know what cant be shown .. return


pfp by pin !
Apr 29, 2023
// takes place after THIS THREAD

Padding through the entry with the remains of what was supposed to be a simple patrol, Cheddar's head hung shamefully low, diverting their gaze from their peers. They had felt truly ashamed for the mess they had caused, especially when Blazestar had sounded so tense interacting with the ThunderClan cats. By now the little nicks that Stormypaw had given were already scabbing over, but the impact of her crashing onto his shoulders, and straining when she kept him pinned, had certainly left him sore.

The patrol would disperse as they all returned home, but Cheddar wasn't quite sure where to go. Blazestar had sounded so disappointed, he didn't foresee another assignment coming his way. At least not for today.

"Didst thee know thee shall beest attacked at which for crossing borders?" He spoke to the nearest collection of cats. "Palmy warriors eft to striketh thee down. I am lucky to still has't fur!"
Fireflypaw hears Cheddar's return from patrol, the scent of his father lingering on the warrior's pelt. Something must have happened, or perhaps his father was close by. His ears swivel to the front, to the sides- listening for a familiar voice but none comes. He frowns then, when he hears Cheddar speak in their strange tongue. He could discern a bit of it, thanks to getting used to their talking. If he wanted to communicate with his new friends, he had to adjust himself, didn't he?

"I'm sure the borders will be fiercely watched now." Fireflypaw meows as he makes his way over to Cheddar, sniffing them to make sure there were no wounds. So they'd just.. Crossed the borders, and ThunderClan let them go? "Did you happen to see- oh, nevermind.." Fireflypaw doesn't wish to bring up his brother in moments like these. Cheddar could have gotten hurt, but really.. "They could have killed you, my friend." Who knows what cats think these days?

Fanta has not been here for long, but already she is settling into the easy routine. At night, she departs for her twoleg nest with the other kittypets. In the morning after her twolegs leave for the day, she comes back. She knows the way now, her paws walking on a worn path. Sometimes she meets up with other kittypets and walks with them. Sometimes it is just her. Curiosity and something else keep her coming back, though sometimes she is afraid. Their are all these expectations of her now. Fight, hunt, defend, attack. She never knows what's going to happen next. There is one thing that is certain though, coming here beat staring at a white picket fence all day, never daring to leave.

Cheddar was a kittypet who she had seen around a couple of times now. She herself had yet to go on any patrols but the orange pelted warrior had gone on one recently and it seemed they had returned with some interesting news. She listens quietly as she reports what had happened, a frown crossing her features. "Killed?" she echoes Fireflypaw, shocked. "Certainly they wouldn't have killed him for such an honest mistake right?" She looks to the black pointed tom with a puzzled expression. Was it truly so cutthroat in this world?

.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
———————— ————————
THE BLUE-EYED BRUTE STARED BLANKLY AT THE OTHER, BROW TWITCHING at the odd formation of words. Given me a headache. He thought grumpily. You’d think they’d learn to speak normally if they wanted to be understood.

Ears perked at Firefly’s last comment, grinning wickedly, head cocked as he gravitated towards them, muscles rippling beneath black-smoked fur. He barked out a laugh at Fanta’s remark. “You’re sorely mistaken.” His tone was deadpan, head cocked, staring at the other. “Clans wouldn’t think twice about killin’ a kittypet, no less a loner or rogue.” He rumbled rather coldly, uncaring of how his words would affect those around him. Sue him. He was a heartless bastard.

“This isn’t all rainbows, y’know. Sky might be the only one willing to accept everyone, but the rest? No. They’d shred you in a heartbeat if they could. Don’t think for a second they’re your friend.”

He turned to Cheddar, giving the other a once over, blue optics narrowed. “Glad you didn’t become shredded meat.” He called, darkened lips curled into a half-hearted smirk. “It’d be dull without your weirdness.” He pivoted on his paws, heading off to meet his brothers for a hunt, tail swishing as he bypassed them all.

/ out !

thoughts speech
Dawnglare is utterly blank - faced in lieu of this development. His lips are pressed thin, eyes half - lidded in a face that is nothing but bored. And the truth was, he hadn't a clue what this cat was ever saying. He'd think it more a problem if you could comprehend the devilish tongue. Hexes and curses are what it could be, for all the ignorant public knows, and he would not be surprised if Fireflypaw was making themself susceptible to a slow, passive death once again.

His deep frown is not in wake of the situation, but merely for the way they speak, and he angles a questioning gaze at his apprentice whom seems to understand near - immediately. The tone expresses urgency, sure, but Fireflypaw gleans a clearness from those words that Dawnglare could never hope to glean. He would call it delusion, himself.

Something something borders. Something something death. Mentally, he perks at the mention, but his face quickly falls into muted despair once again, knowing such a thing to be too good to be true. No bleeding, no broken bones. Boo. " Hmm. You probably deserved it, " he comments with a soft tsk, grimace drawing back in the beginnings of a hiss that never quite makes it out.

A smoke - wisp warrior begins to prattle on about how easily the nuisance could have died. Dawnglare severely doubts it, considering they are not even remotely on the precipice of death. A pink tongue swipes across his lips. He leans into scrutinize the sunny tomcat, nose wrinkled and eyes pinched, unimpressed. " I'm sure I'd kill you before ThunderClan ever does, " he remarks flatly.

"You're a traitor and now you're saying you're an incompetent one at that. StarClan is there any reason why you're still here?" His accentuated drawl only grew stronger as he leered at Dawnglare, teeth out for a fraction of a second as he was reminded of the state of Mallowlark's joining. Fur bristled in every direction, some frustration aimed towards the medicine cat whilst others were aimed towards the days prior. Johnny and Slate's faces as they were allowed to become Lead Warrior's, burnt into his memory like scars that no poultice wanted to heal. He could admit it was making him grouchier than usual, just as he could readily admit that the two-toned tom's words had no place within a clan of loyal Warriors. As if afraid he would chase Dawnglare out of the camp right then and there, he forced himself to rip his gaze away, glaring daggers at Cheddar as he took the time to mull over the tabby's experience. He was on a proverbial warpath, temper heated with no outlet outside of the cats before him. "And you." It was a fierce, low tone, exasperated by the wisps of ThunderClan stench he detected on Cheddar's pelt.

As if that Clan had anymore reason to hate SkyClan. He snorted. "I literally held a class that told you not to do this. What, were you busy that day? Had bees in your brain? You've damaged our reputation and our pride by your little stunt, not to mention you could've started an all-out war had they killed you." A part of him knew he wanted that, to hunger for combat that didn't involve hissing at his own clanmates, but not at the expense of a SkyClanner - even a SkyClanner who could barely count as one. His tail lashed behind him like a whip, claws out but finding no target except for the earth beneath him. There was no grace period as a clan member, compliance with long-set rules was mandatory from the start for reasons exactly like the one that Cheddar had shown. Flattened ears sprung up and forward in spite of the maddening twitches that threatened to send them back down. He shuffled to his full height, trying to ease the rapid rise and fall of his flank. "What do you have to say for yourself?"