sensitive topics killed all my dreams // joiner seeking refuge

✧ Snailcurl.

Aug 28, 2022
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

The stench of not-dog and blood are heavy on her pet as she scrambles blindly into the swamps. She has no choice - not any more. Short and stout and round with kits, it's taking everything she has to haul herself forwards on unsteady paws, to get herself to saftey. To get her kits to saftey. The overwhelming scent of other cats - of clan cats is pungent in the air, and yet what would normally bring unease brings only hope. Snails Shell stumbles upon a root, catching herself with much effort, flanks heaving as she leans against a nearby trunk. The sound of frogs and birds and insects is near-deafening beneath the pump of blood rushing through her veins. "H-h-hello?" she heaves, "Please - I need help, anyone, please -" She needs saftey - they need saftey. Her once beautiful tail is barely more than a ragged stump curled upon her back, tattered and torn and sending rivulets of blood down her flanks. The steady drip drip drip of blood splatters down her cheek as another wave of dizziness crashes down upon her - she's quite certain she'd hit her head somewhere along the way. "Please," it is a hushed breath, a desperate prayer, green gaze seeking the starry heavens above. "I'll do anything..."

// TL:DR heavily pregnant loner fleeing from the coyotes of the loner lands is seeking to join shadowclan

Claypaw had been sneaking himself away from Cloudstep, his mentor so he could get some time to himself. All of this hardwork and never ending patrols was leaving him sore and exhausted!. Man, if only his mentor could go a bit more easily on him sometimes!. A tired sigh left the apprentice's mouth but then he suddenly froze as he heared the call from a distressed cat close by. It didn't matter if it was a clanmate or not, Claypaw was quick on his way over there not needing to get far before he run right into the pregnant loner. Not far away he would stop, staring at the unfamiliar face for a moment as he paid attention to her ears that was folded just like his was!. Claypaw had never seen a cat with ears like his before. But that observation did not last long as he got reminded this was a serious situation.

" Hey miss, are you alright?. What do you need help from?" he would ask her, wary in his gaze as he looked around after potential danger that might be threatening this pregnant mother. If there was any dangerous there...he would protect her!. It was his duty as the future warrior after all!. Or so he choose to believe.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The tang of feline blood has Flickerfire's hackles up before she sees the intruder herself. She prowls, a detached shadow flecked with amber. Eyes like twin infernos narrow upon the mottled pelt -- calico, but also stained crimson and matted with her blood.

Claypaw, the little fool, approaches her with his usual guile. As if he could protect this pregnant molly from whatever had ravaged her and nearly stolen the kits right from her womb.

She sighs and emerges from the dark, tasting the air. "You're in ShadowClan's territory," she says. "I pray to StarClan you didn't bring whatever ripped you to shreds here!" It's clear the she-cat herself is no threat; she's pregnant enough to trip over her belly, besides the wounds. She sees with some alarm that the she-cat's tail is missing -- and recently. What sorta monster did something like that...


- ,,
blood. the scent of blood seemed to always draw them over these days. it makes them abandon their hunt, body straightening up as their nose twitched back and forth. blood, and something unfamiliar, dances in the air like a gorey cadence. a deadly dance, one could call it, and it makes chilledgaze sick. they slowly approached, their cold optics lowering to watch the scene unfold. an unknown, yet very visibly pregnant, molly is bleeding. it's her blood that has hung to the air, causing prey to run... stars only knew what it was doing for the predators. they had to get her out of the open before another beast, or perhaps even the same beast that had done this, came around.

"as if starclan would listen to such a prayer. they barely listen to the easy ones."

the deputy clears their throat, before turning their head towards a couple of npcs.

"go check that the thing that did this isn't still hanging around. if it is, find me immediately."

with a nod they run off, and chilledgaze's mind only flashes back to their mother, long gone now leaving behind her younger brother. a shiver graces them, and they bite down on their tongue.

"let't not waste any time. youre clearly expecting and as much as we... tch. we will not turn you away. pitchstar can snap at me later but you need help. let's go. flickerfire, make sure she doesn't fall on her other side."

chilledgaze tells the lead warrior, stepping beside the pregnant she-cat, nodding their head.

"easy, now. come along, claypaw."


The woman watches like a malignant figure in the shadows. Her eyes slightly narrowed against the leaves that shift with the coming breeze. The smell of blood and something even stranger makes her nose twitch. It brought her here after all and she debates on that. A frown pulls at her muzzle and she shifts from her hidden position to make her approach on silent paws. Afterall she has trained in the way of keeping herself concealed. Her head dips in greeting then and she looks at the queen's rounded figure. "You will be well protected here. I can promis you that. My name is Bonejaw and I'm the medicine cat here." She will want to look at the other and help where she can.

At least she can make sure that the other is healthy and hopefully they can survive. But she wonders if now is the best time for taking in more mouths to feed. Leafbare is close at hand and they are already struggling for prey.
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

As the first cat arrives, she struggles to find the words - she feels only relief, though the tom before her looks to be hardly more than a child himself. The next to approach is less happy - and she finds herself shaking her head violently, another wave of dizziness crashing down upon her. "n-no i wasnt- i wasn't followed.... my mate he-" the words won't leave her throat, only a muffled sob as she thinks the words. he led them away. He is somewhere out there, dead or dying or hurt, and she can do nothing. The lives of her kits, their kits are all that matter now. "Thank you," she breathes out as the third cat offers her sanctuary. "I- I've heard of you before. Of the clan cats. I can offer myself, my skills, my children. Our loyalty. Anything. Just please - let them live," she's rambling now - to whom she does not know. perhaps to herself or to them or to the heavens above. she doesn't know anything anymore. her pawsteps are heavy as she begin her journey, only for yet another to show. just how big are these clans/ she wonders absently. "Snails Shell," she returns. She's not sure what a medicine cate is, but it sounds like healing, like help.. "Thank you,"