no angst KUMBAYA &. bonding

all this is is a little thread of chilledgaze trying to get the clan to bond a little more by working together! they don't say that it's a bonding exercise and won't until the end!

there was a lot of turmoil going on in the clan. so much distrust, and in chilledgaze's own opinion, they should have reserved that for everyone else. shadowclan was the only clan they could trust. pitchstar had burned the bridges with the other ones, faster than the fire had burned down their territory. faster than those lives had been ripped from briarstar. their body involuntarily shivered at the thought of something like that happening once again, and they had made an unconscious effort to stay away from the loudest place they could think of. they swore they still saw her body out there, and the horrible monster that caused so many so much grief without even the slightest bit of remorse.

taking in a deep breath, they deputy hide the last piece of prey, stepping back and heading back to right before the camp's entrance, tail swaying behind them. this was a simple exercise to get them all to work together. they wouldn't be able to get they pieces of hidden prey without using each other's help, especially since they were fake out spots, hidden easily with the scent of something fresher, while it just had been bones. four pieces of prey, hidden and only accessible had someone else helped the cat who was lucky enough to find it. hopefully this was going to make finding prey in the cold of leaf bare that much easier, too.

"i know you think that training is just for apprentice, but its not. you can always learn more. so, ive set out prey all around within several badger lengths from this very spot. find the prey, and bring it back here. whomever finds the biggest one, gets a nice fresh rabbit from windclan territory."

the thing had hopped over here, and chilledgaze took their opportunities where they saw it. they needed the prey, and hopefully... whoever won decided to share.

  • The training that Chilledgaze has devised sounds more like a game to Betonyfrost. She doesn't say as much, doesn't want to risk the distinct possibility that the difficulty could be upped. Rather, Betonyfrost stands in a spot besides Chilledgaze, offers them a nervous smile, and then walks a single badger-length away. Another smile glanced to Chilledgaze, and then Betonyfrost further still, until she stands at four badger-lengths away from Chilledgaze.

    If Betonyfrost had understood correctly all of the prey to be found was no further from Chilledgaze than Betonyfrost was now.

    "I smell something," Betonyfrost says and then, after an uncertain moment, closes her eyes and tips her head back to better take in the scent.

    The marsh carries so many scents with it. Her clanmates, both stale and fresh. Stagnant water, mud, and leaflitter are a constant. Above it all, Betonyfrost scents freshkill, near enough to spark hunger in her gut. Would it be too much trouble to ask Chilledgaze for another hint?​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags

Who was her competition? Who was it? Betonyfrost? DESTROYED, GARBAGE, SHE COULD TAKE ON FIVE BETONYFROSTS! That rabbit was hers, the competition would be obliterated in mere seconds from her might, she was about to rip ShadowClan apart and then put the pieces back together and its going to be in the shape of her face because she was the best! Her visage would be worshipped for moons to come! But first she had to find that prey!
Poppypaw moved like a quick red fox, swift and blindingly fast but with all the grace and agility of a newborn deer; her paws catching on the soft ground and across invisible sticks that sent her rolling and tumbling about in a whirlwind of red as she continued her frantic search.
"You don't know who you're up against! Better give up now and save yourself the trouble!" Her mama said she was the nosiest cat alive which probably meant that her nose worked better than everyone elses so there was no way she wasn't going to follow every scent with absolute perfection. The only thing she could imagine keeping her from winning was if Chilledgaze knew her one true weakness and purposefully exploited it to give the other cats an advantage. That had to be it! Which meant...
Orange eyes lifted upward, starred into the tree branches above and she gave a gulp. She hated heights, but she wasn't going to lose because their deputy was a conniving monster who hated HER SPECIFICIALLY so up she started to climb, tiny clawed paw at a time.


Ears perk up as the molly heard Chilled's voice. The only is speaking up about s challenge, one about finding the biggest piece of prey that is hidden and winning a rabbit. For her she finds this to be less than necessary. Prey is short here and hiding it to find it with the hopes that nothing else will for a rabbit that should be freely split with the clan just a run around and stomach stressing. Shifting on her paws the woman glances up for a moment and realizes that Poppy is climbing a tree. Odd. Really pine trees are the worst to climb. The bark is too sleek, branches too high and too few. Shadowclan are not climbers but ambushers so she has a small inkling on where the prey might be. Yet she doesn't move from her spot and instead she parts her jaws to pull in the scent of the area.

It takes her a moment and she flicks her tail from one side to the other before she starts to move. The scent if a vole is nearby. Not too old but not too fresh either. It looks to be tucked into a crevice and she looks over her shoulder at Betony. "Hey, wanna help me get this out? I'll share it with you." Her eyes turn up to look at Poppypaw just to make sure the other doesn't fall.

The deputy's impromptu training session strikes him as a distraction more than a lesson. A game in the guise of an exercise. And with the grand prize being another clan's fresh-kill, Smogmaw isn't too sure about the message they're trying to send here. Nevertheless, the mackerel tabby ambles beyond the rim of camp at Chilledgaze's call, though he halts in his tracks near the mostly-black feline.

At the current moment, he refrains from participating. This is little more than a children's game, after all. But seeing how the intent of this task lies in getting everybody to work together (as opposed to against one another), he finds no problem in starting a dialogue with the second-in-command. StarClan knows he scarcely ever speaks to them in a cordial light.

"How long'd it take you to set this up?" asks the tom in a lukewarm tone of voice, casting them a brief sideline glance while he observes an apprentice climbing a tree. Or attempt to, at least. It'd make his day if she fell. "I hope you nicked the rabbit right off WindClan's turf," he then comments, hardly concerned about the integrity of their so-called alliance with the other clan. "One of those things is enough to fill three bellies."