pafp KING AND LIONHEART 𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 growth spurt

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 He was the smallest of his siblings in youth, a little ball of fuzz barrelling through SkyClan's camp. Tiny, stumpy legs carried his rounded form with seemingly no awareness of his own size. He'd always felt bigger than his body, bold and bright as a wildfire.

He'd never given it much thought, really. Hollypaw's body was never as important as the threads of dreams and stories that wove through his mind. She never let her size hold him back, and so she never quite noticed when that began to change. It takes until she nearly bumps into Doeblaze - gazing straight over the dappled molly's head - for something to click. He blinks down at her, startled. "Mama, when did you get so small?" The question comes with a laugh, warm and amused.

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  • HOLLYPAW ⚔︎ she / he, apprentice of skyclan, nine moons.
    a fluffy, stout tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    whimsical and bright-eyed, with a fascination for stories and adventures.
    doeblaze x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Being towered over by her Clanmates is a familiar sensation; most cats are bigger than her, but SkyClan is even bigger than most. Her older kits outpacing her in height had faded from bizarre to typical—she's used to craning her neck to talk to Crowsight, looking up to meet Lupinesong's eye. Her second litter's height, however, comes at her like a freak summer storm. She doesn't know why; she should have expected it, after all, given the height of their father and the fact that she wasn't working with a lot to begin with. It still surprises her, though, when she has to hustle to keep up with Lionpaw, when Candorpaw's tripping over his own large feet, when she has to look up at Hollypaw.

" More like when did you get so big? " she echoes wonderingly. Her son towers over her, has a head on her at least, and her eye flutters abruptly in wide blinks of shock. It's things like this that take a while to register as a parent, like when Candorkit's pale gold kitten-mane had turned vibrant as a wildfire. Sometimes it makes her chest ache hollowly, thinking of all she'd missed, of all she might continue to miss. Of all she can't protect them from as they advance into the world on overconfident young paws.

" You'll fit right in with your older siblings. " Doeblaze's muzzle crooks into a small but warm smile. She is grateful for the village around her, for the warmth of Howlfire and Fireflyglow, of her own older litter, that crowds out the cold of her mate's absence. That, and they all tower over her just like Hollypaw does now, even if she's more than twice their ages. It's funny how that works, she muses absently, gently bumping Hollypaw's ear with her nose in a careful gesture of affection. " Your father was tall, too, you know. Sparring with him felt like fighting a bear. "


When had her younger siblings become so tall, Howlfire wondered. Had so much time passed since their kithood, that they were now getting closer and closer to the height of Fureflyglow and herself. In a way, it was strangely touching, to see that her younger siblings took after this way. It was like they had a little piece of him with them, even though he had not lived long enough to meet them.

"My not-so-little sibling anymore," Howlfire remarked, coming over to Doeblaze and Hollypaw. Her amber eyes glance over Hollypaw appraisingly. Doeblaze had not been wrong when she said he fit in with his elder siblings now. "I think Blazestar was bigger than most cats here!" Howlfire added with a chuckle. Perhaps of all her siblings it was Fireflyglow who was now closest in height to their late father. "Do you know when I was a kit, his paw was so big it nearly covered my whole head?" She turned to Hollypaw as she said this. "I wonder if your paws might look the same to Crowsight's kits when they arrive?"

Like Doeblaze, he wasn't a stranger to looking up at his Clanmates- he wasn't far off from her in stature, a scrappy, scruffy little thing... growth stunted some time ago by stress, probably. Perhaps his body had expended so much energy growing back the clumps of fur he was regularly tearing out that it couldn't manage to help his height. Unlike her, though... he'd never know the sensation of being smaller than your own children. That was a terrifying thought, that something you made could be much bigger than you ... tower, stare down, when you once had the upper hand ...

He didn't imaging Doeblaze was scared, though. She didn't look it. He blinked, looking up at Hollypaw- a smile wobbled upon his face, and he meandered over to Howlfire's side, joinign the chuckling crowd as they reminisced over Blazestar's side. Speaking of his own apprentice, Hollypaw's brother, Twichbolt murmured "You know, I only just noticed that Candorpaw was looking down on me, too..." and a hoarse laugh followed, though it bled with some golden fondness.

Howlfire's story brought a squeaking chuckle from him, a weak frayed thing, but real at the very least. "I think his foreleg was probably b-bigger than a whole kit. I remember- when I was smaller, I was pretty scared he'd just... step on me... like a bug, hah..." Maybe not the most cheerful image, but... well, he'd cut an intimidating figure back then.
penned by pin ✧
❀‿ "Awww, what do you mean you’re not tiny anymore!" Lupinesong sweeps in to wail dramatically, moving to lean her head on her now-tall little siblings shoulder briefly. She sits down to press her paw to her face and face the small group that’s gathered with wide eyes, "Guys, we’re like, getting old…! Well, I mean, not old-old but, you know."

Oh, time flew too fast…

She nods along when everyone reminisces about how huge of a guy Blazestar was, concurring, "He had so much fur too, if you tried to tap on his shoulder I swear your whole paw would disappear in there."

  • OOC:
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  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 18mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, mentoring stormpaw, it’s complicated
    doeblaze x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy