komm, süßer tod | silkbreath

TABRIS-MERCY SILKBREATH: he / they; transmasc genderfluid, gay – brief description. expand if you like

─ 26 moons: NPC xx NPC; nephew to ferndance and cousin to daffodilpaw: formerly a rogue and currently a shadowclan warrior. born into his rogue troupe and traveled with them until the founding of the clans & the great battle. his rogue family didn't teach him right from wrong, and instead taught him to follow impulse whenever he could; this lead to a warped sort of morality that doesn't discourage otherwise taboo acts like killing or maiming cats, or injuring younger cats. this, combined with his seeing starclan form at the great battle, has lead to a morality that is as follows: do anything to make starclan happy. but silkbreath's idea of what makes starclan happy may too be warped....

lh cream solid with white and milky blue eyes silkbreath is, frankly, a beautiful figure. he is tall and thin and elegant, with a softly-sculpted face and a smooth coat that feathers at the fringes. the tallest of his siblings, silkbreath is quite used to looking down the bridge of his nose at others. the attitude carries to creatures many times taller than he is, too, though he usually masks any negativity or insubordinate emotion beneath a thoroughly-practiced smile. his emotions have been performative from a young age, allowing him to make expressions that do not connect with the emotions he feels inside of him. this disconnect has its disadvantages, however, as it often makes it difficult for silkbreath to form real connections when he genuinely wants to. it is something he craves, and yet, something he seems doomed to fail at.
─ born with low vision due to cataracts; can see desaturated color, shape, and light, but everything blurs together so that he cannot easily distinguish things or tell what they are. has lived with this condition since birth so he is generally good at navigating with it, however struggles with night hunting and combat. symptoms can also include double vision, light halos at night, and increased sensitivity to light.

✦ extremely blithe, liar, means well expand blahblahblah
─ extremely devout starclan worshipper. does not necessarily realize he may be misinterpreting their wants.
─ has very little understanding of intimacy on any level, whether platonic or romantic. silkbreath's attempts to form a connection to others can often be interpreted as flirting, whether that's his intention or not. doesn't tend to develop crushes.
─ ENTP-A - "the debater"
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