camp keep your head up ~ visiting the medicine den

Tired paws trotted through the camp, several tails dangling from her clamped jaw. Her eyelids felt weighted, but she was determined to visit her injured friends regardless of how she felt. The heat had been rough today...probably because of the humidity from a developing thunderstorm, but despite that aspect, the hunting had been plentiful. Her patrol had been out since dawn, and they had returned with quite the haul.

As she approached the medicine den, it hadn't occurred to her that an apprentice had potentially already brought them prey, but she hadn't wanted to come in empty pawed. Oh well, if they've already ate, I can always take these back. she thought. The lead warrior poked her head in, the mice and voles swaying from side to side. "I broft goodies." she trilled, her voice muffled slightly. She lowered her head, setting the bundle down at her paws. "How are you guys doing today?" There wasn't a doubt in her mind that they were all going stir crazy by now...Even simply being in this den made her anxious. The mixed smells of herbs...the stuffy was overwhelming.

this takes place in the medicine den! (:


His eyes had been closed when Flamewhisker approached, but he had not been truly sleeping. When she begins to speak, announcing both her presence and that of the prey she brought with her, his green eyes opened slowly. "Hot," Flycatcher responded when she asked how they were all doing. "Very hot." The heat was quite bad outside but in the medicine den, it was quite unbearable what with all the bodies inside.Flycatcher was just glad there wasn't much for them all to do in the medicine den other than rest, he thought he might melt if he had to shuffle around organising herbs like Berryheart and Lichenpaw did. "Thank you for the prey, Flamewhisker. It looks delicious," Flycatcher mewed, smiling at his mate warmly. "How are things going around camp?"
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw has been in the medicine den more often than not lately; it seems like half of Howlingstar's council had managed to land themselves there, including the leader herself. He and Berryheart have their paws full. It's good to see a fresh face, not another apprentice (though Lichenpaw certainly appreciates that, not being so fully cut off from the apprentices he once trained alongside) but Flamewhisker, here to visit and not on prey duty. Not that that's stopped her from bringing, as she calls them, "goodies". Lichenpaw brightens a bit when he sees her, easily distracted from his confusedly staring at herbs as he tries to remember what they do. "Oh, heya Flamewhisker!" he chirps. "Thanks for uh, for — for stopping by."

She asks after the patients, and were Lichenpaw more socially graceful he might leave them to it, but instead he laughs a bit at Flycatcher's response, smile twisting wry. Very hot. "Yeah, can't, uh, can't be fun like long fur like that. I'm exhausted and I'm — y'know. Lot better, uh. Suited for this kind of weather. Not that anyone really is, heh. Feel like I'm — like I'm 'bout to melt in here," he prattles, before finally pausing to let the conversation continue. He gives a little nod and a smile as Flycatcher thanks his mate for the prey, miraculously having the restraint not to start thanking her again.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 12 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

Berryheart, given the time to get used to the den he made home and work within, hardly notices the so-called stuffiness that so many complained of during their stays within the walls. It was good, then, that none had to stay longer than a few weeks... though, he supposed, without healing purpose it was likely a restless stay within these insulating walls. Askew eyes slid over to the nearing conversation, the fire-painted pelt of Sunset making her way over to Blue, the undeniable scent of fresh prey overwhelming his senses for a moment. It rushed in with the draught of the breeze, and snagged his attention.

His attention lay solely upon the meals for a few moment, thoughts driftwood, until his apprentice's tone dredged up his attention. His apprentice. It was a reality that Berryheart at last held, and one of which he was taking great advantage. It was a privilege to have a student- frankly, he was almost upset he had not sought one sooner. The conversation lingered upon the temperature, and a subtle nod moved the medicine cat's head, slow and thoughtful. "You get used to it," he statued, voice as soft and monotonous as ever, an observation made in certainty.