camp keep the lights on ➢ patrol return

pipitclaw !!

in the rain, do light and darkness fade!
Dec 13, 2023

Sharp inhales mark the concentrated effort of unsteady steps- hot and cold swirl in confusing dance where sweat beads in effort along his brow, simultaneously chilling where it touches skin. They were successful, in a way he was willing to take solace in but the victory tastes like ash in his mouth every time metallic tang reaches his nose- the guilt weighs more heavily than the acknowledgement of a mismatched gait. Hesitation had cost them, pettiness and vindictive anger had cost her... a willful, stubborn choice that strayed so far from the character he intended to be, than the self-assured hero he painted himself as.

He'd taken a chance, one based in recklessness and guided with wild-hearted guilt and despite the way he leaned so desperately for support enough not to fall, it hardly bothers him at all. It was justice... karma in the same way that he'd been afforded many times in fleshy pink scars; he'd proven that his greatest skill was survival, despite long odds. Swallowing down a heavy breath, the overwhelming scent of swamp musk and home is as reassuring as it can be... there is relief to be found in the return of four, alive and relatively unharmed.

Pipitclaw practically forgets that he isn't and practically lunges from Lilacfur's side to fetch Starlingheart- to make sure that his aunt can tend to her litter-mate quickly and promise him that his mistake had not been more than a scratch. That it would mend quickly- "AUGH," the numbness was a thankful side effect until tested... and the moment he set about walking off on his own the pressure of his own weight under-paw is humbling. Teeth grit in an effort to stifle the frustrated swears that flitter in explicit prose through his head, crouching down quickly to try and catch himself and at the very least not make it worse.

He turns to face his hindlegs, licking furiously at his lower back where blood welts in healthy blooms from a few open cuts- those should be fine... it wasn't the first or last time he'd likely experience a scratch. He stands again, far more ginger and hesitant this time and winces for how awkward it feels when four paws touch the floor and one feels particularly numb. "Well," he speaks to pull attention away from the way he limps to hide against Lilacfur again- "We found where it's made itself comfortable... and everyone made it back in once piece. I'd chalk it up to Lilacfur and I being exceptional combatants. You're welcome! Just report our good work to Chilledstar and Smogmaw and we can leave the solving up to them. I am exhausted and would like to take a nap," he declares, lying through his teeth as if that is the source of his lame treading.

no need to wait! this is following up after this thread, they've returned to camp after finding the badger set and escaping successfully. for the sake of not messing with timelines too much, it's safe to assume this would've been AFTER the gathering !!​

"Most fortunate that there are several available nests in the medicine cat den for you to rest in." The scent of blood is so thick he is swimming in it as he hobbles over, head raised and gasoline blue eyes wide briefly before narrowing in irritation to the loud-mouthed tom's commentary, for once unbothered by his boisterousness and volume but more what he was actually saying. There is a challenge in his gaze, piercing as any claw or hooked barb and his nose wrinkles as he wanders over with a light stumble before righting himself and moving to Lilacfur's otherside, "Both of you in the den. It is not a request."
Badger scent clings to pelts like filth, he feels his throat tighten as he resists the impulse to gag at it - wretched things, he recalls the scent easily enough from when Scalejaw also bore such a plague upon her pelt. It is a wonder their fur is not falling off in clumps from how horrific it truly is; scent alone like carrion beneath the sun but to be maimed and mauled by such a beast? He can already feel the head of infection prickling under fur.
The sooner they got to the den the better, he was already dreading cleaning any of these wounds given the source. Maybe he could bully Smogmaw into doing it when the deputy arrived with their stalwart leader for whatever report apparently couldn't wait until cats bled to death at his paws.
"Someone fetch our council, preferably with some urgency." Pipitclaw's confidence aside, a badger nest being located did not make a badger less dangerous. It just made the danger have a radius.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


Someone has fetched the council per Magpiepaw's wishes, all nonplussed in their urgency. They'd slabbered on about blood, an attack of some variety, and as their words trailed away, Smogmaw was already inbound for camp's entry point. A day without violence here in the swamp is nothing but a fantastical notion, thus - theoretically - his teeth shouldn't be so set on edge. However, just as the echoes of Bloodpaw and Singepaw's incident began to fade, this news barged right on in uninvited and all too soon. Bent and staggering bodies strew along the hollow's perimeter, and while the deputy gauges who is injured and to what degree, his head rears to the medicine cat apprentice.

"The wounds, are they similar to the two apprentices'?" It is the central concern to the scene at hand, and while it feels cruel to point out, it must be stated to confirm or deny a theory. Pipitclaw and the three lead warriors in his company all seem to stand distant from death's edge, so he needn't fret too badly there. They'll share a sound explanation for whatever mayhem happened, he's sure.

Pupils dilated to black pinpoints, his nostrils flare and Smogmaw inundates himself in the grisly details. Pipitclaw's coat is damp and sticky with a gungy maroon film, clotted fur matted around wounds of varying depths. Palpable in his yellowed stare are the blunted edges of his own exhaustion. "Got in a tussle, did you?" Deadpan eyes flit dispassionately from face to face, scanning for a visual answer. "What happened? Those two (he gestures toward Pipitclaw and Lilacfur, bound for Starlingheart's cave) look like they went off a cliff."

they hate that the smell of blood has become so... frequent. was that the word they're looking for? it seems like more times than not, shadowclan was being hurt by something. tested by the stars, and yet still they remained faithful to the starry warriors' ways, and did their best to prove themselves. for what? for more injury? to die a warriors death, even when all they wanted to do was to live? they wanted to do more than just survive– they wanted peace. peace they don't seem to ever get for long. as the leader makes their way over, their eyes widen at the sight and they're quick to go to forestshade's side.

"what happened out there? that was just supposed to be good old fashioned patrol."

the same foul smell that lingered on smogmaw, ashenpaw, and scalejaw slowly wades beneath the scent of copper. it's barely there but they're becoming rather numb to the scent of blood, either way. they couldn't remember what happened then. what was it?

"we can talk about it in the medicine cat den."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The scent of badger is still thick on her pelt, enough that Lilacfur can hardly tell which direction would lead to the safety of camp. With a stroke of stupid luck and an awful lot of fleeing and praying to the stars, though, they somehow made it all home alive.

While half her face stings with an eye drawn shut from the pain, and itches with drawn blood and fresh wounds, the lead can only feel relief that not all of them had gotten hurt. Forestshade did not have to draw her claws against an unseen enemy, and Sharpshadow was able to lead them away quickly while Pipitclaw... She looked to her nephew with a worried glance.

"Pipit!" She gasped as he moved from her side, surprised. Her questionable doubt that his wounds must look worse than they felt crumbled as he lamely drew back to her side. Still he continued to act strangely upon their arrival and looked between him and Magpiepaw, fully prepared to drag the chimera to a nest by his scruff if she had to. Don't make me get your father. She felt tempted to say, but that might only ignite the flames of whatever this act was.

"We found the badger's sett, the one that got Scalejaw? It's... very territorial." Lilacfur sighed as she took the dark toms assistance to her side. She nodded to Chilledstar as she made her way for the dark shadow den.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
Forestshade bursts into the camp alongside her clanmates, her dark ears pinned and her tail lashing. The blood stinging her nose is acrid and hot, and regrettably, none of it belongs to her. She feels like a coward. Claws sink into marshy earth as Pipitclaw sings his little song, telling the story of what happened. "Shut your mouth and get to Starlingheart's den," She half-snaps, half-grumbles to the tom, the hitch in her tone betraying her worry.

In moments, she feels her leader's pelt at her side and she turns her face to them swiftly, eager to have their familiar scent in her nose rather than the blood and badger-stench. After Lilacfur confirms it was the badger, she adds on, "We came back here quick as we could. We gotta send more warriors out, right? Before it gets to camp?" She just now realizes they could have led the thing straight back here! Guilt claws at her chest and her face hardens, chin pointing next to Smogmaw. "I should go, I- they did all the fightin' and I did nothing." It's a dumb idea, she knows, and not one any sane cat would ever agree to. But stars, how could she listen so easily to Pipitclaw and run?

No amount of prayers sent StarClan's way is enough to wash the camp free of fights, of quarrels, of blood. Mirepurr is very much accustomed to the way their breath gets stuck in their throat whenever they hear of something happening to their Clanmates, rattling wildly in their lungs as they hurry to the scene.

At least everyone from the patrol is able to stand. Pipitfur seems to be in terrible shape, but Magpiepaw is quick to usher him - and Lilacfur by extension - into his den for treatment. His no-nonsense attitude means he likely won't be challenged- or at least Mirepurr hopes Pipitclaw won't refuse, even if he wants to appear unscathed despite the blood trailing off of him.

Forestshade snaps, and Mirepurr's ears press against their skull, as if it's meant for them. They're quick to focus their attention on her now, following such a bold statement.

"You're not hurt, right?" The question pours out of their mouth before they can think about it, and they wish someone had foreseen their recklessness and slapped their maw shut for them. It's probably the spore spot for Forestshade now. "You're shaken. Don't go rushing back into danger."

That being said, she has a point. Mirepurr's eyes get pulled towards the entrance like they're expecting a blood-thirsty badger to shove its way through. "I can go. Before it gets closer to us." This time the words are directed at Smogmaw, wondering if he agrees with Forestshade's train of thought.


His eyebrows knit themselves in careful concentration as he struggles to find a comfortable position to stand in from aside his aunt; she cries his name so sincerely, he can't help but wince in sheepish guilt. Did she know? That he'd stalled... had let her lavender fur become splattered with a sickening shade of red all because he'd felt spiteful? "I just lost my footing," he hisses at her ear, unwilling to lock eyes with the warning glower that sits on her face.

The tip of his tail curves itself like an inquisitive snake the moment he hears shuffling paws approaching, turning to face a tremoring glare with his own fixed stare. The corners of his lips drag downward into an unimpressed frown; he'd have hoped to lick his wounds in private and be done with it, like he'd done a hundred times before but Magpiepaw's voice borders on a growl with the demand to shuffle along to the earthy den and for once, he's not keen to fight back. This is one of the few moments he is certain the bi-color medicine cat apprentice might be able to wrestle him into doing what he wanted...

"Worried about me," he asks, leaning forward (to relieve the weight at his back, really) to breathe with striking distance of the icy-gazed tom. He doesn't wait for an answer, nor for the claws he is sure will cuff his ears any second now. "Fine," he sighs, mocking a theatric defeat to mask his sincerest relief as Forestshade cuts in with a razor-edged voice to demand his compliance yet again. "I'll go if it'll keep you from barking at me more."

He awkwardly... doesn't take a step forward, hesitation forming a bead of sweat under a chocolate mask- he'd rather not relive the little yelp from before. Instead, waiting for the lead warrior's move first to try to plan his steps carefully to match hers and support himself subtly (it is not subtle how heavily he leans against her).​