private KILL THE LIGHTS [✨] search party

The search and rescue patrol makes quick work in trekking across the territory. Figfeather stops in her tracks every so often to taste the air, encouraging @Daisypaw to do the same. She had not been positive about bringing him on this patrol, if they had to face a dog, would he be ready? It’s why she decides to murmur to him that if anything were to happen he’s to run back to camp for reinforcements. That would be his job if it came to the worse.

As for @DROWSYNOSE and @CHRYSALISWING , they too are searching for signs just behind her. With all their eyes peeled Figfeather prays to StarClan that they’ll find Twitchbolt soon, and they’d find him safe. ”Twitchbolt!” Figfeather let’s loose a howl, pointing her ears upwards to listen for a yowl back. ”Do you either of you smell anything yet? Twitchbolt? Dog?” With each second that slipped by her heart grew heavier with worry. What if he hadn’t been able to outrun the dog? Climb out of its grasp? Her stomach twists at the idea of finding him torn and bloodied, to escape death by fox just barely only to shortly after have his life taken from him by a dog would be nothing but cruel.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

For a tom who often startled at the slightest whisper, who shook no matter what, perhaps the patrol was expecting to find some pathetic, snivelling mess. Fit for the coward who'd turned away from deputyship, certainly. Knowing he'd meet disapproval, most likely, did not for once show on Twitchbolt's face. Paws of white and chocolate pranced skillfully through the treetops, and eyes newly clear of consuming fear gazed through the gaps of sunlight. He was homeward bound.

If it wasn't for Figfeather's shout, Twitchbolt probably would've sailed right past the patrol, unnoticed. From a height, he noticed them- an old friend of pale marmalade, accompanied by her apprentice, Chrysaliswing and Drowsynose. Twitchbolt, they shouted- looking for him. And maybe an hour or so ago he'd have been shocked they'd bothered, but... now it wasn't so difficult to believe, anymore. He'd patrol for any one of them, tirelessly... until the night grew old and pale.

The tension between him and Figfeather was clear from his eyes as he descended from the tree, looking to her with a trembling but genuine smile on his face. There wasn't anything about him that suggested he'd ran a dog deep into the belly of Twolegplace this same afternoon. "Ss-sorry, I got further away than I meant to," he announced, a slight breathlessness in his voice. "I'm not- not hurt. Is... is Butterflytuft alright?"
penned by pin ✧
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the moment he had been called to join a search party, his body began to tremble with uncertainty. what could he possibly do in a situation like this? he was named so clearly for his nose, his tracking skills were some of the best in skyclan, and yet he shook like a leaf at the very prospect of having to use it. still, he doesn't argue with figfeather. he doesn't call out for twitchbolt as his clanmates do, instead sniffing the air, and wincing at the very clear smell of dog. it's a smell he could pick up anywhere. he twitches his nose and gently parts his mouth to taste the air. somewhere in there is twitchbolt's scent and hes around here. luckily, they need not look far because he's back. drowsynose sighs in relief that the scent of blood isn't present. he nods and gently bumps his head against the older tom's shoulder.

"g..glad you're s-safe. b-butterflytuft i-is okay, too."

When his mother had come home with a kit and a stranger Daisypaw had been confused and concerned, when he realized that Twitchbolt was missing from the group and had heard that the former deputy had ran off to distract the dog and lead it away he had been scared - not for himself, no, but for Twitchbolt. The idea of the other being cowardly never crossed his mind, for as long as the young apprentice could remember Twitchbolt had always been a good warrior, a cat to look up to. The shaking and constant twitching from where the tom could only assume he'd gotten his name from was not at the forefront of his mind, but the idea of choosing to distract a dog when there was no guarantee was both brave and scary - he wanted to be brave like that.

When Figfeather had opted to take him with her on the patrol to find the lead warrior he didn't hesitate to nod his head and jump to his feet, ready to go wherever it was that was needed. This wasn't going out into the territory to train, it wasn't something that benefit himself, it was a potential rescue mission and he couldn't afford to be scared to leave the camp, his patrol couldn't afford that, Twitchbolt couldn't afford that. Despite this when he'd been told that at the first sign of danger that he'd be in charge of running back to camp to get warriors he couldn't help but be relieved.

He couldn't help the small sigh of relief that escaped his maw at the sight of the brown and white tom, uninjured and not being followed by a dog, moving towards them. "She brought a kitten home!" The apprentice would speak soon after Drowsynose. Twitchbolt had been there to see the kit originally, he was sure of that, so he was sure he'd be happy to know the kit made it back safe too.
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The trees- of course! That is where she should’ve been looking. Instead she is startled and relieved by the tom-cats sudden appearance all at once. ”Oh! Twitchbolt!” She exclaims, bouncing back a step to give him room in his descension. As Drowsynose moves to bump his head to Twitchbolt’s shoulder she looks him up and down, fully prepared to find an injury upon him. Pleasantly she is surprised, he doesn’t even look like he’s had an encounter with a dog!

