KISS MY BUSY HEAD — symptoms

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Her dream is interrupted with a stifled gasp, eyes flying open with her breath still caught in her throat.
She is skin-crawlingly hot, cozied up in her moss laden nest.
Her first instinct is to spring up and shake herself of the heat, to step out of the sun-baked den.
Her skin is no longer crawling by the time she leaves camp for a morning patrol, if anything there is a slight chill in her joints- but she is fine, Roeflame tells herself she is still recovering for her no-breath flare, that it is stress that causes ice to ache every step.
As the patrol advances on a slight incline, Roeflame is sinking her teeth into a soft inner-cheek, her pelt beginning to crawl once more as another, stronger wave of heat seeps through bracken fur.
She would not let her forsaken kin interfere with her responsibilities, the tabby promises herself, Dewfrost would not make her less of a warrior.
As the ground begins to tilt vertically, Roeflames perception slips, her peripheral tilting.
She grumbles something incoherent, feeling as though she is about to melt, her maw is glued together under the heat.
The warrior stumbles, forepaws failing to lift off of the ground when she tried to push herself onwards, only causing a mess in the soil.
"I…need to go back..." she’d grumble mindlessly, half-hazardly turning on her heel to make a rocky descent downwards.
There’s flies buzzing from somewhere, so close to groggy eyelids they feel as though
they could be inside her head.
"Go away." She demands to the flies, irritated.

The day is hot, and Raccoonstripe feels himself panting after his last chase. The rabbit was plump and heavy, and though he was glad to have the catch, lugging it back to camp was killing the muscles in his neck. His thick, dark striped fur soaks up every drop of sunlight, and he grumbles into the neck fur of his kill, “I’ll need a soaking in the river if this doesn’t let up.” He hardly notices Roeflame’s strange behavior behind him—they’re all moving a little slower today, after all. The forest itself is sluggish and swelling with greenleaf.

But he does hear the impact of her body hitting the ground. He turns, dropping his rabbit with an irritable expression—and, hauntingly, the noises of the two things hitting the earth aren’t too far off. “What’s the matter with you?” But as he approaches her, his fur begins to prickle. Roeflame is generally a capable young warrior, not prone to clumsiness like he’d just witnessed. And there’s something off about her—those hazel-green eyes are too-bright, and she seems to be seeing through him. She mumbles something incoherent, and he frowns. “Roeflame? Are you feeling…” Raccoonstripe walks a little closer, his ears pricked forward. “She’s ill,” he realizes with a start. “We need to get her back to camp now.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Illness was not something that Leopardtongue was a stranger to, she had been alive long enough to see cats get sick, but they had always bounced back, at least in the case of a cat that was as young and capable as Roeflame. She was a strong warrior, a great ThunderClanner, though someone that saw her now for the first time would think differently. So when she had walked slightly behind the other, brows furrowing in confusion and turning to concern and fear as she watched the other stumble, only to turn and fall moments later.

Moving forward, she attempted to move to Roeflame's side, trying to help lift her up if successful, she would walk alongside Roeflame as they went back to camp. "Someone should go back to camp... get Berryheart or Lichenpaw so they know to be ready."

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Batwing trails behind the lot of them. The heat beat against his dark fur, and he was sure that the sun wasn't moving in the sky. A sigh left his mouth as he leaned his head down, vole clamped in his jaws. Raccoonstripe was speaking, and Batwing grunted in agreement. The water sounded nice, nice and cool, and a soak against his dark pelt would be delightful. Batwing didn't get to speak further on that, though- he became distracted by Roeflame's reaction. His ears flattened, coming to a stop.

Leopardtongue was quick to touch Roeflame. He twitched his ears at the action- as kind as it was, he wasn't sure touching another sick cat... no, it was fine. They'd all be fine. Batwing nodded gently to Leopardtongue's statement. "I'll go ahead." Batwing offered. Agile paws surged him past and swiftly back towards camp. They weren't far by any means, but it was hot, and the worry in the back of his mind was eating at him.

Batwing pushed through the gorse and into camp, hop-skipping his way into the medicine cat den. He squinted into the dim light, looking for @BERRYHEART or @LICHENPAW. Either would suffice- but, upon spotting one of them, Batwing was speaking again. "Roeflame's collapsed just outside of camp. Leopardtongue and Raccoonstripe are with her, trying to get her back to camp." Batwing states out loud to them, then backs up to allow them space to move out or prepare. ​

All too often did he find people in this state, now- rushing toward him, aflutter with worry about a Clanmate. Wings' green gaze glowed through the dark, piercing through the void at him and his apprentice- he scented no blood, and was for a moment confused. When he heard the report, though... his heart plummeted, and he felt it sit like a stone in his paws. His expression grew guarded and tight, a smidgen weary- and, concerned, he nodded.

"We'll prepare a nest. Don't delay." he told the warrior, heaving a breath in as he got to his feet. Feverfew- he looked at it almost resentfully, knowing the false hope it would bring if this was what he worried it was. It was odd to hope that all Fawny suffered with was her no-breath, but... it would be the better alternative to the unprecedented beast that crouched in the darkness.

sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Sleekpaw watches with wide eyed concern as roeflame is carried back - the discomfort in his chest hard to hide when the sight alone is enough to leave him breathless and choked up. But... she doesn't want to fall behind, doesn't want to miss out on her training. It's not like they're collapsed, not like the warrior before them. "Is- she going to be okay," he says, disguising his silent wheeze as a purposeful pause. Sleekpaw had just been out on patrol with roeflame the other day, hadn't they been just fine then? It's a scary thing, the not-knowing that has crept into their mind.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
She’s ill.
Beyond the buzzing, the sound of Raccoonstripes words are just barely registered by the warrior, and she turns her head over a striped shoulder to look at him.
Before she can say anything though, Leopardtongue is there, offering a shoulder of support.
Roeflame is smacked with a sense of deja-vu, but Leopardtongue is her, holding Frostglare up.
"N-no, I got it!" She protests, trying to step away.
Her head is still spinning, however, and eventually Roeflame would reluctantly let the other molly aid her in their trek back to camp.
By the time she steps through the entrance, her paws feel like liquid, and they cannot hold her weight any longer.
When she’d finally face Berryheart, her vision was tumbling under her fever.
"I don’t feel good." Her tone is flat and sluggish, but her eyes are almost trembling, looking at the healer in silent fear.
"Can I lay down for a little while?"
The flies still buzzed around her head, and only a nest could keep them at bay.


Burnstorm had just come back from his assigned patrol. His tail flicks lazily as he rest in the shade, eyes half closed and legs sprawled out behind him. It feels nice to not have to worry about apprentice duties anymore. Not that he was growing lazy or anything. He is still the same hard-working Burnstorm he had been back when he was younger. But the load was lighter now. There was less that was expected of him, required. Until he got an apprentice that is, then training would become a part of his everyday life again for moons.

His golden eyes flicker to the entrance of the horse tunnel as his uncles patrol returns and, at first, he thinks nothing of it. Roeflame was on that patrol and he expects her to come through any minute now, to make a beeline for him and to sit with him and tell him all about the happenings of her day. Instead, she is stumbling into camp with the aid of a clanmate. His eyes go wide and he scrambles to his paws immediately "Roeflame!" he calls out, his voice filled with concern "What happened? Are you alright?" he says as he draws closer and then his ears flick as he hears the word ill… is this that mystery illness he had heard about? Immediately his ears flick to the back of his head. His first instinct is to get away from her, to scramble backwards and put distance between himself and the sick. But he couldn’t. Instead he defies his instincts and he moves closer. "Roeflame I’m here" he tells her his voice soft "you gotta stop getting into trouble mouse brain" he admonished quietly. She then asks if she can lay down and he nods his head. "In the medicine cats den you can." he says, looking to Leopardtongue expectantly. She had helped get her here so she would help her to the medicine cats den too right? If needed Burnstorm would help too.