Oct 30, 2022


"Tch! Really?" A scowl creased the tom's features as he discovered his nest in the warrior's den in an unkept state. The question was as to who exactly had done such a thing. Cheeky or careless apprentices? A disgruntled fellow warrior? Or maybe the queens had let their bloody broods loose? Regardless, the black tom strode out into the heart of the camp with his fur bristling in evident irritation. "Alright, who thought it was fucking funny to wreck my bed? Fess up now and you might be spared a worse punishment!"

The scruffy elder can understand the other tom’s anger. His own nest once ended up ruffled and unkempt after a particularly rough apprentice cleaned the elder’s den, and he’d given that kid a piece of his mind just as Blackmoon is currently doing. Olive eyes squint at the warrior as Viperstrike considers offering his assistance in fixing up the warrior’s nest—but that would require him to leave his comfortable spot on the ground. "Ah, them young’uns can be in a rush sometimes. Ya sure it’s intentional?" He doesn’t really care if the cat at fault is punished, but Viperstrike would hate for an innocent apprentice to face Blackmoon’s wrath.

Oh, dear- a poorly-constructed nest truly was a terrible crime. To revoke a cat of such a precious thing- perfect rest- it was cruel, even when done carelessly. Never did Berryheart dare to leave the construction of his bedding to another, for he did not trust them with the art he had dedicated so much of his life perfecting. One day he intended to pass along his wisdom- but for now, most bedding-construction was done mostly for himself, before only his own eyes. Time that might have been spent crafting bedding was now spent attempting to track down herbs, many of which he had little use for. Oh, this freedom was overwhelming...

To be faced now with something so wonderfully familiar was a blessing, truly. Olive eyes lingered upon the mess for a few long moments, pondering clear upon his face- one could perhaps hear the cogs whirring away. His tongue clicked a tut upon the roof of his mouth, and the tiniest shake of his head disturbed his stoic stillness. "I'll make you a better one, if you want..." he hummed, disdainfully examining the botched handiwork. Terrible- he could not blame the other for throwing a tantrum. Big Mama better not have heard, though... she was not fond of dirt-mouths.

Flycatcher had been sat peacefully in camp when Blackmoon strode into the heart of camp, fur bristling, demanding to know who had ruined his nest. "Be mindful of your language when there are kits about," Flycatcher warned. His tone was firm but he was not unsympathetic to the plight of the older warrior. Berryheart was already offering to help remake Blackmoon's best and Flycatcher smiled at the medicine cat's offer. "If you don't find the culprit, I would definitely take Berryheart's offer," Flycatcher advised in a lighter tone. "Our medicine cat is a bit of a pro when it comes to making nests."


"I'd imagine it was intentional, my bed is spread out all over the damned den!" Blackmoon huffed as he looked towards the elder, his annoyance not simmering to any degree. He had his doubts about it being the work of some careless runt, it did genuinely look like someone was out to piss him off. Well, they had succeeded!

When Berryheart offered to make him a new nest he couldn't help but let his shoulders sag as he offered a firm shake of his head. "I'm not having our only medicine cat toil away doing a duty primarily reserved for the likes of apprentices and warriors. Besides, it'll be the fucking culprit who'll be fixin' it up." He explained as his nostrils briefly flared when he gave a hard exhale. Though he couldn't help but scoff and roll his eyes when Flycatcher told him to watch his language. "Bloody hell, fine. Could the fucking shit-stain who tore up my nest step forward, please. Better?"

Burnkit had not been the one to wreck Blackmoon's nest but man he kinda wished he had been! The dark-furred warrior was so irate it was kind of funny. His eyes dart to his uncle as he offers to build the other a nest, a frown crossing his face for a split second. He wanted Uncle Berry to build him a nest! Especially if he was a professional at it. He can't even imagine how amazing his sleep would be if he had a nest all to himself, maybe lined with the softest moss available and feathers!

His attention is brought back to Blackmoon as he says something else, his words didn't sound too polite to Burnkit, but what did he know? Perhaps this was this tom's normal polite voice, perhaps something was wrong with him."What's a shit-stain?" he asks, eyes wide with curiosity and head tilting slightly. Whatever it was the word sounded funny!
( ) With aching paws, Flamewhisker followed her fellow clanmates back into the camp after a long patrol. Within moments, she spotted a bristling, angry figure. Her heart sank as she realized just who it was...oh no.. Her ears lowered, and she padded over with her head hanging slightly. She swallowed, then sighed. Out of all the warriors she had to piss off, it had to be him. "I'm was me. I-I overslept for the patrol and I hurried out of the den and slipped, I'm sorry.. I was going to fix it when I got back, I was planning on being back before you noticed but the patrol took longer than we thought." now you've done it!

"I'll go fix it right now." She started to pad off, but Burnkit's words caught her off guard. What's a shit-stain? Were all of the clan's kits cursing nowadays? She shot Blackmoon an irritated glare, then glanced at the young kitten. "Nothing nice, it's language he shouldn't be shouting in the middle of the camp."

All the shouting and commotion by the warrior's den almost drew him there out of curiousity alone, but it was spotting Burnkit head there that finally had him standing with a groan; he could hear his bones pop and crackle from disuse as he did so. The sooner he got back out of the nursery the better.
Sunfreckle hobbled over on his three legs, slow but strangely balanced despite his lack of the fourth limb and his hefty size; he only caught the tail end of what was happening but very quickly put together what the issue was in his head. His green gaze drifted from Flycatcher, Viperstrike and then to Berryheart in a quick sweeping glance.
"Burnkit, don't repeat that." He said first, frowning intently before looking to Flamewhisker's frazzled demeanor and then the furious Blackmoon acting like a disgruntled kitten over something so trivial. He'd heard Howlkit shouting at another kitten and felt that was a much more mature scenario than this; imagine being so uncouth in front of children. "Why don't you go play?" The gentle soft mewl of his voice soon shifted as he turned, tail up at the dark tom and a wrinkle in his nose to display his dissappointment in the other. Accidents happened, StarClan knew he was a clumsy tom himself and he'd kicked his fair share of nests accidentally but this was a bit much.
"Do you often scream at your clanmates like a child? If so then perhaps you'd rather join me in the nursery where you can be coddled like the kitten you are proper."
It was a boldness Sunfreckle wasn't accustomed to displaying, he was usually quiet and almost timid in nature. But something had changed recently that he couldn't quite place.

Awoken from his rest outside of the nursery, Fireflykit manages to catch the tail-end of what was going on just in time to see Burnkit in the distance. Standing up on long, wobbly legs, the little tom makes his way over, and over, and over- until he's right in front of Blackmoon- glaring up at the tom. His fur was fluffed out, making him look like a ball of fluff instead of an actual cat.

"Don't talk like that in front of my baby brother!" He shouts at the Warrior, fuming from his ears as he turns to look at Burnkit, who seemed more interested in what the curseword the man said than hurt by it. He didn't care, how dare that stupid tom say those words where Burnkit could hear. Didn't he know that kits like Burnkit copied weird words that sounded cool to him? "C'mon, bubba. Let's go find grandma, maybe she'll teach us how to properly hunt." He huffs out, moving in to gently bump his head against his brother's own affectionately.

Oh dear. The language she is hearing is chaotic, and someone would even say a bit much. Especially given the circumstances. As her paws brush the ground the woman's paws can feel the tattered remains of one of those nests. The ones that they sleep on and she finds very difficult to sleep on herself. The idea and feeling of them just doesn't sit well with her. Still the albino molly lifts her head up, those pinkish blue hues settled on what she assumes is the cat that is having a terrible time with his nest being ruined and all of that. Though she can agree with Sunfreckle. Getting all out of sorts over something that can be fixed is a waste of energy. Her muzzle parts before she closes and then gives a long sigh. "It'll definitely be okay. The mess is temporary and I'm sure it won't take too long to make you a better nest."

Plus she thinks his foul language needs to stop with so many kits around.[/COLOR]


Surely the clan was well aware about how much a tom like him savoured his naps? The chances of him failing to notice that his nest had been wrecked was incredibly slim, so the situation had never been in Flamewhisker's favour. Blackmoon shot the she-cat a death-glare, but it soon softened. "See to it that it doesn't happen again." He huffed as his fur finally began to cease bristling. If it had been an apprentice then things wouldn't have simmered so soon, but he couldn't bring himself to full on explode towards the other warrior. "Plus I'd like to see how you'd all act once you're my bloody age. Naps become important, and I can't just sleep on the hard ground. My joints ache enough!"

Though it seemed that others had something to say about his language use. Sunfreckle made a threat about sending him to the nursery, which only earned them a wicked grin in response. "Hrm... sure, you could stick me in the nursery. Makes it easier to teach the kits about my special lil' 'sentence enhancers'." There would be no hesitation made towards turning the entire youth of ThunderClan into mini versions of himself.

Blackmoon lowered his gaze until he was able to take in the sight of the fuzzball that was also now addressing him. Fireflykit, right? Damn, it was getting hard keeping track of all the ankle-biters zooming about. "Whatever, kid."