”Yeah, she’s okay. Fireflypaw was checking her over when we left.”” She echoes Drowsynose. ”It’s a good thing you were with her, she might’ve returned home then with more than just a limp.” ’If at all…’ when was the last time Butterflytuft touched up on her warrior training? Could she have defended herself?

Daisypaw exclaims that she brought a kitten home, Figfeather had half-forgotten about the white newborn that had been seated at her paws. Her curiosities on where it came from could wait for later. ”Is the dog gone?”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The emotions of others were the one thing that Chrysaliswing could not easily foresee. It was not like the weather, of which he could quickly divine the portent omens that a greying stormcloud or a dimming sun would bring, for example. Feelings and passions seemed to be much more mercurial, as if they had been built upon water's foundation, ever-shifting and never-remaining. He prided himself as a constant block of stone, at the very least (that was not true, but he hardly took the time to reflect...) For whatever reason, Twitchbolt had run off, though impassive eyes could not see through the reason why one would stay gone for so long. Grimly, the tortoiseshell-tinged feline recalled his own encounter with a canine, the slavering beast with lashing tongue and gnashing fangs, never ceasing its attack upon his path. Did Twitch meet a much more mordant fate? The chimaeric tomcat held his head high, reedlike whiskers twitching as they swam in stagnant air, as gusts of nothing-scent swirled along his cheek-fur. Tasting the air, he snorted as if the search itself were futile, and they had just been dipping their paws within the winds for no apparent reason.

"No, I don't sense him yet. Are you sure he's even-" Chrysaliswing grumbled before a familiar stutter interrupted them, stolid glow of light amongst the darkness of their search, and a breeze of relief at a reunion. He would have never admitted it, but there was a gladness that furrowed within him. Much to the tomcat's dismay, Twitchbolt had proven himself to be an invaluable asset to Skyclan. It would be a disservice for Chrysaliswing to truly wish the sandalwood-and-tan-hue cat a caustic death. "Oh. Thanks for showing up." The longhaired warrior muttered to Twitchbolt, noting how the lead warrior's breath seemed to recede much farther and with much more veracity than usual, as though his sentiments had swelled and ebbed to knock him out of sorts. "We found him, so let's start heading back. We can worry about any dogs or whatever later." Immediately did Chrysalis turn upon his heels and begin the trek back.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 26 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


The sight of all of them- even Chrysaliswing, to his abject surprise- brought some sunlight within him. Green eyes glimmered with gladness and relief, past the spasming, the twitching. Drowsynose as ever was kind, accomodating- Twitchbolt greeted the young warrior with a smile, leaning into his touch, sincere and true-hearted- for once, he didn't find himself prying open his words, searching blood and guts for any ounce of insincerity. For now, in this probably-temporary calmness, he could hear appreciation and not want immediately to bat it away.

Butterflytuft was okay. Relief warred against a tangible tightness in his chest- until he saw he, he wouldn't be able to relax fully, but hearing it was some great relief. Daisypaw chirped up, next- she brought a kitten home! Twitchbolt's face brightened, another breeze of relief flattening scruffy fur. The kit was safe... Butterflytuft's bravery had got her there, he was sure. Bravery that not everyone saw- the sort that lived within selflessness, and spurred her to do the right thing. "Yeah? Thank the stars," he purred, a shaky, hoarse thing but truthful in its sweetness. Everything had turned out alright, just like... like it always seemed to. But you ouldn't fall back on that- you had to do something.

Chrysaliswing's words were guarded, but at least not vicious- Twitchbolt gave him a smile that, in the moment, arrived quite easily. He nodded to the ember-twisted warrior, a long blink masking his eyes, before attention found its way back to Figfeather. "Uh- yeah, well. Couldn't do much else, could I?" Let the dog chomp her? Cower in fear, freeze- fail to save her, die anyway? Really there were no other options. Chrysaliswing was eager to get home, and Twitchbolt mirrored his sentiment- besides, even if they wnted to track the dog down they'd be waltzing right into its territory.

"Hopefully there'll be no later. It... it chased me for a while." Dogs were easily distracted, lolling,snapping things... but he didn't think they had much capability for vengeance. It likely wouldn't find its way back for a while.
penned by pin ✧

Figfeather shoots a side-eye at Chrysaliswing as he spun around and began to head back. She doesn’t get the chance to scold him before Twitchbolt appears to lean towards leaving too. Hopefully.” She flicks her tail impatiently thinking of what might happen if they left a dog running around unchecked, but she supposed it’d be best to get Twitchbolt home. She could speak with Orangestar and Cherryblossom about sending stronger patrols out later to ensure it was gone for good. Turning on her paws she begins to hobble back home, grateful they had found Twitchbolt in one piece.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing