private know what we've seen // Sunstar

periwinklebreeze 24 moons demi-boy windclan queen
" Sunstar - do y-you have a moment? " comes the queens quiet call, tail flicking nervously even as blue eyes are stubbornly set upon auburn pelt. He has asked much of his leader these past few moons, and yet selfishly he cannot help but have one last request - anxiety swirling heavily within his gut despite his resolute stance. " I... worry f-for Vulturek-kit, " he says after a moment, once he's gotten the toms attention. " Bilberrykit... Dustkit... th-they'll be tunnelers, won't they? They're small... and I d-don't see another path for D-dustkit, in truth, " he admits. The only blind cats he'd known within windclans ranks were tunnelers, all of them. Though he supposes medicine may be an option - one of skyclans healers was blind, weren't they? There must be some way... Head shakes, and the pointed tom tries to resume his train of thought, sharp teeth worrying his cheek as he continues. " But V-vulturekit won't be, " its a simple fact, and easy observation.

" He's a t-timid child, and I wish t-to take him on as my own - I r-remember what it w-was like, to be thrust into d-danger so soon... and I w-want to help him g-grow stronger for it, j-j-just as Bluepool once helped me, " The name of his former mentor makes his chest ache as it leaves his lips - he'd have died long ago if not for her. He wants to do her legacy proud - wants to show her, show himself, show them all that he is no longer the same cowering child he once was. He will do better - surely, Vulturekit wll be far braver then Periwinklebreeze had ever been.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E