in your nest
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
    - she's trying her best, i swear

Ash was troublesome, but not in a particularly problematic way. He often saw the kitten doing something or another, constantly moving about the camp with an energy that was almost to be envied. From where he sat just near the edge of camp and wondering where the last patrol was, the tom was watching the orange furball carefully. She was set about some kind of task, toddling back and forth and dragging reeds along behind her bit by bit. Smokethroat narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as she got closer to the water's edge, preparing to move if a tumble was a taken of any kind. The river would snatch an unwary kitten as easily as a bird of prey could. Ash seemed to have it under control though, whatever it was. Leaning back so he could see what was happening better the dark tom watched in amusement as tiny kitten paws tried to mimic the deft fold and bend of weaving reeds and patching dens that the older warriors had grown well-accustomed to recently. He wasn't exactly the best at it himself, being honest. Something about delicate work just wasn't his style and could never replicate the seamless tucks and folds that someone like Buck could do. It's why he often did the less glamorous task of mudpacking after the dens were weaved, making sure to seal holes and getting filthy in the process.
Dirty work was often his fallback anyways, it's not like mud bothered him.
Realizing the last patrol was running late and not caring to wait any longer he turned with a sharp pivot to move to the nursery, practicing a more gentle step and lower posture that he was trying to adapt to given how many young kits were in the camp now. Ash probably wouldn't care, which made her perfect to practice softening his demeanor with anyways.
"Working hard I see." The black cat glanced out across the river briefly before looking back at the tiny molly, "Try bending them a little first so they get easier to work with."

riverclan --- warrior--- tags

Fernkit didn't think much about weaving and chores, mainly because he thought such things dull. The antics of his siblings and the stories his father told were often gallons more interesting than any sort of maintenance task- let alone treasure hunting along the shoreline. The latter was where he frolicked, whiskers brushing the river's stony shore, bug-eyes of murky water scouring the ground for any glint of light that the sun might catch. No such luck, though- and his mind was soon snagged from his task, for then his attention settled upon where Ashkit worked and the source of a rumbling tone- Smokethroat.

Toddling over on legs unsteady, Fernkit looked at Ashkit's clumsy weaving attempt. To his feeble mind it was glorious; much better than any work he could do, for he was yet to learn it. Any task was impressive to someone who had never performed it, but that did not hinder the genuine expression of bewilderment set upon his face. "Wow, Ashkit, that's sooooo good!" No sarcasm touched his voice, only complete kitlike wonderment- and for a three-moon-old, that could easily look pathetic.
( penned by pin )

it's a long way forward, so trust in me

Ash was startled by Smokethroat's approach, so focused on her task, but once she'd recognized him she purred happily in greeting. He'd been right; she didn't consciously notice the way he lowered himself, the way he softened. But maybe she was a little more relaxed for it. A little less tense.

She glowed at the praise Smoke offered. Working hard! That's right, she was! Her pelt puffed up with pride and excitement, and she wiggled happily as he continued speaking, offering some much needed advice.

"Try bending them a little first so they get easier to work with."

Ash's eyes narrowed in concentration, and she nodded solemnly. Bend them a little. Okay. Hmm. She took another reed in her paws, sitting back on her hauches to finangle it.

" this?"

She was in the middle of showing Smokethroat, trying to figure out what he'd meant, when Fernkit approached. Ash couldn't help a giggle at the way he toddled, so unsteady, and not a whole lot younger than her but still so much smaller. Those big bug eyes zeroed in on her work. Did he want to join in?

"Hi," said Ashkit. "How are you this morning, small strange child?"

At Fern's compliment, Ash only glowed more, puffing up even bigger and bouncing a little on her back legs. She was doing good!!!!! Smokethroat and Fernkit thought so!!!!!!!!! The little fuzzball let out a little squeak of pride and so much excitement.

"Thank you!" she burst out. "It is good, isn't it? Ohh, maybe you can learn how! I know a little bit from Buck, and Smokethroat is helping me."

She leaned closer to Fernkit and whispered (much louder than she meant to), "Smokethroat is my friend and he's really smart. And super duper cool."

i'll give them shelter like you've done for me

  • ooc text goes here
  • - three moons old
    - will bite you
    - will put nettles in your nest
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
    - she's trying her best, i swear
( ) buck's presence in camp has, in willowroot's opinion, immensely helped. the earth hued woman arrived with strategies and techniques that have turned the camp from a simple hideout to something resembling a home. it is with a glow of pride in their chest that the smoke looks around at riverclan and recognizes it for the first time as a place they want to stay. so, when they exit a newly constructed den to find the deft paws of a kitten they are quite fond of working hard, they can't help but smile. ash's paws, while clumsy, are getting the job done. as wllowroot approaches, several others do as well, their fellow lead warrior included. offering each a nod in greeting, the ebony feline peers closely at the kitten's work, purring in delight. "ash, this is great!" she exclaims, eyes genuine as she gazes at the little one. "good work kiddo. i can see the den really coming along."

half listening in as ash whispers to one of their newest clanmates, willowroot can't help but stifle a laugh at the overwhelming complements being sent smokethroat's way. amusement dancing in their gaze, the warrior glances at the other, nodding. "being a good teacher, smokethroat?"


He raised a paw hesitantly as the kitten jolted in surprise, hoping he hadn't scared her but it seemed like she'd just been engrossed in her task and was surprised to see him. The dark tom made a mental note to be a little more loud with his approaches so he didn't startle anyone; he was so used to trying to go unoticed that his bad habit of creeping about had not quite faded.
The tiny kit flopping back to do as suggested was met with a brief smile before the less graceful plodding of another approached. Smokethroat tried to keep his face from grimacing as one of Mudpelt and Icesparkle's youngsters approached, wobbly and big-eyed and looking quite like a trout left to flounder on the shore. Did all young kittens stare like that? Were their eyes SUPPOSED to be that big? The dark tom found himself unconciously averting his gaze, finding it hard to make eye contact with the child and their strange unblinking stare.
Ash sure called it. Strange, small. Yeah. Yeah a little. He was sure Fernkit would, uh, grow into their clumsy paws and disproportinate eyes and ears eventually. Most kittens looked a little silly starting out. Some more than normal.
"I would really suggest asking Buck for more help-she's probably one of the better cats at patching dens." His tail looped to curl around his paws as the kittens chatted and Ash's whisper was not lost on him. If you could even call it a whisper. Why was he embarrassed-this was ridiculous...
Smokethroat could not even begin to describe the relief he felt when Willowroot's dark and more graceful form approached. Finally, someone who knew how to act around children to take the brunt of this. He was trying but it was certainly a struggle.
"A good teacher? Hardly." His ears flicked and he gave a little dismissed huff of a sound but his tone was light and amused, "...Ash seems to have it under control really. Here, Fernkit." A paw stepped on one of the smaller reeds and he slid it over to the lopsided little kitten. "You can try bending it if you want."

riverclan --- warrior--- tags
she is happy to see how the young are quick and eager to learn. long and sure legs stalk over, originally coming over to greet caraway, perhaps to settle with each other in the dying lights. but the view of ashkit, something troublesome and wild, working so hard was touching. she ignores smokethroat, there's little reason to pay him any mind when her kin and kits are near. she's watching over ash's work, commendable for a child but weak for anyone who has seen more of the moon's rises and slumbers. there's one kit from the first litter to grace riverclan, and it's obvious something is wrong with him.

it's not like buck could say much, at the very least, he was alive and well. it is not up to her to play judge, not to the innocent. the figure, lithe and lean, settles near the smoke-painted feline that she had grown with. a slight nudge of her shoulders, something playful while buck remains aloof. the tom speaks her name, and she is keen to take over. her family had taught her this, and their family before. buck's history was rich, and all teachings were taught down to carry on the ways of the first river cat. she supposes this was keeping the legacy alive, even if she wasn't too fond of her blood-kin. "you're getting it, ash. try pulling the ends, you don't want gaps in the braid." her paws hover over the jagged edges of the sticks, showcasing where to put her focus.