king with no crown } intro

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — It was fascinating, how one's life could be entirely changed through no fault of their own, merely because of the actions of others. It wasn't unheard of for children to pay for the sins of their parents, nor uncommon for entire clans to be held responsible for the actions of their leaders. Swiftfire knew that, yet she still found herself praying to the star-pelted clan above that she had been taught about that she and her fellow former colonists wouldn't be forced to pay forever for the sins of both Deacon and Sasha. The relatively new Riverclan warrior hoped that it wasn't something they'd all have to worry about, but she knew things weren't that simple - life never was. Already there were members of the clan keeping an even closer eye on them all, their suspicions understandably heightened by all that had taken place.

She was trying to make the best of things though, not wanting to give everyone even more reason to be breathing down their necks. Instead she was more determined than ever to integrate into her new home, a determined look on her face as she padded out to one of the several creeks that sprang off of the river like the branches of a massive tree. It thankfully wasn't frozen over, her paws sinking down into the frigid water and causing a shiver to run up her spine. Her jaw clenched involuntarily, her words coming out in a frantic mutter, "Starclan. Maybe I should have tried these in newleaf instead." Swiftfire was already committed though, taking a deep breath before she lunged forward and slapped her paws against the water, spraying frigid water towards an imaginary opponent. Her tail was used next, another shiver running through her as soon as the short, fluffy limb crashed against the icy waves and sent droplets spiraling upward. To finish things off she took a great gasp of air, dipping down beneath the shallow and frosty surface to lash out at the legs of her phantom opponent - only to end up slipping and smacking her muzzle down against the bed of the creek.

A pained whine left Swiftfire as she dragged herself up and out of the creek, one paw pressed up against her bruised nose in an effort to soothe the ache. It didn't exactly help, a grumble leaving her as she settled herself against the snowy bank of the water. "I'm going to need a lot more practice, or I'm gonna end up with even more bloody noses..." It wasn't that she had never tried water focused fighting moves while a member of the Ripple Colony, but they hadn't been the particular ones that Riverclan cats seemed so good at. She'd kill for one of the more experienced Riverclan warriors to teach her, but such assistance was extra intimidating to ask for these days.

  • 32198646_YGZ1jPfJgthWKkV.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Lilacbird was no mentor. Nor was she in any way shape or form confident that she could even assist swiftfire in fighting. her lips peeled back and her ears folded down as she watched from the shore the orange and grey body smash her face against the ground, pulling up in a pained frenzy.

sympathy filled her blue gaze, remembering not too long ago she had smashed her own face trying to weave reeds through the wall. she wanted to help, but there was a reason she was not a mentor- there had to be.

but could she just sit here and watch her clanmate take hits upon herself? no... she couldn't do that either. "would... it help t-to have an actual target?" she asked quietly, almost regretful. approaching with cautious steps, shed duck her head a bit with a shy smile. "if- if it makes you feel b-better, b-between me and you.. I'm not a g-good fighter either."


The Ripple Colony was Snakeblink’s responsibility. His to assist, his to guide through Riverclan’s customs — and his failure, when some of them then turned around and sunk their teeth into his leader’s throat.

But they were not, he thinks fiercely, a complete loss. Some of them — most of them in fact — learned their ways and remained loyal even when Deacon and Sasha did not. These cats were worth the patience and the care then, still are worth it now. He cannot, will not blame them for the actions of their former comrades, and though he understands the wary glares from other Riverclanners they still have his fur prickling in irritation.

So when he comes upon Swiftfire splashing in the ice cold river, Lilacbird’s meek voice rising in the frigid air after the other molly, his shoulders relax slightly at the peacefulness of the encounter. Part of him still expects claws flashing at every turn as tension runs high; it’s nice to be proven wrong every so often.

”Between the few of us we will surely manage something,” he hisses softly as he pads up to the two mollies. ”I am admittedly a poor fighter, but I have had to teach the Riverclan techniques to apprentices before — I have a good eye for necessary corrections, if need be.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Unlike the cluster of warriors who gather in the frigid creek water, Iciclefang is known for her fighting skills. The marbled she-cat, however, makes no move to advance, her blue eyes fixed and her expression unreadable as they splash about. Perhaps Snakeblink, Willowroot, and Hazecloud are impressed by the default loyalty the Ripple Colonists who did not bare their fangs against Smokestar had shown, but Iciclefang's judgment is reserved. In her lofty opinion, it takes more than inaction, more than the barest of minimums, to be considered superior to the cold-hearted rogues who'd stolen a life from their leader, who'd showed her claws to their deputy.

The split-pelted warrior, half fire and half shadow, is named Swiftfire. Iciclefang's calculating and cold gaze appraises her as she flounces about in the creek. Is she worthy of wearing a warrior's name, of sharing the rank of cats who'd been born in the riverlands and who had risked their lives to remain here? Her tail tip twitches as Lilacbird offers to be an opponent and Snakeblink offers his instruction. To her senior co-lead warrior, Iciclefang says, “Let's hope these corrections are impactful." She smiles; it's small and devoid of good humor. Snakeblink had been responsible for correcting the Ripple Colonists in the first place, and that had gone rather poorly, hadn't it?

, ”

In all honesty, Moonpaw didn't for sure know how to feel about the former Ripple Colonists, though despite this she seemed more open to them than some of the others that reside within the camp. She hadn't really enjoyed the company of Deacon - he was brash and seemed to be constantly complaining and making a mess of things - but she hadn't thought that he would be so stupid as to attack Smokestar out on the border. She was sure that was the same for a lot of the cats here, that they hadn't expected someone who had helped with the rogues before to become one themself, and it irked the young moggie. Every cat had the potential to do something like that though, not just those that joined the clan later in life rather than being born within it, so although she understood the hostility of others, she didn't at the same time. It didn't really matter to her though as Moonpaw's job was to learn under Ravensong to help heal the clan, heal the wounds that came from outside cats like Deacon and Sasha and pray to StarClan that there were none that she'd have to deal with from those on the inside, at least not on purpose.

Coming to a stop outside the water, Moonpaw's face twists slightly in discomfort at the thought of swimming in this cold. She remembered Nettlepaw and how he'd gotten sick from being outside in the rain, so how sick could these other cats get from being within the water for an extended time, swimming and fighting? "It helped me to learn them outside the water first." She'd offer, tail-tip twitching slightly as she softly spoke, eyes flicking over those before her in the hopes that they'd take the suggestion. She wasn't the best fighter either, but she could - and had proved to be able to - hold her own when needed. Maybe if they practiced outside of the water they'd warm up and dry off quicker too, avoiding whatever illnesses could come from freezing over while wet.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
THE HERMIT ─── With the whole incident of Sasha and Deacon, fleeting away with one of Smokestar's lives, Rookfang's faith in the integration with the Ripple Colony had been sliced in half. On one side, he was seeking blind revenge. They had already lost Cicadastar to the claws of rogues and now Smokestar suffering from the same incident, Rookfang had not been there to defend him had been gnawing at him, chewing him unevenly as the emotions came in out of rhythm waves. He had been pleased with work alongside them with the situation of the beavers and their unity of becoming one under the clan's name had been appreciative yet Rookfang realized how quickly loyalties can be switched and dropped, their words had been as empty as the air they had used to speak with. The other conflicting side was one of understanding for the ones that had been left behind once the dust had settled. They were now to be held at a higher rapport for their image, outsiders turned into murderous traitors. He understood all too well the piercing glares and suffocating auras of unwelcome since he had been brought in. There were kind-hearted accepting members, that he agreed with but seeing what had happened to his brothers, Rookfang felt a sense of defeated anxiety that no matter how hard one may try, the identity you made yourself would never fit everyone else's.

Rookfang allowed the rock-shaped anger that was lodged in his throat to be forced down, tucking it away for this occasion upon seeing the figure of Swiftfire practicing combat in the churning waters of their river. The male was thankful his mentor had been patient with the upcoming of his training when it came to water, the thick jagged pelt he carried was not sleek, and instead of the water rolling off him like a duck's back, it clung and made him only heavier and harder to move in. Even so, Rookfang had trained to shove past his limitations and excel in combat regardless of where the battle was to be located. "I can help in being a fighting partner as well. Although I do agree with least do it closer so you have better grip of the ground and grow used to the flow of water. Any small shift of you can be disrupted by the current." He forced himself appear indifferent the sinking frigidness of the water as he stepped into it, a small puff of hot exhale the only sign of discomfort as he glanced briefly towards Iciclefang and Snakeblink, tufted ears twitching at the tone that was held before turning his attention back to the practicing mollies.​
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Embarrassment was quick to wash over Swiftfire when she realized she had attracted a bit of an audience for her failures, a frown gracing her muzzle even as she heard Lilacbird's gentle and sympathetic tone. She hadn't wanted others to notice her struggle, even if she did have to admit that their help would likely be useful. Her voice was soft as she nodded in Lilacbird's direction, one split paw nudging carelessly at a nearby pebble. "That... that would probably be helpful, yes. I think it's easier not to lose my balance when I'm not just swiping at air. Or... swiping at water, I suppose." A kind - if slightly forced - laugh left her then, meant to release the tension that had built up in her shoulders. Being frightened of her own clanmates would do nothing to help the situation, even if Iciclefang's cold gaze felt like it was piercing her down to her very core. Though it seemed her hidden ire was more focused on Snakeblink than her - understandable considering the duty he had been assigned, though Swiftfire couldn't help but feel guilty.

Looking between all those that had gathered, another wisp of laughter stumbled out when she heard Moonpaw, though it wasn't directed at the medicine cat apprentice herself. Instead Swiftfire was laughing at her own predicament, suddenly abundantly aware of just what the icy cold water could lead to. She didn't want to risk a bout of sickness and prove herself completely useless to Riverclan for some time. "Right. The shallow water is probably a better idea anyways. Last thing I want is to end up swept up and having to take a long, bruised trek back to camp." The thought made her shiver, imagining the cold seeping into her skin as she limped back home. Her nose was already sore, sure, but at least it wasn't her entire body.

Determined to make another serious attempt at the moves, the former colonist nodded in Lilacbird's direction - a sign that she could join them if she really wanted to. Though Swiftfire wouldn't blame her for wanting to keep her paws dry for the moment. She turned and copied Rookfang's movements, teeth clenching as she stepped back into the freezing water, though now only up to her paws. It was easier for her to dig her claws against the sand, bright green gaze zeroed in on Rookfang. "I do feel more steady. Alright..." She glanced down at her paws, taking in one last scan of her split form before looking towards the water. Her paws once again lashed out at the water, trying to spray droplets up into Rookfang's face. It would hopefully be enough to just distract him and let her try and smack him lightly on the face, claws sheathed. Whether she was successful or not, she prayed the water would only succeed in blinding him temporarily, instead of contributing to any future illness.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed