twolegplace KILT LIFTING WINDS // windy


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

"Looks like hunting will have to wait." It wasn't the outcome that Gale wanted to have occur but safety came first. Needless to say but Sharpeye seemed somewhat relieved and didn't hesitate to withdraw back into the shelter of the crates, likely to sleep the morning away until things improved. But sleep wasn't really an option for Gale, not when he was a boundless well of energy these days thanks to the lifting of the dark shroud that had held him down for far too many moons. It was just a pity that the winds were rolling in hard and denied him the opportunity to make it out into the forest on the edge of twolegplace. However, roaming the streets remained a potential option provided that he didn't mount any fences.

And so Gale set off from the alleyway and meandered his way through the streets, taking care to avoid any that had become hazardous wind tunnels in their own right. Eventually he slipped through a gap in some garden fencing and strayed into a well kept garden. Flower beds heavy with a variety of plants edged the green lawn on all sides, but it was that of a wooden hutch that attracted his attention the most. The tom crept his way towards it, keeping low as to avoid the worst of the wind's wrath, and he soon reached the wire mesh that stretched over one of the openings. Inside sat a white rabbit. Gale gawked at first, then he salivated, but then came the frustration of not knowing how to get at the rabbit within. It was such a large one that it could easily feed his rag-tag group of misfits for days! "I am going to turn you into lunch one way or another!"

The storm was making such a racket! Every trash can around him seemed to oscillate with the heavy winds, the vibrations near unbearable in his personal hideout where rubbish bins seemed to congregate the most. One disadvantage of the storm was overruled by the gloomy skies it brought. However temporary it was, VIserion would savour the moments when he could step outside at sunhigh and not feel like his entire skin was crawling with an onset of burns. Despite the uninhabitable situation of his home, he could at least enjoy his patrol at an exciting new time of day. Lanky limbs carried the chimera across a long fence, ignorant of the events and yelling around him until he spotted a brown figure out the corner of his eye. Fur momentarily bristled as he arched his spine and whipped himself around to a perpendicular direction to the threat until he soon realised that the other had next to no interest in him at all. Their attention was on a plump white lapine instead, the very sight enough to cause the scarred male to salivate.

Hopping down from his perch, he let out a bombastic trill to announce his presence to the other, his tail whipping in a complementary greeting. He had little clue what Galeforce was so worked up about, but it didn't take long for Viserion to fill in the dots. A piece of potential prey trapped behind a Twoleg compartment, just out of reach of a hungry cat? Why, he'd have to be blind to not recognise that Galeforce wanted to turn the pet into lunch! "Nya, it looks like me!" Viserion cawed over the sound of silence, pink eyes leering into the cage from a less-than-respectable distance away. He smiled widely, a single tooth peeking out of his mouth as he did so. The wind was uncomfortable on his ear, pinning it back as he inched closer and closer to the former WindClanner. The less distance between them, the more he realised how little the rabbit actually looked like him. It was large, its eyes seemingly black as the night and the only colour noticeable on its stark skin. A clicking noise escaped his maw at the disappointment of such a revelation before he turned his attention to the lower half of Galeforce's face. "Soooo.... what's the plan? You have a plan, don'tcha? To make a meal?"


There was a lingering temptation to avoid breaking his sights away from the rabbit as he became aware of the presence of another feline, though fortunately logic prevailed and he was able to tear his focus away from the rabbit long enough to look Viserion's way. A lack of aggression was met with the same demeanour, it wasn't like Gale was angling for a fight anyway. Though he reckoned that if they succeeded in prying the rabbit from its cage the meal would be split, ergo it wouldn't go to his group in its entirety. Oh well, it wouldn't be a major blow since they weren't starving currently.

"I suppose it does hold a likeness, friend." He jested lightly before he resumed eyeing up the caged prey. Though he had to admit that he had no plan yet for getting at it. Humming softly, the tom began to investigate the hutch more closely. Eventually his focus returned to the mesh at the front of the structure. "If we pulled on this at the same time maybe it might come loose. Fancy giving it a go?" Already he was rearing up so he could fix his teeth upon the wire.
Well, aren’t you an awfully long way from home?” The bloom of a Twoleg garden in greenleaf is the perfect way to cover a cat’s scent. Pollenfur hadn’t realized whose voices she’d been hearing—many cats came and went in and near Twolegplace, and time combined with solitude has eroded much of her less-potent memories. Galeforce had just been made a warrior in WindClan when she’d left the moors, but he looks like anything but a warrior now. The lean build, rangy body, and companionship with what is certainly a rogue speaks volumes.

Pollenfur’s amber eyes trail to the contraption the two toms are circling hungrily. It houses a rabbit with a snowy, plush pelt. “Reminds you of old times, doesn’t it,” she says almost wistfully. “Let me know what I can do to help. I’ve been around a Twoleg trap or two in my time.” Knowing the two of them are no longer—or in the red-eyed cat’s case, likely never had been—associated with the Clans has put her more or less at ease.