Keep your hands clean | rogue leftovers


Things have been strange lately, though Haze has, frankly, been far too busy to pay attention to much of it. There’s been next to no time to do anything fun lately: everyday is patrol, patrol, patrol, trying to hunt enough to make up for the absence of six hale and healthy warriors. They’ve been so tired every night that any thought of sneaking out after moonrise turns into hazy dreams of adventure as soon as their head touches the moss of their nest. They only wake up in the morning, when their mentor comes to get them for training or yet another patrol.

At least they can’t miss the adventuring: that would require more brain power than they currently possess. Between the itch of hunger and the fatigue there’s no chance of that happening anytime soon. Spending so much time pacing up and down the territory, they’re bound to see something interesting anyway.

And indeed she does, though not something she would have expected.

The river provides… but it doesn’t exactly provide enough for all of them to be perfectly fed all day, every day. Haze is kinda hungry all the time now: she’s a growing cat, and most of what they catch goes right to the queens and elders anyway. So when a nice tasty smell tickles her nose, her paws immediately turn her that way — stopping only when she notices the hint of rot to it.

Still they continue, nudging tall reeds aside to reveal the source of the scent. It’s a trout, a nicely-sized one too; but it’s been chewed pretty thoroughly, bite marks left in its scaly sides, and the flesh left on the bones had started rotting from being left in the shallow water, underneath the still-hot sun. They wrinkle their nose before the oddity of the situation occurs to them. They’re not supposed to eat prey before feeding the clan anymore, and they’re the first patrol to come this way today — so who ate this fish?

// mentor tag @CICADASTAR
rogues are eating the food STRAIGHT out of our fridge and making us clean up the dishes ):


Despite ever ansty paws, the need for more patrols and hunting was indeed tiring the lead warrior. Adding insomnia to the mix of busy paws, she was drained. It was as if the energetic light in her eyes faded even at the call of adventure. The fading heat of the season was bound to make fish draw in deeper levels and it was even more difficult with the mysterious water levels.

It seemed there was an additional problem now. Hazepaw came up upon a rotting fish which her nose had caught the scent of prior, following the youth to the scene. Either one of their clanmates was breaking the code or they had intruders. Petalnose drew closer and bent down to take in the scent which made her face screw up in disgust and raise her head to flee from the smell. "I don't think this is the matter of our members. I can't detect any of our cats' scent through the rot." She pointed out. It could be the water; sweeping away the scent of the criminal's distinct scent. Any cat it would be it made anger fuel within her, the fur along her back rose and a grumble of frustration left her lungs to start, "If they were to try to eat it without any cat knowing- they would have buried it. I think this is a message of some kind or someone is blatantly stupid."

Ratpaw found herself less upset by the fact that a piece of their prey had been eaten than by the fact that it had been chewed on and left to rot - wasted. Round ears flick back as the patrol moved forward, pausing for a moment as the smell of rot reached her nose. It was a new smell, but one she did not like, and Ratpaw would be making sure to tuck that smell far, far away in her memory hoping to get rid of that as soon as possible. "It's a weird message if it is one, so I think they're just stupid." She'd state matter-of-factly, promptly sitting down a couple tail-lengths away from the other two before her, trying her best to stay away from the rot stink that began to fill her senses. "What kind of message could it be anyway?" She couldn't help the curiosity and the intrigue of a puzzle, so despite her disgust in the moment she still looked over towards Petalnose, head tilted slightly as ears once more pricked, waiting to hear whatever answer those within the patrol could have.
  • mentor tag - @salmonshade
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Dark paws bring her closer to the group, her slender frame sliding through thick reeds. "A message?" She echoes from behind Petalnose, nose wrinkling at the rotten stench of aquatic flesh. "This would be quite the bold statement, to be left here on purpose." She couldn't pick up on any of their own clanmate's scents amongst the rot either. "A taunt maybe?" She finally murmurs, looking between those gathered. Could it have been one of the ripple colony members? She tosses the possibility around within her skull but decides against it. The group was relatively friendly for the most part. That only left rogues in the equation.
≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖

Lilybloom approaches the assembled cats, casting her eye down at discarded half-eaten fish. The smell makes her wrinkle her nose in disgust. "A taunt?" Lilybloom echoed, glancing at Sablepaw. Well, it was a possibility at least. Lilybloom might have said one of the clans but there was no scent to the fish other than the acrid stench of rotting flesh. "It must be rogues surely," Lilybloom mused, glancing around at her clanmates. "I can't imagine any of the clans even catching a fish much less wasting it. And this doesn't seem like something the Ripple Colony would do either."