camp keep the fire alive ! 07.05 patrols

"Have you any... reports to share?"

"Uh... What reports?"

"The patrols, Hazecloud."


A thick fog rolled between her ears the moment she stepped into the center of camp, taking a moment for it to pass as she sat with her tail neatly wrapped around her paws. "RiverClan! It's time to assign patrols." Their borders, the other Clans, who would be better suited for each route? She hadn't had to pay much attention to these for so long... Did any of her warriors have extra bad drama with the other Clans that she should know of?

She hadn't really given Lichenstar the chance to tell her if so, but she also hadn't thought to ask until now... Too late.

"We'll start with WindClan's border patrol, led by Cricketchip! You will be bringing Sandpelt and... Tigersplash with you." That seemed to be a decent fit. Despite the violence that followed she didn't want to make RiverClan appear threatened by piling warriors onto the border. "Mosspool, you will be taking on ThunderClan's border along with Mothpaw and Dogteeth." Her gaze searched for a matching emerald stare and once caught, she would nod to her lead warrior. One more... "As for SkyClan, I will be taking Frecklepaw and Lakemoon. Splashpaw will not be joining us." Ever since Iciclefang told her of the apprentice's former whereabouts, she was far from interested in letting her be recognized if ShadowClan had spread word of her disappearance.

"However, she will not be in camp. Moonbeam, you will take her and Valepaw with you on your route collecting herbs. As for hunting, Salmonshade, you will be joined by Claythorn and... Otterbite?" Had that boy become a warrior already? How much did I miss out here? "Willowroot and I have noticed the fish are more plentiful upriver recently." What else... she was missing something...

"Oh! And tonights rotation of camp guarding will be Sandpelt and Driftwood. That is all!"

  • HAPPY PATROL DAY! your characters may notice miss deputy is a little late to sending these out! its like her 3rd day out here, but have fun with these optional prompts :D if you notice your oc has not been assigned a patrol, do not worry! another round is coming out in two weeks

    WINDCLAN- @Cricketchirp [LEAD] @SANDPELT @Tigersplash @Ospreypaw
    [the patrol watches a coyote hunt a rabbit in the distance. Do they warn the incoming windclan patrol?]

    THUNDERCLAN - @Mosspool [LEAD] @Mothpaw @DogTeeth
    [someone dares another thunderclanner to eat a cattail in exchange for a fish]

    SKYCLAN- @hazecloud [LEAD] @LAKEMOON @Frecklepaw.
    [a fish jumps from the water and fin-slaps a warrior before disappearing below the surface!]

    HUNTING PATROL- @salmonshade [LEAD] @HORIZONPAW @claythorn @otterbite @Jaggedpaw
    [a hunting competition is instigated against two young apprentices. Who will win?]

    HERB PATROL- @Moonbeam @valepaw ➶ @splashpaw
    [moonbeam notices a rise in butterfly sightings! Where will they lead to?]

    CAMP GUARD- @SANDPELT @Driftwood
    [this is for flavor text! no thread is required]

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    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


If Hazecloud announces patrols late, Eveningpaw does not notice. Lichenstar had been the one to make these reports for as long as she remembers — first as Smokestar's deputy, and then as the stand-in in lieu of a successor —, calling out names and sending them to borders Eveningpaw has only ever seen in her imagination. Did they ever get tired of it, the monotony of it all?

It's a special moment: mama stands atop the boulder today instead of lingering by the nursery's entrance. Eveningpaw thinks Hazecloud looks extra pretty today, like the sun itself is glad to see her doing this... or something.

For all the joy Eveningpaw feels — and she certainly makes sure to catch those green eyes more times than necessary —, Hazecloud does not call her name.

"Oh, come on..." Eveningpaw grumbles, narrowed eyes finding Valepaw amongst the crowd. Even he gets to go out, and with Moonbeam, no less! She quickly diverts her attention from him to Horizonpaw, lest she get too feisty to control. "When you get back, you gotta tell me aaaall about your patrol!"
frecklepaw & 10 moons & trans. fem & she/they/it & riverclan apprentice
Ears twitch at the muffled sound of her own name amongst the others, and the molly blinks slowly as she stares at hazecloud - she's tp be on patrol with lakemoon and the newly promoted deputy. And she doesn't have to go with driftwood. its an... unkind thought, in truth, but the molly is relieved - she has interacted with lakemoon before at least, and truth be told she is still not sold on her new mentor - she misses her old one. Misses a lot of things really, even if she knows there's no changing it now. She blinks slowly in acknowledgement, though stays silent on the matter- tail wrapping tighter around her ever-hunched frame.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I L O S E M Y C O O L , W H E N I G E T E M O T I O N A L
ꕀꕀ The patrol assignments are late, but Hazecloud is brand new to her position, as well as only barely out of the nursery. She deserves some lenience, Sandpelt thinks. Just like he hadn’t done an amazing job when he’d first become a warrior, or even an apprentice, the new deputy can’t be expected to be… perfect. She assigns him to patrol the WindClan border, led by a cat younger than he is, and a brow is raised in Cricketchirp’s direction. Figures, he thinks, that he and Tigersplash would both be superseded by the prodigal young warrior. Vitriol bubbles up, but simmers as the deputy quickly moves along with her assignments. At least he isn’t stuck on a patrol with the worst of the three siblings. "Got it," he says, although his single eye shifts to Driftwood for a moment. Of all cats to be paired with, they certainly aren’t the worst. No, the worst is tucked away safe and sound in a nest in Moonbeam’s den, presumably bothering someone else for the night. But he doesn’t linger for long—he nods in Cricketchirp’s direction, awaiting their guidance, or whatever they have to say about the patrol.

  • ooc:
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    SANDPELT ❯❯ he/him, warrior of riverclan
    pretty, silky-furred tan tortoiseshell with one yellow eye. calm and hardworking, but can become snappy if angered.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

The warrior was perched on his hocks, belly to the ground and resting as the newest deputy calls for attention. His ears perk as his name was called, assigned to patrol Thunderclan border with Mothpaw with Mosspool at the lead.

" yes ma’am " Dogteeth mrrows, turning and rearing on his hindquarters slowly to peer over the cluster of coats to find his patrol leader. Spotting the tall tabby, he smiles and trots over quickly. Politely nodding.

" ready whenever! " he affirms, idly hoping if they are to run into a Thunderclan patrol it will be polite ones.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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Like his sister, Horizonpaw barely notices the tardiness of the deputy’s daily decree, if at all. By the virtue of never being fully conscious while Lichenstar had been deputy, and never having a deputy at all after that, the new apprentice thought his mother was doing a fine job. He’s proud, of course. It’s hard to be proud of one’s own mother (pride seemed to be such a parental thing to him, passed from the older to the younger), but he feels something like pride when he blinks at the willowy gray shape the Clan gathers around.

Curiously studying a bug floating on the surface of a puddle, Horizonpaw doesn’t realize it’s his day to go out until Eveningpaw bounds up and yelps the news right into his small ears. ”Hey! Huh?” The length of his tail lashes once, then he cocks his head slightly. My patrol… He supposes she did call Salmonshade’s name once in there; he’d recognized it out of all the other names, but his connection to it was a looser thing. ”Um… okay.” Horizonpaw furrows a stone-colored brow at her, attempting to dismiss her excitement with a shake. ”I don’t think there’s gonna be anything worth telling. Dunno, I’ll tell you if I saw anything,” he muses. With any hope, nothing would happen to him in particular.

riverclan apprentice | "speech." | tags
Splashpaw hadn't been excited to join patrols when Smogmaw sorted them out. To be fair, there were other cats with names similar to hers, and her appearance on patrols only lasted for a moon or so. She didn't blame the grey tom more than she blamed the circumstances of her life at the time. Not to mention, it was far easier to mind the nursery with her little siblings than wander the effective wastes with little know-how but too much expectation on her shoulders.

Still, though she doesn't exactly find Hazecloud with an air of awe and enthusiasm, positivity lights up her expression... until it doesn't. She's revoked from border patrols, unknowingly due to gossip likely in the nursery. She opens her maw to combat the thought, but Hazecloud continues to say that she'll be helping Moonbeam and Valepaw instead. At least... she won't be doing nothing? Anxiety at the mere idea makes her pout but she nods regardless. Her paws will still be useful this way - she's not being barred indefinitely... hopefully.

The black furred she-cat turns to find Moonbeam, her tail swishing low. ​
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool's tail flicked with slight irritation as Hazecloud finally sat in the center of camp. She had been sitting, waiting for far too long for a patrol assignment that should have been handed out already. Even as she recognized that it was - overall - only a minor delay, the thought did little to pacify her. Hazecloud had put her behind schedule, and she loathed to be behind schedule. The clan should be running better now that it had a deputy, not worse.

Still, when the deputy met her eyes she tried not to let her frustration show in her expression as she returned the nod she was given. Lichenstar had named Hazecloud deputy, and that deserved respect. Mosspool did, however, turn away quickly. She intended to make up for lost time.

"Ready whenever!"

Dogteeth's words grabbed her attention, and she returned his polite nod. "Then let us get Mothpaw and head out." She immediately replied. In her eyes there was no reason not to head out this very moment if he was ready.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
  • Like
Reactions: DogTeeth

⋆ 。° ✩  The clan has truly fallen apart in his fathers' wake. A false, star-damned leader who let Smokestar die in that gorge, a demise terribly unbefitting a cat so blessed. She speaks with a throat full of feathers, scars traced like wings across her neck. Plagued by twolegs, working with and welcoming kittypets, the humiliation - Lichentail makes a mockery of this clan. The terrible last laugh comes in the form of Hazecloud, a bumbling deputy fresh from the medicine den. She's bee-brained, too incompetent to even set out patrols.

Cricketchirp is quiet in her seething. Her tail flick-flicks to a careful rhythm, teeth grinting in time. Her lip keeps trying to tick into something snarling and cruel, but she does not let it. She is a disciplined warrior, and she serves her clan well. She will not stoop to the level of those she most hates.

Still, despite the resentment humming within the starblooded warrior's throat, he cannot help but feel satisfied to hear his own name called. Patrol lead. At least she has some semblence of sense in her brain. The stars pull is too strong to avoid it; she knows the pedigree he holds. His mouth curls into a polite smile, swallowing down venom as a tapered head dips in acknowledgement.

Their whiskers twitch, and they cast a quick glance over the cats they are to lead. "Come," he commands cooly, a clipped sort of chirp paired with the soft click of teeth. A wispy tail flicks, beckoning the patrol members onwards. "We shall leave at once - I do hope you are all ready?" It is an expectant sort of question, leaving no room for denial. They had best be ready - she does not have the patience to stay here for even a moment longer.

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  • CRICKETCHIRP he / she / they, warrior of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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