camp KYRIE, ELEISON! ↷ rough start

When Smogmaw awoke, he found himself greeted not only by the usual malaise, but as well a percussion of pounding stiffness in his skull. A sensation which replicated a blunt-force impact, such that even with his eyelids closed, his vision was being assaulted by tracer lines of purple and red. The previous night remained largely obscured, and clarity refused to break through the lingering mist. Had he overslept, or merely stolen a wink or two? It hardly seemed relevant, since the dawn light was so brutally blinding through the warrior den's wall.

Ah, fox-dung—whatever the case, he'd slept in. The deputy preferred to start the day well before the swamp got its first taste of sun. Always.

Bones crackle with little fanfare as the tom pushes from the den. Inwardly, Smogmaw groused at the mistreatment his joints had undergone, aging against his will, weathered by humid air and the strain that came with traversing this muddy landscape. Outwardly, he looked just as sullen. Having an unpleasant frown on show for passerby, as his amber regard skimmed the dew-laden air.

Whatever disposition wrapped tightly around him diverged significantly from his usual irritability. His nerves do not urge him forward with the compulsion they often channeled through him. That alone gave the tabby more pause to stare blankly across the morning clearing. It leaned closer toward sadness. Hell, it was sadness, through and through. Later on tonight would he take the reins as pseudo-leader and represent his clan as envoy, in what was the second time he'd be standing in for his wounded leader. Smogmaw should be ecstatic, overjoyed at once more assuming such an esteemed role atop the Great Rock.

He did not feel excited. Just sad. Which is a shame. A loss, even.

It was Halfshade who'd emboldened his aspirations for greater heights. It was Halfshade who'd injected into said aspirations her confidence and her pulling power, tugging him along without a lick of effort. He may not have vocalised it, may not have openly showed how her enthusiasm affected him in a positive light, but it did. It truly did. She lived as the touchstone to his ambition, the wellspring from which he'd drank deep whenever his morale flagged.

Without her presence amongst the crowds at the gathering, watching him speak loud and clear through those gorgeous bi-coloured eyes, he might as well sit mutely in some darkened corner, and nurse his grudges from afar. The longing for her cuts deep, and the wound becomes more pronounced as time moves on.

Smogmaw sighs, before lowering his head and beginning the mundane cycle of self-assuring licks that brought his fur flat against his chest. His vision drifts skywards when a clanmate encroaches on his person, muzzle lifting sluggishly, peeling into a false, yet placid smile for their sake. "Morning," he coaxes out, exhaling sharply shortly thereafter. "Gathering's tonight, yeah? Gotta - (he clears his throat in a symbolic gesture) - ahem, gotta get my speakin' voice ready, heh."


"What's'a gathering?" Gigglekit chirps questioningly as she bounced over to where Smogmaw was sitting, talking with one of their other Clanmates. There were so many things that were new and fresh in her mind, and there was an insatiable urge to learn more, more, more! She'd heard the Clan chattering about a 'gathering' that was coming up, but she wasn't sure what they all meant by that - so the minute she got the chance to ask, she did.

It was really by chance that it was Smogmaw that ended up being at the receiving end of the question - any other day, Gigglekit might have been on her way to ask Ferndance or Needledrift about this new concept. She paused in her prancing, taking a good look at Smogmaw before she mimicked him and licked her own chest fur as he had.

"Mom says I can speak real well. I can help!" She offered, eyes shining as they blinked up at Smogmaw. There was something sad about this tom, and Gigglekit wasn't sure why he seemed like that. Maybe her offer of help could extend past whatever a gathering was, and she could make him less sad! Her family always said her name was something happy, so she tried her best to embody it.
  • !
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, zero moons
    blinks incessantly.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
The gathering would draw his Clanmates from the borders of the swamps this evening, and Jaggedpath was designated as an addition to the warriors that would be keeping their camp secure while the rest were off galavanting with the other Clans. Mingling, as they said. The tom enjoyed a bit of chit-chat now and then but he would gladly prefer to stay home. It was quiet, his Clanmates kept him comfortable, and he knew every pair of eyes that would ever look his way.

Punctuality carried Jaggedpath from his nest on time and though he doesn't have a morning patrol to attend he still made himself busy helping to fill the gap in the apprentices den that their little runaways snuck through. It wouldn't keep them shut in completely, but at least be a bit more obvious should someone try to replicate their escape. He's just about finished when Smogmaw finally crawled his way from the warriors den and the fluffy tom approached to greet him. "Mornin' t'ya!" He answered cheerfully.

"Right, that. D-don't f'get tuh-to talk me up, yeah?" Gigglekit who's less aware of these customs. Had Needledrift not told her about them yet? "S'where uh-all th'Clans sit 'round and talk horse. Make'emselves l-look good f-fer th'stars." He gave a simple shrug, not too invested in Gathering nights himself.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits
"Oh wow..." she mused quietly, staring in Jaggedpath's direction like an awestruck kitten. "I never knew the clans could talk horse... it must be a lot of neighing nowadays at Fourtrees." A long time had passed since Ferndance attended a gathering, well over eight moons, it was interesting to know how the culture had changed in that time. She didn't know how the equine language impressed StarClan, but it was something she would remember for the future. Moving closer to Gigglekit, the cinnamon tabby leaned down to lick between her daughter's ears in greeting, purrs buffering from the action. Being banned from attending was troubling now that she knew how often her mate had waited for her on those fateful nights, but at least she had her ShadowClan mate and all her kittens to spend the night with. It must've been selfish to want more than that, but, selfishness scarcely bothered Ferndance. Her emerald gaze fluttered to Smogmaw, suddenly aware that he would be ShadowClan's lone figurehead again. "Gigglekit can speak very well..." She nodded in agreement with the kitten's statement, eyes unblinking as they settled upon Smogmaw. "And she makes more sense than anyone at Fourtrees." Her whiskers twitched in amusement.


Halfshade's remarkable patience with young ones reverberated through him long after her unbidden farewell. In the before-times, his disposition towards kits was steeped solely in aversion, for they were noisy, demanding, and careless creatures; yet, when his beloved gifted him the most cherished of treasures - kits - he took it upon himself to embrace all the virtues a mindful parent ought to embody. He became tender, patient, and attentive (exclusively around youthful ears, mind), and forsook his overarching callousness for an air of goodwill.

Gigglekit has Halfshade to thank for Smogmaw's relatively calm response—black-pointed ears prick upwards at the unexpected inquiry, and a smirk colours his somber expression as the runty little thing comes dawdling into plain view. "What's a gathering?" he echoes, though Jaggedpath's emergence steals his focus for but a moment, and the deputy reciprocates with a solemn nod.

When his transient gaze realigns with the kit, the deputy realises he doesn't quite have an adequate answer at paw.

What's a gathering, after all? It is the pulpit where agitators and limp-willed leaders tower over their subordinates, commanding attention whilst they espouse only what their clan wants to hear, what makes them comfortable.

Where a leader speaks of prosperity and pride whilst ignoring the rot and the filth that permeates the roots of their den; where onlookers are none the wiser, blinded by the light before them, and left in the dark when it has died. It is a charade, a performance, a show of force — nothing more and nothing less. The real politics play out in the shadows.

He clears his throat, then. "A gathering is where the five clans come together at Fourtrees - which is a big, wide opening, ten times the size of our camp. Usually, leaders stand atop the Great Rock and share news about what has happened in their clans. Usually." A shallow, gravelly chuckle rings out from his gullet. Part in response to Ferndance's remarks, the validity of which cannot be disputed, and part in anticipation of his own appearance at the gathering tonight. "Tonight, I will be representing ShadowClan, since Chilledstar is still sick 'n all. Is there anything I should tell the other clans, Gigglekit?"


"Everybody..." Gigglekit says, eyes widening at the thought. Surely that meant there were hundreds of warriors that were there at Fourtrees! Maybe even thousands! "Am I gonna go?" She asked, looking over at Ferndance as she arrived at her side, words devolving into a purr of her own when her mom licked the top of her head. She wanted to go. It sounded fun! And it would be a chance to see the outside-outside, where all the other Clans were! Oh, she hoped she was going.

Smogmaw asked her what he should tell the other Clans, and the little she-kit scrunched her nose as she thought deeply about what could possibly be so important that it could be shared at such an important meeting. This was important! She needed to be able to help Smogmaw tell the other Clans something, so...

"Tell'em how m'brother Branchkit 's'gonna be able to fight badgers an' foxes!" Gigglekit declares with a determined nod. That was good news! It meant that all the cats wouldn't have to worry as much since Branchkit would save them. "An' m'brother Morelkit's gonna be like you an' one day go on the big rock, too!"

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