camp KISS WITH A FIST ♥ Scars

The unfamiliar camp and members made the she-cat quite uncomfortable. Trusting other clans wasn't a reputation she upheld well, not to mention her lack of personal trust of her own clan mates she hadn't had close interactions with. The pain that stretched across her face hadn't made her any less uncomfortable, it made it difficult to even lift her lips- even more so to speak. It came natural however, she had been injured countless times having been battle eager and quick to defend her clan. She masked her pain with her formal and straightened posture and even assisted with anything when she was allowed to. Besides, her position of lead hadn't withered away. She was still an additional paw in charge of Riverclan.

Moving forward in difficult times was what she was known for, even if her brain personally lingered on her leader's death. It clinged to those images, it clinged to her helpless feelings during that incident. She quietly mourned when she found herself alone, although in the sights of others she kept going. She would continue to serve her clan, no matter what happened.

Petalnose bent down near a stream, gazing down at her reflection closely. A humourous snort was made to herself as she glanced over her wounds. It was sure to stay there, staining her face and neck for how many moons her legacy carried. "I guess it was about time.." she murmered, straightening herself back up. Impressively, she had never carried any scars. A simple slip up in the midst of battle was quick to serve a marking blow.

A pair of eyes she had caught nearby, raising one of her brows and clicking her tongue. "What? Do I scare you?" It was serious toned, almost a tone of challenge. However, any who have known her knew it was a simple dose of her stoic faced humor.


XXXXXThough Doompaw can sense many of his Clanmates are uncomfortable to have RiverClan in their camp, the young tortoiseshell finds himself more curious than anything. Since he’d been young, he’d wanted to fight the other Clans in battle, and although this isn’t quite the same thing, it’s at least a change of pace from hunting, training, and starving. He finds himself particularly fascinated by the lead warriors—one of them in particular is cold-faced, blunt-tongued, and wears fresh scars across her face.

XXXXXShe seems to notice his stare, and her sneer is quick and biting. “What? Do I scare you?” Doompaw’s tail swishes across the dust, scattering pine needles. “Nope,” he says honestly, hopping to his paws. “I wanted to ask how ya got those scratches! Did a rogue get ya right over the face?” He studies the marks, still raw. “Think it’ll scar? I wish I had scars like that.” He thinks Twitchbolt probably wouldn’t be too impressed, but Plaguepaw and Pearlpaw sure would!


The grizzled black tom stares wide eyed with his head tilted disturbingly to the side. Maw slightly ajar to form a mild sneer. The jagged mark scored across the lead warrior's face was obviously fresh and he too wondered if the mark would scar. For a brief moment he pictured himself driving off the band of rogues with Doompaw by his side in a heroic feat of awesomeness. The extent of his daydreaming plunges into the two of them being dubbed heroes by Blazestar himself. Skyclan's leader is so grateful that he immediately steps down and promotes him and the tom next to him to Plaguestar and Doomstar. The crowd goes wild under high branch as cheers of approval erupt the air and his first act as leader was demoting Cherrypaw back to Cherrykit.

His fantasy is disrupted however when Doompaw stirred beside him, causing the gaunt, long legged apprentice to snap back to reality. Blinking turquoise eyes he nods enthusiastically. "Uh, yeah! Me too." Plaguepaw chimed in, scratching at his collared neck with a hind paw. "Riverclan must be super weak to run away from rogues. But don't worry amigo, Doompaw and I will protect you and your frail friends." Plaguepaw states with a genuinely sweet smile, patchy forked tail curling in delight. "Right Doompaw?!" He exclaims, using an elbow to nudge him.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

Not much could be said about Silversmoke's scars. Two pink snakes trailing down his face, crossing over his eye with their tails just shy of his muzzle and a shoulder bite hidden by unruly, maine coon fur. They brought the tom no pride, especially knowing the former had been caused by a clanmate themselves. He never had liked being told to ignore his shared history with Slate, but with the other eons away, it was difficult to linger on it as Petalnose talked to two apprentices about her own marks. It was going well, until Plaguepaw spoke of their ally's failings, catching the Lead Warrior off guard so badly that his spine seemed to try and jump for the stars. Silversmoke spun around, biting his own paw to prevent any barking laughter or surprised noises from escaping his muzzle. StarClan, that shouldn't have gotten him as well as it did. Spoken with an authenticity that made it hard to find offense in (and with a hint of truthfulness the dutiful tom cared not to admit), the spotted tabby inhaled deeply to try and calm himself. 'These rogues are to be taken seriously but... we can't be the 'weakest' clan anymore, right?' It felt good to know that their standing may have improved, even if it came at RiverClan's expense.

When the tabby turned around again, his nostrils were flared and his mouth was glued as if he'd lined it with sap, not the pinnacle of professionalism he liked, but good enough to deal with an unruly apprentice. "Who is your strongest warrior?" He asked Petalnose. Silversmoke would've said Cindershade, but he had not had a chance to talk to the other in some time. The clan's makeup may have changed, even if he wasn't trying to punish Plaguepaw in a roundabout way, he would like to know who to train against whilst the opportunity was still present. His favourite SkyClan fighters had gone off on the journey after all, pickings were slim and his claws ached for conflict. "Perhaps they would like to 'learn' a thing or two from Plaguepaw in a spar." He hoped Petalnose would catch his meaning.

Petalnose blinked softer at Doompaws words of curiousity. In a way it reminded how curious she was in her youth, relaxing more and looking down at him with a soft quirk to her lips, "Well, all was going okay. I did get that same rouge and striked across his muzzle the same. It seemed like I was overpowering but their little friend snuck up and grabbed my leg. I was scratched faster than I could speak." The lead explained, then tipping her head to glance at her reflection once more, "I'm sure it will."

Plaguepaw's words had shot her fur up before he could finish his sentence, eyes spiking a cold look, "What did you just say..?" Petalnose heaved herself up, tail flicking in irritation.

Hold yourself together..

"I can definitely bring your authorities over if you're going to talk foxdung about my clan again." Formality.. Forbearance.. it was all easy until her clan was spoken amongst the wrong words. It was salt to the wounds and it seemed one of skyclan's apprentices needed to be humbled.

A perk to her ears was made when she had spoken it into existence, her siren like eyes pulling onto a familiar silver tom. It seemed amusement had made their way into her burning but cold look at his poke of insinuation. "I'd say Smokethroat is the strongest in our clan." She was sure, he was busy as always. She'd suggest Snakeblink.. but he seemed to lose his spars. Lichentail seemed a bit anxious about the situation, she had only sparred with her once and Lichentail failed to overpower her. A sly smile fell on her face, "Hm.. I can move just fine, besides, I was only scratched across the face." She lifted her head to look over their shoulders, "But if I don't have medicine cat word, I suppose any volunteers?" Petalnose searched around for her clanmates, watching the passerbys. Starlightpaw was a bit too inexperienced. She didn't want to send her apprentice into a spar they wouldn't be prepared for despite the battle knowledge and experience she had to offer. She didn't know Plaguepaw and his capabilities.. where were her strong warriors when she needed them?

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( )  Starlightpaw hates having to home with these SkyClanners, a swirling sea of unfamiliar faces, kittypets and cowards and dangerous threats. It has them on edge, constantly, brittle and moments away from cracking.

He sticks to familiar faces, his siblings, his papa, his mentor -- injured as she is. He hovers, but does not stay, pacing and restless, swept up by any distraction that catches his eyes, his ear, any excuse to not think about swarming rogues and pooling blood. And here: a very good distraction. Blasphemous words carried on the wind, a young voice dragging the name of RiverClan through the mud. Petalnose's indignation only fuels their own. A warrior mocking them, meaning meant for Petalnose slipping past them easily. A call for volunteers is what draws them close, whiskers twitching and steps sharp and snapping.

Starlightpaw comes to his mentor's side, star-dappled eyes turning their judgement on the apprentice spilling fox-dung, as their mentor put it, from his unworthy maw. A strange creature, with his scars and his forked tail, vibrant eyesore branding his neck with the mark of kittypet. Starlightpaw sneers at the apprentice, even if he is far bigger and older than she is.

Concerns of inexperience left unvoiced are lost on the apprentice, eyes blinded by righteous anger. "Let me," she offers, a little too eager. She feels gracious enough to honor this treacherous-tongued cat a battle. "I could take him." Their voice is a low warble, simmering anger with words clipped, clearly restraining herself from letting it boil over. If their mentor is too injured to defend herself, her apprentice at least should defend her honor. It's only right.

  • //



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"I heard my name." He greets, tone calm despite the storm that continued to rage inside his chest, the anxiety and uncertainty he'd not yet managed to quell and would certainly continue to brew until their leader, his mate, came back to them. Smokethroat had only been vaguely paying attention, lost in his thoughts as he roamed the camp and checked on his clanmates, made certain no one was taking advantage of their respite from the norm to slack off or cause trouble.
"Nothing bad I hope." He adds on, voice somewhat lighter but lacking his usual good humor in face of the circumstances. His ears swivel, lone eye glancing to his blasphemous child with amusement to her commentary - take him? This other apprentice? Was Starlightpaw picking fights perhaps or was Petalnose the one doing so, or maybe even this scrappy little fellow with the patchy fur. His gaze flits to the other warrior, Silversmoke, who probably made him look more laidback by how stiffly and professional he regarded them and their coming to the camp initially and he wonders if they were causing issue or just wandering over after the fact. There was a tension to his lead's shoulders that made him realize she was resisting the impulse to do 'something' and he could only assume the scruffy child had mouthed off. Well, RiverClan warriors had thicker hide than that and while he found some entertainment in her annoyance he wasn't going to call it out; she was managing. Kittypet dust in their lungs aside.
"Who are we taking - are you looking for a friendly spar?"
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Plaguepaw's head tips to the side, confusion coloring his features as the riverclanner demands that he repeat himself. Was she hard of hearing? He didn't think he was speaking too softly. Perhaps she was older than she looked. Bristled pelt and flicking tail are lost to him as he placed his paw back upon the ground. Parting his maw and sucking in a breath as he prepares to repeat himself again. She deserved to know how much of a good samaritan he was attempting to be. However, words die upon his tongue as she continues on and utters a foreign word completely unknown to him. "What's a foxdung? Is that something you riverclanners eat besides fish?" The grizzled black tom questioned. He had to admit, it didn't sound too appetizing.

Before he could dwell on it any further he glanced at Silversmoke then back at Petalnose, smiling all throughout and blissfully unaware of what the two were scheming. Another cat approaches and steals his attention with ire in their tone. Turquoise eyes cast their gaze down at the younger apprentice, his crooked grin spreading a hair wider. "You wanna wrestle amigo? That's fine, I could go for a little bit of fun." Plaguepaw chuckled, split tail waving to and fro. Hopefully this one was full of rough and tumble action like Doompaw. His friend seemed to be the only apprentice around their age he could really let loose around without making the other cry. Glancing at the now approaching Smokethroat he continued. "Are you sparring someone too?" It would be interesting to see the deputy go up against Silversmoke.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
( ) "didn' know skyclan apprentices were so rude," the voice is low and rusty, pawsteps firm on the earth as the white flecked tom makes his way toward the conversation. sidling up beside smokethroat, coyotecreek casts his odd gaze upon the dark tomkit, a slight smirk twitching at his lips. "for future reference, that was a rude comment, kiddo." lip curling, the normally easygoing man growls softly. "scars are a mark o' strength, that's why yah see smokethroat 'n petalnose all marked up. shows they're tough."

he nods as if he's provided information the kid hasn't already learned. crystal and honey eyes flick towards smokethroat and then starlightpaw, interest alighting in them as the tom tips his head.