kitchenware & candybars

friends don't mean a thing, guess i'll leave it up to me
cloverjaw . also goes by clover

↳ named as a kittypet; -jaw for the scar on his jaw
— warrior of skyclan; formerly a kittypet born to show cats
— 25 moons; ages on the 1st (born march 1st; pisces); created march 26 2023
— ftm man (he/him); gay
rocky x brook, sibling to slate

longhaired silver tabby maine coon with amber eyes reference
built like his brother, clover is a large and muscular tom- certainly more muscular now than he had been in his kittypet days. his training in the trees has only further served to define him. however, much of this definition is hidden by his sleek silver coat. bred to be a show cat, he is certainly beautiful, and certainly large thanks to his maine coon heritage. the only thing to mar his physique is a stand-out scar on his jaw, earned from a battle he'd gotten into before joining skyclan.
↳ carrying solid & non-silver


( + ) kind, easygoing, dedicated ( / ) mischievous, unserious ( - ) superficial, arrogant, insecure
mannerisms: generally indirect in the way he handles things. a bit of an escapist / daydreamer. has sympathy for kittypets, and may even wish that he could rejoin his twolegs-- though i think he is far too used to skyclan / clan life in general now to ever actually return to them. can be very insecure and tends to joke through a lot of his troubles.
beliefs: lacks prejudice against kittypets due to his own past; will fight for their right to clan life, including their right be daylight warriors. supports kittypets firmly and will speak out against those who treat them without respect, though he is indirect in doing that. believes strongly in starclan, as he saw them form at the great battle. has a strong sense of loyalty to skyclan as the clan that took him in and showed him warrior life, but ultimately will choose to preserve himself if things are down to the wire. truest loyalties lie with his brother slate. believes cats can change and that forgiveness should always be an option; a bit of a centrist tbh as a result of being dodgy about commitment.
neutral good. a neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. he is devoted to helping others. he works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. however, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
— unlikely to start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at climbing; is generally decent at athletic tasks. a little bit of a clumsy hunter
poor at


— left his twolegs, not by choice. fought to find his way back to skyclan, which he had heard about as a kitten. in the process sustained an injury to his jaw after tussling with some rogues; joined skyclan at 12 months old (1 year ago)
— slate's open disdain for kittypets / daylight warriors probably really rubs him the wrong way especially since he knows slate was born as a show cat. i can see him being really vocally against that hatred, though i don't think he'd butt heads with slate directly- i think he'd really just make a lot of passive aggressive comments abt it LMAO
— i dont want him to be misconstrued as an entirely good cat, i think he definitely would have done / will do morally gray things in the name of keeping his reputation in the clan good. i think he could be prone to fuckups too just because i love to torture my little guys just a tiny bit
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