Slowly, the leaves in the trees overhead begin to change color. Shifting from a vibrant green to match her eyes to different hues of pale yellow-orange and red. The colors of leaf fall. For right now, there is only a slight chill in the air but Little Wolf knows it will not last long. Soon, the trees would be bare and the wind would hold an extra chill, an extra bite. She shivers to think about it, how cold her kits would be but at least they would not be born in leaf-bare, in the time of sickness and starvation and hardship but it would be close. She thinks of Sunfreckles kits, still sickly even though they had the good grace of being born before the worst of the seasons came about. There were so many things that could happen to her kits. So many reasons for her to stay up late at night, worrying.

One of those reasons for her to worry was the fear of rejection. She had been holding onto a secret. Stealing away nights where she slipped away and whispered secrets to a fluffy tom with pointed fur. Her mate. Blazestar. She wonders how Emberstar would react. Her mother had accepted her, with more ease than she had been expecting though she could tell she didn't want to approve. For her. Howling would make any allowance for her. But Emberstar was not family. She was not as safe of a bet.

"Emberstar, can we talk for a second?" the black molly calls out gently to the flame pointed she cat after a meeting, quickly, before she can run off somewhere else and her moment would have escaped her. "Somewhere private?" she adds a little more quietly. This was only for Emberstar to hear, for now.

// @emberstar

Between the fire and leaf-bare, Emberstar's worries for the future had never been greater. Her clan was big, and she wouldn't have it any other way, but prey was going to be a a problem for them soon. Even with a normal leafbare she would be concerned about it, but the fire would only have made things worse. Even worse, tensions between the clans were already high after the last gathering, and a shortage of prey was what had brought the great battle.

What might a savage clan like Windclan do, she wondered, if their food began to dwindle? Would violence return to the clans?

She blinked away her thought as a familiar voice cut through to her, her deputies daughter. "Heya Little Wolf!" she greeted a little too loudly, a bright smile jumping onto her face. She blinked as the other molly qualified that she wanted a private audience. "Oh, uh, sure." She stated with a shrug. With a glance around, she considered where they might have a conversation without being overheard. Her gaze wandered to her own den. "Would my den work?" she asked with a glance to Little Wolf. It would be private enough, as long as the other molly had the same faith she had that their clanmates would not actively try to eavesdrop.