pafp king of the hill // cindershade


fire glows bright in the dark
Jun 9, 2023

Littlepaw knew, for a fact, that she could handle herself in battle. She was pretty big for her age! She knew how to fight, how to kick some tail, and how to take some names! And that is just what she was doing right then, gloating to her fellow apprentices about all of this and, well, fibbing quite profusely if she had to be completely honest. They had been sparring amongst each other all morning, and now that it was high-sun she was generally pretty worn out. Her evergreen eyes landed on a very pissed off Cindershade and she couldn't help but roll the damned things. Why was she around, anyways? Like, Littlepaw knew she was Lead Warrior and all, but she didn't have to watch her all the time! The stuck up Lead didn't even know what she had been through, and considering the apprentice was pertinent on keeping it a secret only few knew-- her origins as to how she managed to join the clan at a young age was unknown to most of the clan. She had made it that way. The only one who knew... was her. She planned to keep it that way!

Little turned pointedly away from the warrior, indulging herself in the conversation once more and was sad to find they had moved on from her spotlight. "Yes, that's perfectly alright and everything, Cherrypaw, but I could beat all of you in a fight with a paw held behind my back!" Her boasting was quite rudely interrupted by a shadow falling over her lounging form.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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A peaceful day had been warranted, completing a dawn patrol and also hunting with Sablepaw. A successful morning, and now she wanted to rest for a bit. In the warmth of the sun she lay, limbs tucked neatly under her body whilst her tail curved around the shape of her muscular form. Verdant eyes were half-lidded, squinting in a natural scowl as she near dozed off into a light slumber.

That is, until the warbling voice of a certain apprentice piped up above the buzz of background noise.

Instantly her jaw goes rigid and ivory tips dig into the earth below her. She didn't need eyes to see who it was, hardly needed ears for it either. An incessant gnat in her ear, buzzing around carrion with her boasting. Littlepaw. Once again, her day has been ruined by the foul-mouthed apprentice. Cindershade's eyes open into an intense glare, spotting her amongst the set of apprentices that gathered beside her. Her gaze pierces the white hairs along her spine, internally wishing how hard she bore into her back that she could feel the stinging sensation of it, as if thorns pricked at her very flesh. It seems that it was felt as Littlepaw turns her way, their gaze interlocking. The lead warrior doesn't blink, doesn't give any inclination of emotion besides an expression carved of stone; sharp, yet rounded features pointedly staring at Littlepaw with blazing green irises.
The young molly's only retort was a very noticeable roll of her eyes and in the midst of her ire, a coy smirk presses upon her lips. Evidently she was irritated over her staring, but how could she not stare? Littlepaw was peacocking around, strutting an array of colorful feathers and practically pleading for all to look upon her. Desperate, wishing someone would spare her a glance. Perhaps Cindershade should continue to ignore it, to turn the other cheek. But, she was never one to do that, was she? Confrontation ran in her blood, an urge that couldn't be stowed away. A metaphorical beast rattling it's cage to be set free. Besides, she had finally had enough of the raucous squabbling that spewed from her lips. The time was nigh, and she held a perfect situation in her psyche to teach the young a lesson she'd not forget.
Calloused pads would stride forth, her gait loose with her chin held aloft. Maybe she should let Sablepaw handle this, a perfect opportunity to show off her skills that she has learned from her predecessor—but a burning itch has her wanting to do it herself. As the woman looms over Littlepaw, she bears her gaze at the crest of her helm once more and all traces of her former ire dispersed. All that was left was a grim, reaping expression of tenacity. "Littlepaw." She begins, her smirk growing into a saccharine smile—a poisonous thing, really. "I—couldn't help but to over hear your buffoonery from across camp. You say you can take on these apprentices and garuntee yourself as victor? And with one paw, no less." A feign of awe crosses over shadowed features, though her smirk does not waver. Apprentice's liked to brag, she knew. It was usually something she would ignore, but Littlepaw has been nothing but a festering sore that just wouldn't heal. "I'm impressed, really I am. You must showcase these honed in skills of yours!" The sarcasm in her voice was practically cascading from her mouth now, her neck craning over Littlepaw with interest. "My, with skills such as that, you must be ready for your warrior assessment, yes? Care to share them? How about—a friendly spar?" She did not say with whom, for she wanted the apprentice to wonder what opponent she'd have to spar with. The suspense was rising by the minute, tension licking at the hairs along her spine like bolts of lightning. She couldn't hardly wait for her answer.


