private kingdoms fall ღ bluefrost

Things were supposed to return to normal after they took their territory back. Yes, there was the.. dilemma of the Shadowclan kits being brought to Windclan, but even during their brief stay, some normalcy was established. How did it go so wrong so quickly? Whitepaw hadn't been there when blood was spilled, with the clan splitting apart at the seams. Would I even have been willing to fight if I was there? The ivory girl thought briefly before shaking her head to dismiss it. She wasn't sure of her answer, but she knew that now she had to stay. She couldn't abandon her friends and even the younger apprentices who didn't leave. For the remnants in Windclan, who willingly spilled the blood of their clanmates, the choice to remain in this blood-soaked camp felt like the wrong one. With a soft sigh, the snow-hued girl settled outside of camp, allowing her ivory form to meld with the snow. While unsure how to proceed in the political climate, the best thing was to try and regain some normalcy. Just a day ago, Owlface was mentioning that she'd be having an assessment within the current moon, the opportunity to prove herself, that she was ready to earn her name. I wonder if those plans will get delayed with everything happening. She exhaled at the thought, narrowing her eyes in thought. Flicking an ear, she lifted her head at nearby pawsteps crunching the snow. Seeing a blue smokey fur made her freeze for a second before she registered who it was. Bluefrost, one of her few former denmates who had been in camp. "Hi, Bluefrost." She chirped lightly to get the warrior's attention. "How are you?" The quiet albino asked softly, swishing her tail as she considered her next words. "I was just out here thinking, Owlface was mentioning that I may finally be getting my assessment." She rambled lightly as she pawed at the bits of snow at her paw. She was one of the few tunnelers of their age range to not have gotten her name. It didn't fully bother her, but it'd be nice to be in the same league as her friends. Of course, more thoughts were revolving around her head, but none she felt comfortable sharing at the current moment.

Snow falls, blanketing the moorland in gentle white powder. Bluefrost sits alone, staring into a violet-hazed sky, her tail curled around her. Frigid winds buffet the fur lining her cheeks, stinging her eyes, but she does not flinch—she does not look away. She hardly hears the crunch of new frost under Whitepaw’s feet, and when the pale she-cat speaks to her, Bluefrost does not meet her rose-hued gaze. “How are you?” she asks; the question sounds ludicrous, considering the circumstances, but she knows Whitepaw has only the best of intentions. She exhales; her breath spews into a cloud before her face.

I am… fine, I suppose.” She is not fine. She does not know what she is anymore, but she is not at liberty to expose those insecurities, especially not to Whitepaw. She lowers her face, tilting it toward her friend’s and meeting her eyes at last. “Moorblossom left with Sunstride. I suppose Mother will want her dead. Gravelsnap, too.” Her tone is casual, idle. She studies her fellow tunneler’s expression, looking, as she had with Cottonpaw, for signs of insurrection. “I must get used to the idea.

Whitepaw tries to make conversation that isn’t about death and betrayal. Bluefrost blinks. Assessment. Her assessment had been only days ago, but now it feels like a lifetime. “And what would Owlface have you do for your assessment?” She blinks again, remembering the tunnel pressing against her from above, from below, remembering the dirt scraping her flanks, the grit in her lungs as she fought for air and struggled to keep her composure. “I hope it is… easy for you. That you survive it, as I did mine.” She speaks the words slowly.

, ”
In truth, Whitepaw almost expected her words to go unanswered. While she was friends with Bluefrost, it was admittedly not as close as her friendships with the remaining blue femme's littermates. She didn't know what she had been expecting to hear, but that Moorblossom had fled with the others of the clan. Surprise flitted across her soft face before she shifted into a sad expression. Shaking her head, she focused on Bluefrost's next words, the questions about her assessment. "I'm not sure... I suppose it wouldn't be much of an assessment if I knew what was planned." She answered before pausing at the slow-spoken words that Bluefrost added after. Something about the words felt... strange. Bluefrost often spoke and questioned in a literal sense with her, never really being overly subtle or hiding her words. "What do you mean?" The words slipped out from her thoughts, face furrowing in confusion. "What was your assessment?" She added barely a second later, confusion drenching her words. Assessments were a test of skill, weren't they? What kind of test would involve a hope for survival?
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