camp keeps the medicine cat away ☀︎ apple

A warrior had brought it in and left it at the edge of camp, drawn to other duties and their piqued curiousity of the item forgotten, but Sunfreckle had not forgotten. He had been staring at it in confusion for some time before wandering over to investigate, leaving the nursery mouth and his kits behind to loom over the red object dragged into their midst. At first he thought he some two-leg toy, a ball to bat about your paws but as he sat on his haunches to tap at it he found it to be an apple. Shiny surface and bruised in a few places where it had assumedly fallen from the tree and landed roughly. The red tabby wants to ask where it had come from exactly, to make a mental note of the area to explore himself later but the cat who had delivered it to camp had long since been sent on another patrol by now so he tilted his head down to pick it up by the nub of a stem and carried it back with him to the center of the camp to drop once more, "Kits, come look. This is an apple." He was sure if he struck it hard enough it would break open and let them take a nibble of the insides but if he recalled correctly you could even chew through the skin on the top though he doubted their kitten teeth could manage. Though maybe they could...a few of them were quite the biters.
It would not be a very filling feast and not as good as proper prey, but it was an experience at least; something new to try and keep their attention, a warm memory to tuck into the back of their minds when days grew longer as they did.
Sunfreckle settled back on his haunches once more, rising to his hindlegs and with his full weight he slammed his lone paw down, dropping the entirety of his force upon the apple where it split almost cleanly down the center to fall apart and also knock him off his balance; sending him teetering until he landed on his side with a loud 'whump' of a noise, plush fur frizzing up in embarrassment.
Sunshinekit slouches in a nearby warm patch, eyes half lidded. One would think that they're watching their Clanmates idle and meander by - however truthfully, the kitten is fast asleep, eyes just open enough out of a newborn forged habit not yet lost. They hardly notice when Sunfreckle trots away to inspect a curious object, only stirring awake when the other whacks his paw onto it and stumbles to the side afterwards.

Green eyes shoot open and the chubby kitten bounces to their paws, only to stumble a bit as well. They glance around, confused, before bringing themself closer to Sunfreckle. The grey and cream kitten presses their face against their father's, plumed tail dragging on the ground, before they turn to look at the apple. "Oh..." they start with their naturally slow drawl, though they have no want to inspect it themself. Instead, they offer their one observation, "It's red...! And... white?" They hadn't expected an apple to have such pale innards -though, in truth, they don't expect much out of apples at all.​
At his fathers call, there is no reason to fear. Rainbowkit is enjoying the sun while it lasts, when Sunfreckle calls. They do not yet understand how the sun would ever not last. In the future, would it just be night, all the time? Would they have to become sneaky ShadowClanners, painting their pelts black and creeping alongside the swamp monsters... That would probably be too silly, they think.

" An apple, " Rainbowkit repeats the word mildly, testing out the word. They were much better at speaking now than they were a few moons ago. Once he gets enough practice, any word can be easy on his tongue. It's red skin reminded him of the " raspberries " they had seen once before, something else new and fun from nature. They wonder if Berryheart or Lichenpaw studied things like " apples " and " raspberries. " The kit watches as Sunfreckle looks very fierce for a second – like a warrior, and Rainbowkit is supposed to be a warrior someday... But he wasn't very fierce. Not at all.

It's almost magic, the way Sunfreckle splits it open, and Rainbowkit lets out an Oooooh of wonder. Sunshinekit is shocked by the sudden change in color, which Rainbowkit can understand. He thinks of fresh - kill, with brown and grey fur and ooey gooey insides. Did they have ooey gooey insides? " The red is like... apple fur, " they guess. And with this conclusion... " Is it food? " They hope it's food.

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 3 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.