pafp knowing is half the battle | learning




"Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and Skyclan..." She recites the words of the other clans as he names them off to her. A wonder in her eyes that there are so many of them. In this forest alone and all contending back and forth. It almost feels like it'll crumble but she forces herself to not think of such a thing. After all they are still here but she wonders at how long they have been here. Hmm. "There are certainly a lot of you. And you said that Windclan is an ally of your's? Across the monster track?" She knows what they are truly called. Her twolegs said the word often but she elects to just call then as the clan cats do. Her frown is evident then as she shifts her paws a little in thought. One of the topics she has skirted around and it is about the dead cats. The ones he says have forsaken Shadowclan. This Starclan. It makes her wonder and she glances to Pitchstar then though her courage to bring it up wanes suddenly and so she shifts topics. "So every leader...has star at the end of their name and they make a journey to go and get nine lives from Starclan. That sounds so...crazy." She can't help the small laughter that bubbles from her throat but if she has to be honest she believes him.

It's the way he says it with earnest and she simply doesn't refute it. "Kits become apprentices who train to be warriors. And then.....and then..." There is a pause, her tongue peeks out for a moment as she tries to collect her thoughts. "And then we all work together to feed the clan, protect the elders and the kits. Shadowclan comes first. We fight to protect our own. And a medicine cats duty is to heal and commune with Starclan." She then glances up at Pitchstar wondering if she left anything else out.

— pls wait for @PITCHSTAR
to think that he would have to play the role of teacher... any other time, pitchstar would've left the task to one of his trusted warriors, finding that going over the bare bones of clan life to be dull and tedious. but when he's stuck doing nothing other than healing from the infection that claimed one of his lives, even something as boring as teaching seems interesting enough to engage in on a good day.

melisandre repeats the names of the five clans, and pitchstar nods before supplying, "we share borders with thunderclan and windclan, across the southern thunderpath; windclan are our allies, yes... the rest of the clans have done nothing to help shadowclan, so we don't extend our help to them, either." best to drill it in melisandre's head early on that shadowclan fends for themselves first and foremost. and as she mentions starclan and nine lives again, his nose creases with wrinkles of distaste. "yeah. the thunderpath to the west separates us from highstones, where the moonstone is; that's where leaders go to get their nine lives, and medicine cats speak with starclan. but like i've said, we don't worship starclan here- why should we, when all they've done is watch us struggle without lifting a godly paw to help?"

she comments that it all sounds crazy, and pitchstar snorts. he'd thought the same when he'd first heard about the nine lives- and then he'd watch his mother die nine times over. he would never forget the memory of her, resuscitating over and over again, only to writhe in agony as the life drains from her each time. it's burned into his mind, like a brand seared onto his skin. "crazy, but it's true."

luckily, melisandre doesn't refute what he says. which is a relief, because pitchstar does not have the energy to spend on trying to convince this loner that he has nine lives- or he did at the start, at least. he probably would've just snapped at her to be there when he dies again to see for herself. but she accepts it, and moves on.

"that's basically it, yeah," pitchstar grumbles, tail tip flicking as he draws shapes in the mud idly. "the deputy is a clan's second-in-command, and when the leader dies, they'll take their place. a deputy is in charge of assigning patrols, so be sure to pay attention to which patrols chilledgaze sends you on... lead warriors are the lowest council rank, but they've still got more authority than regular warriors- so listen to them, as well."

Cinderkit is playing kitten games, her endeavors cause her to wind up practically between Melisandre and Pitchstar as he taught the newcomer about clan life and customs. Cinderkit knows all of this, for the most part, and hardly listens, but the talk of high rankings makes her grow the biggest smile on her face.

The child doesn’t truly have an ambitious bone in her body, but every kitten when they were young claimed they were going to be either a lead warrior, deputy, or leader one day. Cinderkit was not an outlier, when she played clan with the other kits she always insisted on being a lead warrior, but often they’d bully Cinderkit (who was oblivious to it) into being a warrior- one time they had even made her play a fox to attack.

”I’m gon’ be un’ of Pitchstar’s lead warriors someday!” She informs Melisandre with an ugly grin, before looking at her leader mischeviously, ”Even if he don’ know it yet!”


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​

Smogmaw is pile-bound, trudging over to the boundary of camp in anticipation of yet another prey deficit. Off-white teeth are revealed in the tom's characteristic scowl, though his expression lessens in severity when a particular conversation reaches his ears. He glances over, scruffy chin swung over a shoulder, to glimpse the prim-'n-proper newcomer getting a lecture from Dear Leader himself. How lucky she is to receive a recap. The tabby had to figure out all of this bullshit in real time.

Fully knowing the disappointment he would get in seeing the fresh-kill pile, he charts a new course and drops by Pitchstar and Melisandre en route. "SkyClan?" expels the tom, echoing the she-cat's earlier words. "Huh, I'd forgotten about them. Wonder what it's like bein' so unremarkable."

Muddy eyes flick from the lady to his superior. It's humorous to hear him speak so dismissively about StarClan, when they're responsible for making sure he didn't die of rat bites. Personally, if Smogmaw had a nest among the stars, he would have taken the rest of Pitch's lives away right then and there. But he dare not mention this aloud.

A little one squeaks, too, and he swivels his head to find the puffball. He exhales sharply at the thought of knocking her over and watching her roll away.

Why tell this stranger all this, when they'd be gone in a few moons, anyhow? She'd get tired of it, eventually. Sharppaw is but a bystander to it all. The schpeal the two go on within camp's walls. It sounds more fitting of a conversation between a kit and their mother. An actual kit– Cinderkit, shows to aid the illusion. A bold declaration, but maybe not so, in her little head. Borne to unfortunate lineage, both visibly and not. You could hardly say that she'd be anything.

Of course, looks mean little. It was too soon to know if she'd be anything.

Smogmaw wanders over, his conversation only slight. Sharppaw pitches in with little of his own. "Their business is with WindClan." Unremarkable to them. Though, if they'd told their allies, he can't imagine they would take kindly to it. It's strange. "...for some reason." Practically across the forest from each other, it almost seems like they went out of their way to bother each other.

The monochrome she cats newness was quickly wearing off on Rainecho. The novelty of a fresh face to look at taken over by annoyance that they had to explain everything to a grown ass adult like she was a kit. She is surprised so many of her clanmates are willing to put up with so much of it. Stars knew she wasn’t. And here comes little Cinderkit to remind her that this newcomer knew even less than a kit- and one tainted by the blood of a kittypet at that.

She rolls her eyes and tries to suppress the urge to say something false to make Melisandre (what kinda name was that anyways) look like a fool later. If only Pitchstar weren’t here…

"You would know, Smokejaw" she quips to Smogmaw, her tongue as quick and sharp as ever, trying to stifle a small laugh at her own joke but failing. Of course she knew the gray tabbies name, it was hard not to know the names of anyone here. This was home, after all. It would remain to be seen if the snow furred Molly could say the same.