Littlepaw wasn’t surprised by the ire. She expected it, even. Especially after her blabbering in the brook, or the time she just couldn’t help herself, a smirk and a roll of the eyes… it was all leading up to an eventual explosion. She just hadn’t known it would be this soon.

Little smirked up, head tilted back to get a good look at who she presumed would be her opponent. Littlepaw was too good to spar with just any apprentice— no, it would have to be Cindershade herself that would fight her.

She would nod at Cindershade, rising with a shake of her fluffy fur to move over to the sparring ring. Her mouth was firmly closed in candid confidence and a smart focus that, to anyone else, wouldn’t recognize.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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Determination fills Littlepaw's eyes are their gazes lock—either that, or pure arrogance. The lead warrior was unsure, but nonetheless she will meet the apprentice with a lifted chin and down the bridge of her nose. "You think you can spar with me?" A huff of laughter spews over blackened lips, hollow and void of any humor. It wasn't something that she would usually do, sparring an apprentice unless it was her own. But, it could be thought of a test. A show of skills that she proclaims she has. "Let us see what Honeystone has taught you, then." The lead would give away for more room, focusing on Littlepaw as her tail lashes. It feels a bit wrong, but something else stirs within the lead. A chance to finally make Littlepaw shut her mouth, for she has given her way too much trouble since the beginning.
"Let's begin." A declaration that sounds within tightly woven camp walls, her smirk now vanished as quick as it came. Cindershade moves quickly, muscles rippling under a sleek patterned coat. She prowls like a panther honed in on it's prey, silent yet efficient as she comes head on to the younger fae. A simple movement, but a test to see just what Littlepaw would do. Coiled muscles spring, launching her off the ground in an attempt land squarely on her shoulders and pin her under her own hardy weight.


Littlepaw knows the lead warriors strength, has seen it used while hunting and she knows that she should go for quick but heavy strikes if she can manage to get them in. She's nearing the end of her apprenticeship by now, and if she does even semi-decently against a lead warrior she is sure that Honeystone would be impressed, if a little miffed that she would dare to start something with someone that was of a higher rank than her, much less a lead warrior.

Cindershade's attack is swift and brutal, and Littlepaw's small stature likely wouldn't hold up against the brunt force of her paws on her shoulders. Littlepaw ducks at the last second, getting clipped on her back side as she attempts to roll out from beneath the lead's reaching forepaws which results in her slightly off balance landing-- but she adjusts quickly and jumps, twisting her body so that she is now fully facing the warrior. Her arrogance is gone, replaced by a focus a lot of her clanmates had never seen before-- not on her, at least.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
A bit surprised she is when Littlepaw doesn't stand there like a half-blind mouse, curling under her launching body a mere second beforehand. Cindershade feels her paws barely graze calico fur before landing on the very spot where Littlepaw stood. A mere twitch of her whiskers was all that was given, for on the surface she was focused as well. It wasn't the first time someone managed to slip under her grip and she is more than prepared for it. Without hardly missing a beat, the lead warrior shifts her weight for her fore arms and shoulders to brace her weight. She would then use powerful hind legs to kick out with all of her force, earning a grunt that passes over tightened lips. She would aim her double kick towards Littlepaw's face and chest, hopefully to send her into a tumble of limbs and fur.
Whether or not it would connect, she would shift her weight again and pivot to turn in order to face the apprentice. Her brows furrow, lips tighten into an firm line. Littlepaw would fall before her, she knows this. A meager apprentice was no match for her; for her seasons of experience would show. The lead warrior rushes her again, bringing a forepaw upwards in a hefty blow to smash into the base of her chin in a dangerous upper cut. If it would hit, the force would deal a decent amount of damage. Perhaps she should hold back to the younger molly, maybe even get a few licks in. But that was never her style. An apprentice would have to earn the chance to strike a blow to her.


Littlepaw takes the blow, but not completely. Yes, she is knocked down, sent to the dirt by Cincershade's powerful hind legs, but her small frame had moved just far enough over to only catch one. She takes the blow to the ground and sprawls, though rolls and quickly regains her balance on all four paws and the lead warriors aimed uppercut to Littlepaw's chin was caught on the girls cheek instead of full on like cindershade had intended.

She takes this opportunity to feign a roll over, limbs spread to one side while her paws would scrabble for traction against the sandy floor to raise her form once again. Firm paws and an even firmer grip on the sand beneath her she would aim to spray the sand upwards and potentially into Cindershade's eyes, hopefully being able to rush forward and bowl the other molly over, potentially gaining the upper hand. It was dirty, she knew that, but if she was wanting even a chance at beating Cindershade she wasn't going to be able to play fair. She was too small, too light to be able to do that.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
For a mere apprentice, Littlepaw seemed to be quick on agile paws. It was something to be commended for, considering the last time she did this, it was to a fellow lead warrior that she had sent sprawling onto the ground with a deathly pin. Cindershade doesn't dare to comment, doesn't want to give this withering worm the satisfaction. Her hits, while not hitting their mark, still deal a decent blow that has Littlepaw spiraling into the dirt. With the calico below her, she is aiming for another deadly pin—but that was before keen eyes catch onto the gripping of paws against the sand. Her eyes narrow harshly at the dirty truck that threatens her eyes again, a flash of an irritating sensation that she had felt before from Snakeblink. Dirty tricks they were, and she had vowed to not be foiled by such a thing again.
Did Honeystone also teach her these meager parlor tricks? Or did she happen to see what had transpired before and thought she'd be foolish enough to fall for it again? As Littlepaw throws, the rosetted woman would whip to the side quickly as she pivoted on her paws to take the sand along her shoulder. Her jaw goes rigid, virdian eyes growing dark with something sinister as her anger begins to get the best of her. She is not a fool and will not be treated as such! The shuffling of paws causes her head to whip to the side with lips reeled back in a display of gnashing teeth and narrowed irises. The apprentice moves to bowl her over and she does not move, but instead takes the force head on. Littlepaw may be almost an adult, but Cindershade is built sturdy like the mountain ridge. She braces herself for it, the force hitting her in her chest while thick legs supporting her in order not to fall. Littlepaw had no chance of winning, and now that she tried such an childish attempt on her—she would pay for it dearly.
The lead warrior surges forward with newfound fieriocity, aiming to swipe a hefty paw across her forelimbs in attempt to unbalance her. If successful, she will shoulder her way to knock her off her paws and onto her back with an unshesthed paw directed at her throat in order to pin her down less she wanted to feel claws prick the delicate flesh of her trachea. "Do that again and I will end your pitiful life. Is that clear?" The usual hushed tone in her voice now is a combination of ice and steel—incisors bared that gnashed together as she spewed venom from her clenched maw. Her eyes blazed like star fire against her nightly face, green flames licking in their depths as her ire cracked like lightning between them that indicated she was serious. The woman hardly made idle threats.

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Littlepaw didn't see the lead stiffen, didn't see the barreled shoulder when she thrown onto the ground, not even when she was thrown to the ground and a paw strapped to her neck. She huffed, pushing against it only to feel it tighten around her throat, and so she went limp, eyes rolling at the threat. "If you were-- ugh-- actually going to do that it-- ungh-- would've already happened--" Her words were cut up and choppy with the lead's paw on her throat. "Can I--ungh get up now, or are you gonna just-- ugh-- gloat some more?"

She still had that higher-than-thou look on it, but all that was going through her mind was how good she had done. She had actually gotten in a few hits of her own, had actually managed to do something against the warrior. She might not like the lead, but she wasn't a fool. Well, she was, but she had no idea of the fact. Her hatred for Cindershade was surface-level and weak, but it bordered on admiration and pride at being on the molly's radar at all. She had come from nothing, as had most everyone in the clan, and she was going to be someone. She could feel it.

ooc: i have no idea if any of this made sense cause im monkey brain rn but. development!!!! idk if it counts as natural but whatever hope u enjoyed
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly