camp Keep your head up! ☠ Exploding frog!


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 //Disclaimer: idk if any of this is accurate :'P

Bonepaw couldn't say the situation at hand particularly perturbed him. Yes, the predator situation was concerning, and the constant chirping at night was much louder than the usual cricket tune he often fell asleep to, but the pros outweighed the cons. Being a child born in the screaming winds of winter, he had watched how the queens - his mom - were glared at for having the gall to birth hungry mouths during the most withering time of year...Bonepaw was happy that his siblings wouldn't have any of that to deal with. Instead, Branchkit, Morelkit and Gigglekit all got to sleep soundly with the roundest bellies of any generation, and Bonepaw could ask for no greater miracle.
Plus, it was fun to take out his anger with endless amphibian slaughtering.

Perhaps then it was karmic justice that decided to strike this fine sunny spring day when Bonepaw came upon an old kill of his.
He'd bitten into the frog's chest when it had croaked too close to the apprentice's den at night. He hadn't been hungry, so he left the frog to rot. Beneath the increasingly hot new-leaf day, it did just that. It rotted, filled with gas, and where Bonepaw's teeth had punctured it's lung made for the worst kind of reaction.
Bonepaw would stumble upon his old kill when returning from camp after a tiring day of training to find his old froggy friend still waiting for him hidden in a grassy patch by the den entrance. Upon approaching the corpse, he found the thing had expanded to a frighteningly gargantuan size, which enticed the voiceless tom to creep a little closer.

And just as he leaned close to sniff at the body-

With a wet pop, the wretched thing exploded! Bonepaw recoiled, but it was too late - little frog guts and old blood covered his pale face. Green in the gills and wide-eyed from shock, one might've even accused Bonepaw of taking on the frog's features!
  • //AAAAAAAAUGH I'm sorry this is so painful and rushed - I wanted to make the deadline forgive me

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Sneezepaw had avoided frogs at any cost ever since the night of the invasion. They filled not only his nightmares, but his days - and if he could get out of hunting them, he would. Cursed, jumping snake heads they were, unpredictable and wild and so ugly. He wanted nothing to do with them after this was over with.

Sneezepaw had trained early that day, and decided upon a mid-day nap, lucky to be afforded such an opportunity. When he awoke and left the den a mere hour later, he was prepared to conclude the rest of his day with camp chores until night finally fell. Bonepaw was approaching the den, seemingly exhausted from training, and Sneezepaw dipped his head to greet his denmate on his way out. "Hey, Bonepaw -" he began.. only to be cut off by an explosion of blood.

Sneezepaw didn't notice the rotten frog until it was too late. Bonepaw's pale fur was stained with it now, and Sneezepaw brought a paw up to cover his nose, whilst side-shuffling around Bonepaw in attempt to start moving away from the scene. "Eugh... g-gross! Bonepaw, what just happened?" Sneezepaw's newest fear just got worse, and stars, he felt sick to his stomach. For once, he's thankful for the fur shielding a good half of his vision, and lowers his gaze to stare at the ground somewhere else.. all the while slowly backing away from the scene, with a forepaw still held over his nose and mouth.
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 6 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a

There is a usual position for her, paws folded away beneath her chest and tail close to her flank, situated in the space outside of the warrior’s den. There is a usual position for her: and as usual, it is one that goes interrupted. Her face turns towards the noise for no reason other than instinct—she is sorry she looked, as soon as she has.

For StarClan’s sake,” She snaps, “There are fresher things to eat than that.

Her nose curls; more judgement than disgust. For once in their collective lives, ShadowClan is burdened with more prey than they know what to do with, and the apprentices are still choosing the most taut-gutted scraps they could find. She stands and, rather pointedly, resettles with her back to Bonepaw and Sneezepaw.
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 31 moons | tags

✧ . Though Eerienight’s favorite passtime is to watch, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything like what takes place. It’s an odd sort of noise that captures his attention first, a strange pop that causes large ears to twitch and obsidian optics to shift toward the source. Just in time for the show, as bits of frog burst in every direction, a shower upon the apprentice who dared disturb its rotting grave — no doubt staining the pale cats fur. A reason to be glad he carries the night in his fur, that he wasn’t named Eerielight instead.

The scene garners a snort of amusement, a rare noise from the peculiar warrior. It’s gross and unfortunate for both the frog and Bonepaw, but still an odd image nonetheless.

Revenge, “ Eerienight offers an explanation. They’ve killed too many frogs; it must be so.​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    EERIENIGHT AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ✧ . ??? x ???
    ✧ . Mentored by Spectermask
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Perhaps the Clans will need to reevaluate their saying of hedgehogs might fly if frogs can literally explode right before you're about to take a bite. It's a guaranteed way to instill fear into the hungry hunter, anticipating gore that close to one's face.

Mirepurr as not seen anything like it - they're part of the younger bunch, yes, but that doesn't mean they haven't experienced a wide variety of odd things. Eerienight is quick to comment something of equal strangeness, and he might as well be right. Inflating a poor frog and waiting for it to go off like a ticking time bomb is surely not a sign from StarClan, but rather mother nature itself popping in to say something.

With a quite literal pop, too.

"Oh, Bonepaw," Mirepurr starts; it's barely a whisper, their eyes held wide, trying to get rid of the shock and instinctive disgust so that they can offer some help to the poor apprentice. "Come, we should... get that off of you quick." Pale fur has definitely gotten tainted already, but they don't want the horrid smell to cling on too much.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Perhaps Starclan thought to see it funny to make the frog explode on Bonepaw when he had been the one to have kill the creature and disrespectfully toss it to the side, ye Snowpaw had not been a witness to such an event or he'd have given the younger apprentice a lecture about the warrior code, especially number four. Aw well, what done was done. The pop! had clearly dragged attention from the others and even Snowpaw came into sight with a gentle sigh coming from his lips, Mirepurr gently coaxing to help get the froggy guts out of his fur.

"I think this should be a warning to get rid of the rotting frogs or else we'll probably have a bigger...problem on paws" he stated softly, trying to choke down his own amusement, this was no laughing matter and he felt bad for Bonepaw being the victim of dead prey's late attack of defense, well. They had a mess now so it was best if they began cleaning up instead of sitting here and making more of a spectacle of this already tantalizing thing.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Bonepaw was right - Gigglekit and her brothers slept with the fullest bellies of possibly any generation of ShadowClan thus far thanks to all the rain that had brought an abundance of frogs to eat, and yet the kit was still too young to fully wrap her head around the idea that this wouldn't be forever - she'd gotten lucky, been born at just the right time, to experience the frog boom, but she would have to grow up with scarcity in many seasons to come. At the very least, Gigglekit hadn't grown bored of eating frog.

The she-kit was playing with her tail near the apprentice's den when her older brother walked by, and it was only then that she really took notice of the bloated frog that was sitting nearby. She paused in her play, tail still in her mouth, and watched curiously as Bonepaw leaned in to examine the frog - and then, BLAM! the frog was gone and Bonepaw was covered in who-knows-what. Gigglekit's mouth dropped open.

"What happened to the frog?" She questioned, looking over at the other cats who had stopped nearby when Bonepaw had gotten exploded upon. They were all saying something about rot, but she wasn't quite sure what rot had to do with the frog being there one moment and gone the next. Had Bonepaw done some sort of magic to make it disappear the way it had?