camp KEEP UP [pafp]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Since coming to SkyClan and meeting all her family and her new clanmates, the sunburst-streaked kit has enjoyed her time spent in camp. Sure, she’s not allowed to leave since she’s just a kit, but she still has plenty of stuff to do while she’s here! The warriors and apprentices sometimes shoo her away when she tries to play with them, because they’re busy or something, but she has cousins here, and aunts and an uncle! But right now there’s nothing to do, and so the she-kit finds herself searching for someone to play with. Her sharp green gaze sweeps across the camp, and falls upon one of the warriors who's just returned from a hunt is a patrol or—or something important, probably. Her little brown ears flicker forward. The bright ginger and white pelt stands out against the dry browns and greens of the forest around them, and she recognizes the tom immediately, despite not having seen him for the past two whole days while she was at home.

"Greenkit!" She cries out, rushing over and practically diving at the lead warrior's paws. He's her uncle, but not today. She hasn't even asked if he wants to play, because of course he'll want to! Without giving an explanation, she barrels on, "Where were you? You know kits can’t leave camp!" Well, actually, she and Coffeekit can, but only when they're going to and from the twolegplace with their mom or Figfeather. But Greeneyes—Greenkit—doesn't live in the twolegplace, and so he can't leave camp. The kit giggles, but tries to disguise it behind a snowy-white paw. She’s supposed to be a queen, after all. Like Butterflytuft! And if Butterflytuft lost one of her kits, she would be sad—so Sangriakit thinks of her mother's frown and tries to replicate it, ears tilting back against her head. "I’m the mom, and I'm also the leader, so you have to listen to me," she announces proudly, waving a paw at him.


Of all the changes to his life in most recent moons, he thinks becoming an uncle is his favorite. Though the passage of time is incomprehensible, though he swears he and his siblings were only just apprentices, just fresh from the nursery themselves, the ginger tom has loved being able to watch Butterflytuft’s kits grow from the safety of camp. And though Figfeather’s kits are still new faces to him, he welcomes them to their growing family all the same when they’re around.

With Sangriakit and Coffeekit arriving and departing with Fantastream, Greeneyes is never quite sure when they’ll be around. The lead warrior doesn’t know they’re within the camp’s confines today; not until he returns back to camp. Carrying a bird between his jaws, frosted paws pad toward the fresh-kill pile to deposit the catch, only to be stopped by the squeaking call of… his birth name?

Huh? “ Greeneyes blinks, dropping the bird into the pile. Before he’s able to lift his head to spot the culprit, they find him instead, a cinnamon-splotched scrap of fur landing at his paws. “ Oh! “ he meows, his gaze brightening.

Hi, Sangriakit! “ he greets the kit, crouching down to her level, “ I didn’t know you’d be here today. Where’s your brother, cariño? “ His niece talks over his question, another asked of him. Where was he? He opens his mouth to explain, to tell her he was out hunting and about the bird he caught, but shuts it at her addition to the inquiry. Kits can’t leave camp, she tells him, and the lead warrior’s gaze scrunches in confusion, before he realizes.

This is a game. He must be Greenkit, for now.

Though his gaze remains shining as he looks down at his frowning kin, his ears flatten in feigned sorrow. He thinks he’s meant to be sad too, at least. He’s being scolded, right? This all feels foolish, but the tom goes along with it anyway for the sake of his niece. “ I just wanted to explore… “ A small sniffle follows for dramatic effect before his near-mirror insists she is his mother and the leader in their game of pretend. Greeneyes nods, crooked tail wrapping around his paws.

Sorry, Sangriakit — I mean, Sangriastar! “ the lead warrior continues, “ I’ll listen this time. Should I… Should I go back to the nursery? “ He tilts his head, tail idly thumping against the ground as he awaits instruction.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack