pafp know nothing -- loner, potential joiner?


protect your peace.
Dec 28, 2022
As much as she finds it inconvenient, Muffin doesn't hate the cold. Their momma had been write about their lovely long fur, after all ... And snow is pretty, and crunchy under their paws, even if it makes them sting after a while. It also helps that, while today is sure to be short again, there's barely a cloud in the morning sky. The beauty of it all reaffirms their choice to escape their owners, so long ago - living as a loner, which some of the other strays she encountered had called it, is a tough life but one where they could appreciate the beauty of nature more closely.

With the wooden fence of someone's house far to her left Muffin picks her way through the undergrowth, pausing often in the drifting snow to look at cool patterns on the tree bark or to chirp back at the birds far above their head. They're pleased to see birds out here, and wave their tail in a happy flick as if saying hello - the feathered friends have become rare as the cold sets in. Somewhere up ahead the undergrowth rustles and Muffin ducks behind a tree, peering out from among the tangled, snow-speckled roots. A mouse? No, it's way too big. The bigger threat that they don't register, however, comes from behind and downwind of the little loner - Hailstone, who has yet to reveal himself.

// @Hailstone !!! the rustling ahead of muffin is also another skyclanner​

[] The cold had wrapped the forest in a blanket of silence and stillness, not a single mouse seemed to stirr the fresh snow. Prey had become harder and harder to find as well as herbs for the sickly who now stayed in camp, and a blue tabby was determined to find something to bring back to the clan. Though there was no telling of what would be found in the forest as there was birds, but they had flown away due to movement nearby. Having been standing downwind, green eyes looked up at the bare branches in confusion; that wasn't him that did that was it? No, there was something else that was scarring off food and this sweet scent brushed his nose; it belonged to a cat.

Hailstone twitched an ear a bit for a moment before approaching where the scent was wafting away from and didn't see anything right off the bat. The blue tabby lifted his head a bit from the snowy trail before padding out into the clearing, "I know you're there, I mean no harm to you," he called out calmly, voice montone and void of any sort of emotion. These dark green eyes looked around at the surrounding woodland and then down at the snow to find little pawsteps in the snow.

"You're in Skyclan territory! We're very welcoming to those outside of our clan," Hailstone continued onwards with before rounding around a tree to find nothing of a small body or the source of the scent. It seemed so familiar to him in a way. Like he has met this cat before- but were had they met? Was it another kittypet? Or a loner from the city? It wasn't one of his neighbors that is for certain.


( * ˚ ✦ ) It's rare to see the SkyClan leader out of his nest for anything that takes more energy to make dirt. He doesn't even find his own prey, preferring to waste away until his bones sink painfully into the worn moss of his nest, against the cold merciless earth. There's satisfaction in the discomfort, though it's minimal and exhausting.

He's outside today, silken pale coat fluttering over a thinning frame that looks gaunter and gaunter with each passing day. The hollows in his cheeks cause the darkness of his blue eyes to run like pools of watery ink down his cheeks. Helpless, he is, to stop the perpetual grim look that's settled over his features.

Blazestar had not followed Hailstone on purpose; the Ragdoll has padded aimlessly since leaving camp, and to his chagrin, he's found both a SkyClan cat and a hapless kittypet.

The sheen of her coat, it's like his had once been, that delicate silken fineness that's almost like one of the pelts a Twoleg wears or dresses their trinkets with. Her short neck, the tufted paws, bushy tail -- he sees himself in her, and also his kits. Softhearted, kittypet, his mind chants, but he offers her a worn and tired smile all the same that does not reach his eyes.

"What Hailstone says is correct. This is SkyClan's territory, and you will not be harmed." His long tail sweeps the frosty earth. "I'm Blazestar, the leader. What are you called, little one?" Weary eyes skip from her ears to her paws.
Aquamarine eyes track the blue tabby stranger carefully as he reveals himself, though Muffin's long pelt had fluffed up defensively at the unfamiliar voice. He knows they're there? Oh no. They scurry around the tree just as the green-eyed tom peeks around it, bottlebrush-tailed and ears flat with fright, but in their haste Muffin forgets to check for other cats and nearly bumps straight into the one who introduces himself as Blazestar. Hailstone? That must be the blue tabby from earlier. Muffin backs up a step, wary despite the two toms' words, and her tail brushes against the ground cautiously.

"I'mmmmuffin." The introduction comes out in a tumble, white-mittened paws shuffling nervously under the leader's exhausted blue gaze. "Sorry, I didn't know you lived here, I promise ... What's a Clan?" The term brings with it a glimmer of familiarity somewhere in their mind, but they can't place it for now.​

The chill of the frigid air is starting to make his bone's ache. All he wanted to do was take a small stroll, maybe hunt a little but it's not going to well. The large tom attempts to stretch and his back refuses to be nice to him. His legs ache and he sighs softly as he lifts his bright blue eyes up to look at the sky. Maybe they will get more snow. Honestly he hopes not but those clouds that he saw on the horizon speak of it. Shaking himself he starts to make his way when he scents Blazestar. Voices lift up into the air, a sudden rush of words and then the tom shifts his direction to find out what is going on. As he appears in the foliage thr deep ginger and white tom tilts his head. Hailstone is here and there is a kittypet as well. She looks healtjy and her question makes his droopy ears lift up a small measure.

"Bonsoir, Muffin is a lovely name. Ah, a clan is us. We are a big family and we protect one another, ouais. We hunt for those that can't hunt for themselves and keep our borders safe." There are others but he doesn't want to overload with so much information. "Also I'm of the many warriors of Skyclan."
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She was going to cry over this soft little scrap wandering into their territory, what a delightfully precious child and that name was both ridiculous and endearing in the same breathe. Pumpkinpatch finds herself approaching the others present with a smile, focus on the pale kitten but she does pause to lean into Foxgecker's side in a friendly greeting to the older tom; who was one of the many cats she had met first upon her own arrival to the clan. she still didn't quite understand what he was saying sometimes, but he was kind and she was fond of his strangely demure mannerisms.
"Muffin! Muffin, that's so cute-uh-I mean-hello! I'm Pumpkin-uh-Pumpkinpatch!" She was still getting used to the two-part name but she was very tickled over hers still, it was a good one and she thought it lovely. That Blazestar had put effort into the thought of names when drowned in his own grief was something awe inspiring in its own way.
"It's just like Foxgecker said! I'm still learning too but it's very much-uh-a comfortable place to be! It's hard work but uh-well, I think it's rewarding in its own way! And there's such good company. Hmhm~"
"And then I chased 'em up a tree, and.. and-" Fireflypaw is currently babbling to @butterflypaw and @HUCKLEBERRY as they walk, following the small patrol of cats that scoured the borders daily. It was comforting, reassuring to be around those close to him. But even better, he wasn't stuck in camp. Sensitive little eyes narrow against his surroundings as his father stops, greeting someone small with a tired smile. Foxgecker, Pumpkinpatch, and Hailstone are already present.

"Muffin?" He repeats the name softly, rolling it around his tongue. He wondered why twolegs named their kits such weird names. "I'm Fireflypaw. Blazestar's my dad. Huckleberry here is my mentor!" He grins, sharp fangs glinting in the light. She looked like him! Fluffy paws, big ears- man, were they related? Was this some sort of miracle child? Sent from StarClan? Fireflypaw taps his foot on the ground four times, seemingly relaxing soon after.

"You wanna join? It's really fun here! Lotsa friends to make."