KILL YOU TO TRY &. hunting patrol

"... and, Stonepool and Toadpaw, you'll join the hunting patrol today."

His day had been going just fine, until those words had reached those ears. Usually, Toadpaw was fine with joining hunting patrols - it was a way to practice what he'd learned, a means to get out of camp. But, usually, when the brown tabby's on a patrol, one of his siblings is there too. A familiar face beside him, comfort he liked to have in his ever-shifting world.

Nerves already rising, Toadpaw had asked Stonepool if he had to go on this patrol - perhaps he could do extra training later, instead? But, no, his mentor had been adamant, had told him it was necessary. Warriors don't try to get out of their patrols.

And now, the brown tabby trudges along beside his mentor, alone in this patrol. Away from his siblings - from Roepaw and Ragwortpaw. Stars, what if something happens? What if... What if dogs come to camp again, and they're separated when it happens? What if... What if the dogs come to the patrol instead? How would his siblings get to him without truly knowing where he's hunting? He shouldn't be here, he should be back at camp, just in case.

Anxiety keeps rising with each step, heart pounding, his focus on practicing his hunting crouch waning. The boy stops, looking up to his mentor.

"Uhm..." he finally speaks up, voice trembling, "I... I don't feel good, maybe I should --" Maybe I should go see Berryheart, he starts to say, only to be cut off by Stonepool's voice.

"What did I tell you?" the blue warrior says, his own stride slowing to a stop. Stonepool means well, Toadpaw thinks, but this doesn't feel well. "If you want to be a warrior, Toadpaw, you're going to have to go on patrols. What has gotten into you?" Going on patrols, did his mentor think that was his problem? Dejected, Toadpaw shakes his head, cerulean gaze lowering to his paws.

"Nothing," the apprentice finally mumbles, tail flicking behind him as he follows beside his mentor once more. "Sorry. I'll... I'll do better."

// PROMPT: toadpaw and his mentor are placed on a patrol without any of his other siblings. he likes to stay around them, and tries to do so as much as possible. do these types of patrols make him nervous, when none of his littermates are around?
Assigned to the same patrol, Stormpaw was unusually quiet. She was eager to make friends with the other apprentices and Toadpaw had seemed approachable enough. She tried to smile at him when his name was called, but she realized with a frown that he was probably too occupied with his thoughts to notice.

Stormpaw felt even less inclined to speak as Toadpaw's mentor began to berate him. The torbico stayed close to her own mentor, watching the exchange with worried eyes. She held her tongue, waiting a moment or two more before sighing and slowly creeping up beside the other apprentice. "Hey, uh, hey." She offered a smile that was stretched. "What's wrong?" She whispered.

mentor tag @OWLEAR

It had been many, many moons since Owlear had felt the separation between himself and his littermates. It was part of life, he had thought. Growing up. It was lucky that is own apprentice did not share such attachments like Toadpaw– though he's certain there is love between them, as a family, it is not...debilitating. Not that he knows such a thing is the reason for the other apprentice's anxiety. Whatever it is, it is that. Anxiety. Fear.

It's a good thing that Stormpaw is the one to reach out, and though the older tabby himself does not comment on the situation, his tail brushes her side in comforting approval as he strides past the both of them. It is simple enough to engage Stonepool in idle conversation about where he had last seen prey, and what weather he thinks they might expect in the coming days. It should, at the very least, give the apprentices a peaceful moment to talk amongst themselves.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
જ➶ Being placed on a hunting patrol is always fun and even better when his sister is with him. He steps with lightness as he comes up but pauses when he notices Toadpaw. Blinking slowly he stops and just listens, wondering what is going on. He isn't too senstive to emotional issues so he just stands and looks almost vacant from the whole situation. But he is listening and he glances back to his mentor, wondering if Stormchaser should say something or not. Still he hopes the other is okay and he turns his soft blue green gaze back to the other apprentice. "Yeah, is everything okay? Do you need to see Berryheart? You are kinda shaky."


Stonepool continues onwards, and Toadpaw has no choice but to follow behind.

He isn't sure he realizes he's shaking until a different voice is in his ears and another form is beside him. A cerulean gaze lifts to meet Stormpaw's own, and oh, he feels embarrassed. Embarrassed at the younger apprentice's concern. Not only is she younger, and has probably been on plenty more patrols than Toadpaw has, but she's also the child of a deputy and a lead warrior. That must make her extra brave, right?

Maybe that's why he's less brave - because his mother held little greatness to this clan. Because he was a loner's son first, before he was ThunderClan's child.

"I..." he starts to speak before another voice chimes in, asking if he needs to see Berryheart. He doesn't, at least, he doesn't think so. Maybe after the patrol's done, he'll feel better. Or not, and he'll just go visit the medicine cat then. But, with Stonepool speaking to Owlear ahead - with something like 'Can you believe this kid?' uttered between the two, Toadpaw's certain - he can't take the risk of leaving now, of upsetting his mentor further.

"I'm... I'm fine," he finally says with a lowered gaze, brown tail swishing behind him. "I just... I've never been on a patrol without one of my siblings. Usually, Roe is here, or... or Ragwort, or..." Toadpaw trails off, looking back at Stormpaw.

"What if something happens?"
Toadpaw looks like a half-drowned rat. Wolfwind is far from the most observant cat, but even she can see that. And her ears angle toward him as she catches an exchange between the guy and his mentor. Wolfwind couldn't say she disagrees with Stonepool. Couldn't say she was goin' to stop eyeing Toadpaw throughout this entire thing, either. She keeps up the pace beside Owlear, regardless. And she's glad Stornpaw has the sense to be quiet when askin' about his business.

Mindin' her business, yep. But maybe she isn't. She's totally lookin' for prey and stuff but like, who can blame her if she wants to make sure a poor apprentice was ok? She was a poor apprentice, once! And maybe her poor apprentice self would've sympathized, just a bit. She'd nearly exploded when Lakemoon suddenly announced wanting to be a damn river cat. Who'd known that the wet young Wolf had always inwardly groaned about was somethin' young azalea met with "Wee! Yippee! I love mud between my toes!" or whatever.

Wolfwind slows her pace just so she can give Toadpaw a friendly shoulder bump, her face displaying friendly incredulity, brow raised. "It's a hunting patrol, Toadpaw. Nothin' ever fuckin' happens." She thinks back to the dogs she n Nightbird (and the other guy, she guesses) had found that one time. But like, that was an exception. "Except like one time, but that'll hardly ever be you, okay? Don't sweat."