private KILL THE SOUND / magpiepaw

The initial sting — of rejection and confusion, which had lodged itself like a strange thorn in Hawkcloud's chest during the meeting — had faded nearly as quickly as it had struck. She felt certain that Magpiepaw had a perfectly reasonable explanation for not approaching her after being named her new apprentice, and even for the fierce glare they directed at Lichenstar instead of meeting her gaze. The she-cat's certainty only grew stronger after she'd had a good rest and could forget a bit of the anger in the younger cat's eyes. Though the reason itself remains undiscovered as yet, Hawkcloud is sure that as the two grow closer with time, they'll share a hearty laugh over the matter once it's revealed. She guesses that Magpiepaw must be nervous about the uncertain situation, a theory solidified by their reluctance to greet her and their failure to return her smiles when she passes by. But Hawkcloud has pondered deeply on the best way to continue her new apprentice's training, convinced that they would warm up to her soon.

In the soft light of early morning as the greenleaf sun begins its ascent, promising a day of warmth before the stifling heat arrives — Hawkcloud calls Magpiepaw from the apprentice's den. With a spring in her step, she guides the black-and-white feline through the whispering reeds toward the beech copse, where the trees arch gracefully overhead and cast a welcome hatching of shadows upon the clearing. She bounces on her paws in excitement as they enter the grassy area and she turns to face Magpiepaw. This will be her first time as a mentor, and she looks forward to teaching the apprentice all she can. She's earned the honor, as Lichenstar believes. And their leader couldn't be wrong. "So," Hawkcloud chirps, her voice bright and cheerful, her eager smile bright as the day's sunshine. The misunderstanding of the meeting was behind them, and everything would be alright. "Where did your last mentor leave off?"

/ @Magpiepaω
〕This was a terrible idea.

This had to the worst sort of thing to happen.

Was Lichenstar upset with them?

No that couldn't be- what could've they done wrong? The whirl of thoughts and feeling swirled like as potion waiting for just the right ingredient to explode upon its unsuspecting victim. The black and white cat had been called upon by fiery fur from across camp and they had been sitting outside the apprentices' den. What could that cat possibly want? Though then the secondary thought process of this was now their mentor that they had to interact with and enjoy time around. They had to teach them how to be a warrior now and be someone that the clan could be proud of. That Gladefrost could be proud of.

That infuriated them.

Magpiepaw had no choice but to get up from where they lay and follow the ginger and white warrior into the reeds of the territory. They had been quiet for the most part like they usually were as they had nothing of want to say to Hawkcloud. Why did Lichenstar choose her? She was so- bouncy. The warrior was practically bouncing out of their fur as they came to a clearing in the different fronds of the nearby willow tree and fern bushes. They raise a brow at the warrior and wonder what was going on in their head for them to be so- excited.

Surely no one was that excited to see them, they were nothing special and they doubt this warrior will be able to teach them anything. Their last mentor hadnt been exactly paws-on, however, so it wasnt like they knew what they did and didnt know. Suppose they could do somethings but nothing like a true warrior should. Nothing like they felt they should be at in terms of skillset. Yet they didnt know how to voice this out loud to Hawkcloud upon being asked and instead this heat flashed through their fear, anger and rage.

The black and white cat swallowed thickly and looked down at the ground for a moment, flexing claws as they tried to not snap or get aggressive with this warrior. They didnt need too but they wanted to. Magpiepaw had no reason to lash out at Hawkcloud, it wasnt her fault, and she was just trying to do her job. The young apprentice wondered if this meant that things would be different and they could learn to accept change, be on it only with immense trust in Lichenstar. Surely their leader knew best even if they didnt like it right? Right.

Still the topic of what it knew in terms of mentorship and skills lingered and they shifted awkwardly before admitting out softly, albeit with a growl in their throat, "They didnt really teach me much- ive sorta learned what i can from Gladefrost and everyone around me" They pawed at the ground with an anxious tendency as bile threatened up their gullet about how she should know this. That if she wasnt prepared for them then she shouldve said so- but it kept its jaws snapped shut for a moment, "They werent exactly paws-on in terms of my skill but i can do basic things like hunt and fish though fighting is..harder for me"

Magpiepaw has always been a bad fighter despite their ever-present anger and tendency to lash out at others. They werent sure what it was but something about the moves just didnt click into place like they had with fishing in the river or hunting on the ground, though they werent very good at that either. Fishing was their own real skill and that was about all they had for the most part. Though it made them sound lazy and like they hadnt cared about their training when they did. They cared more about it than eating or drinking sometimes. The black and white cat lashed their tail behind them out of their own anger flaring upwards and they had to push it down, but they werent sure for how long theyd be able to hold out for.

"I'd like to start with fighting if possible, i want to improve on that most of all"

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.
Hawkcloud watches attentively, expectantly, while her new apprentice keeps their gaze upon the ground, sinking their claws repeatedly into the dirt. They certainly do appear rather anxious, which — while relieved she could confirm her suspicions that Magpiepaw isn't angry at her — does little to ease the concern that tugs at the she-cat's heartstrings. She hopes to alleviate the midnight-furred cat's nerves somehow along the way, but it seems as though her usual friendly smile won't be quite enough. Instead, the warrior listens and nods along while Magpiepaw explains the situation regarding their training so far — which seemed to be lackluster despite the time they've spent as an apprentice beforehand. 'Not paws-on'... It seems Hawkcloud will have plenty to teach Magpiepaw for the rest of their apprenticehood, an exciting prospect that has a warm smile tugging on the ends of the she-cat's mouth despite her apprentice's angry, lashing tail.

She understands Magpiepaw's frustrations, her own apprenticehood having been delayed due to her injury all those moons ago, and it provides her with the budding confidence that she'll know how best to train the younger cat in the wake of being replaced as their mentor. "Of course, we can start with combat!" Hawkcloud chirps once Magpiepaw has finished explaining. "Oh, I have an idea," she blurts out excitedly, already beginning to bounce on her paws again. "We can play a game! You go hide somewhere near the hollow. When I find you, I'll start an attack, and you try to defend yourself! Just follow your instincts for now, and I'll teach you how to sharpen your skills. Sounds fun, right?" Hawkcloud hops about on light pawsteps, a stark contrast from her new appentice's solemn expression and angry tail, but the cheerful she-cat doesn't seem to entirely notice.​
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