pafp Kids again ☠ Cloud-watching


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 Lifting a too-pale paw, Bonepaw points at a smudge of equally pale fluff piebalding the sky, "A fish".

Bonepaw wasn't the most interesting guy to spend time with. Every morning, Bonepaw got up at a reasonable hour, went to Nightwhisper for training, went on patrols when he was assigned some, and dutifully followed through on his chores to wind down after the busy day. He did everything without protest, usually without a word at all. He did what he had to, and found no reason yet to complain, so on and on the same day repeated. Today was no for the fact that the chores were done quicker than expected.

@Snowpaw. was a cat Bonepaw didn't find particularly interesting. He was quiet and did his work - usually efficiently enough to make for a suitable team-mate. He bickered with some apprentices, he got along with others, he was neither a prodigy nor a disappointment...mostly, though, he didn't do anything of note with any of Bonepaw's siblings so...yeah, Snowpaw never really caught his eye.
Today, though, he and Snowpaw had been assigned to clean out the apprentice's den. They got it done in a single hour when most 'paws their age took almost an entire day. Now, the two pale-coated boys sat, waiting for their mentors to return from patrol to give them another chore. At least, until they realized almost at the same time that there weren't any other chores. With the day's happenings calculated to the minute by a very efficient leader and deputy, the clan's duties were all already assigned and accounted for. No patrols needed extra paws, no other apprentice teams needed extra cooks in the kitchen, and the nursery and elder's den were busy teaching the kits safety lessons so...
There was nothing else to do but kill time.

So, Bonepaw started watching the clouds.
Before long, he pointed out shapely forms among the atmospheric sheep's wool. The intention hadn't necessarily been to share the moment with Snowpaw, but if he was sticking around, then Bonepaw didn't mind letting him into his bubble.

There was nothing else to do before dinner, so, why not?

"That one's a..." he pauses, suddenly unsure. It was a bulbous cloud, with two little puffs on either end of its north side. Then, on the east and west, two thick strings of clouds slowly drifted away from the rest, extending like the cloud itself was leaping. This cloud was a...
  • //takes place before emo-fying Bonepaw <3

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

[ ༻❄༺ ] The day had felt oddly...slow, Bonepaw and he had gotten their chores done quite quickly and the patrols had fasten themselves as well leading to the two having...almost nothing to do. So the two just found themselves just staring at the sky, watching the puffy white patches–clouds float across their sight, and then Bonepaw began to point out clouds resembling shapes, the first he pointed to said look to be a fish–which of course it did look like one, making a silent huh come from the older apprentice.

He continued though, pointing to another one but hesitated to what it could be which made Snowpaw hum as he begin his examination over a cloud and a slight chuckle played on his lips. "A rabbit?" he asked the other boy before focusing his attention back to the puffy clouds before them. Well, this was one way to past the time he supposed, since there really wasn't much to do aside from look at the clouds and try to figure out what exactly they resembled.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Unlike the apprentices, who had days of chores to look forward to in their youth, Gigglekit was free to do as she pleased, one of the benefits of being a kitten in a Clan. She was happy to live her life carefree until the day came where she'd be just like Snowpaw and Bonepaw, stuck cleaning nests and dens and yet still finding the little things in life, like looking to the sky and seeing shapes in the clouds. Gigglekit hadn't had any interest in chores, but when she'd noticed the apprentices calling out what clouds looked like, she'd bounced over to join in.

"That's no rabbit!" She squeaked in protest, placing herself between the two older toms as she looked up at the sky. How could Snowpaw even guess something like that, when it was so clearly a- "That's'a duck, silly!"


Watching the clouds could be difficult on a schedule that flipped from day to night with no provocation, but, with her children and their friend settled with their noses pointed towards the sky, the tabby had decided that she would be the cool mom and join in with their activity. Wordlessly, she shuffled towards an empty spot next to Bonepaw, tapping him on the back with a tail still laced with the cinnamon-and-white feather he'd once given her. Before she could offer her own input, Snowpaw had declared the great big cloud in the sky to be a rabbit, Ferndance's eyes narrowing at the fact. She saw two clouds jutting out from the centre of a mass, a little mass of grey resembling the beady eye of WindClan's favourite food. She could picture the cloud leaping across the sky from white bush to white bush, hiding from the predatory rays of a sun that sought to scorch it. That's no rabbit! The squeaky voice brought her out of her daydream, so indignated that Ferndance had to do a double take to make sure it was her daughter speaking. Sure enough, it was, the she-cat seeing a... duck?

Fern looked again, looked for a long time, until eventually, she tilted her head and saw it. The splayed limbs of a fleeing hare turned into the elongated bill of a duck, the beady eye seemingly turned in the other direction. Instead of running for dear life, it seemed to talk to the sun instead, yapping about things not even the cinnamon tabby could imagine. Her maw parted in shock that the image had changed for her, she decided to try it in reverse, think of a rabbit again - sure enough, the shapechanger had struck again. "Woah...." awe filled her voice until it was nearly overflowing with it. "It's a... rabbit-duck." No, there had to be a better name for something so mystical, such a common moniker would not do. Silence consumed the mindblown mother for but a second before she followed up with, "A ruck."