private keeping time by a pendulum as the fabric starts to fray// scorchedmoon


swallowpaw 05 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

" Thats it! I- I quit, " for the first time in a moon, Swallowpaw finds himself at his breaking point - paws slamming against he ground as he abruptly stands/ He'd been fixing dens - yet again - and really enough is enough. Head turns with a snap to stare at scorched moon, mismatched shades of blue narrowed. " If you didn' wan' me to be your apprentice then- then you should've told chilledstar! You and Snowpaw are both the same! I hate you! " he snaps, harsher words than he really means but he's never been one to hold back. Honestly, it'd been a starclan sent miracle that he'd been so obedient as he had been - only his stubborn pride and need to be 'perfect' to prove Snowpaw wrong keeping him in line. But his frustration had only mounted, and he's ran out of outlets. " I'm your apprentice and all you've taught me is how to pick ticks and make nests! It's stupid - any mousebrain with half a sense could do it! I can't even eat unless I do chores, and you're always busy with Snowpaw 'stead of me! You don't teach me anything!" teeth snap and tail puffs, but Swallowpaw hardly stops there. " I hate you, " he snaps again, all but breathless now in his sudden flood of anger. He doesn't even care is Scorchedmoon gets mad - or rather, the boy hopes he does. A least that'd be better than being ignored by the mentor thats supposed to also be his.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

// @Scorchedmoon
Managing both Swallowpaw on top of Snowpaw has been… rough, to say the least. Before now, Scorchedmoon has been able to both give Swallowpaw tasks to keep them busy as well as making sure Snowpaw gets out for proper training. She only has so much time before she’s a warrior herself, after all. But just as all things when enough pressure is applied, it’ll snap eventually. And Swallowpaw has seemingly reached his breaking point.

Scorchedmoon doesn’t say anything at first, letting the young apprentice get it all out. He understands especially what it’s like to be ignored. Even his parents, the one stable thing in his life, tended to be ignorant of his plights. He always feels like an outcast, despite being born in ShadowClan itself. But his own feelings only matter so much, right now. Even as Swallowpaw says that he hates him, he doesn’t do much.

When there’s finally a quiet moment, he gives the brown and orange cat a very apologetic look. What more can he do, really? “I’m sorry all the tasks I give you aren’t exactly… more entertaining. I can’t change the rules set in place, though. I’ll take you out to do proper training soon enough! It’ll only be another moon, right? So just hang tight.” Scorchedmoon smiles, though it’s awkward. He’s not sure what else he can say.​