camp la da dee — frog watching


never give up 09/18/23
Feb 21, 2023
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
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THE NEWLY MADE APPRENTICE SHUFFLED, STARING AT THE PINEWOOD tree frog he found while out hunting with his mentor, owlish hues blinking in wonder. He’d always been odd, obsessing over frogs that many didn’t find pleasing. Dove had always found them incredibly cute as they hopped along seemingly without care.

His darkened maw curled, nose crinkling as the frog stay where he placed it trying his best to remain still despite the quiet purr that rattled his tiny frame. “Look! Look! T, They’re so cute!” He gushed, shutter ever so present as he stared at the dull-colored frog. “I don’t know why some t, think they’re u, ugly!” He huffed, cheeks jutting out in an obvious pout.

“I w, wonder if they have colors li, like we do!” He tapped his chin with a furred paw, freckled muzzle scrunching up. He’d love to venture further to see if his theory was right, but he doubted Stumpy would enjoy going on a frog hunt. I’ll just have to wait until I’m a warrior! Then I can observe them all I want! He bobbed his head, not realizing the notion would look odd.

“D, Do they ha, have families?” He wondered with a tilt of his helm, staring wide-eyed at the creature. I should take it back to where I found it soon … [/I]He thought with a hum, kneading the ground.

dove is talking to @Acornkit . ( i really hope i @ the right account )

thoughts speech

Pale blue eyes widened with amazement as an apprentice entered camp, carrying what could be considered a piece of prey, however it looked too slimy for Shinekit's tastes. What was more astounding was the fact that it wouldn't fit comfortably on the prey pile, considering it was very much alive. With his interest piqued, the shaft of sunlight shot forwards, skidding to a halt a good distance away from Dovepaw as to not scare the frog.

Crouching down, the curious cat watched the creature. Was this the kind of stuff he could find outside camp? The only non-feline fauna he'd seen were bugs or the odd bird, but this blew those out of the water! Dovepaw's speculation to Acornkit only added to Shinekit's interest, and soon an empty yet imaginative head was running wild. "What if they have clans like us?" he blurted out, already tossing it away in favor of another errant idea. "or what if this one's a baby, and its momma is gonna bust in to rescue it? I bet a fully grown one is as big as…" sky-blue eyes scanned his surroundings, looking for something that would live up to imagined expectations. "…as big as the warriors' den!"

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Perhaps it was simply in odd-ball solidarity, or perhaps it was because Dovepaw was a gentle spirit- something Acornkit had always been able to find comfort it- but the fawn child adored the apprentice.
She had been hopping after the patchwork tom when suddenly he beckoned her over. Being so close behind, Acornkit made short work of her scuttle, peering down at her friends finding with wide eyes.
"Froggy.." the child cooed with an assuring nod, as if she was confirming the creature before them.
Dovepaw rattles of questions, and Acornkit finds herself struggling to keep up.
"They… they are pretty cute!" Acornkit hums in agreement, staring in wonder at the slimy thing. Shinekit offers an interesting theory, and Acornkit has to pause to process the musings in her busy mind. Bush, busy…
"But.. how do they communicate? They can’t talk!" She concludes, "they just ribbit ribbit ribbit." She takes a seat, look back up towards Dovepaw. "Maybe it doesn’t have a family, maybe we could be it’s family?" She prompts, surely Wrenflutter would mind- and Oak-kit would think it was cool!
So many maybes.

❪ TAGS ❫ — An icy stare watches closely as his nephew carries a critter into camp; at first he thinks it to be a piece of fresh-kill, but as it turns out, it's a live frog. Even though he is not Dovepaw's mentor, he can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that his sister's child

He eyes the two kits who have their attention focused on the frog; Shinekit and one of the orphans that his sister had taken in, Acornkit. Kittens were damn cute, there was no denying that, but Hawkshiver has never been great at interacting with them. Dovepaw was an apprentice now, technically, so perhaps there would be more for them to talk about now that he had begun his warrior training. Or not, that was fine with him too. He didn't need to be close with all of his kin, but he'd always look out for them and care about them a little too much as far as he still lived.

Their childish worries and musings were entertaining, at least. It was unheard of for a frog to eat a cat and, although some of them were quite sizeable in comparison to a small kit, all they did is hop around and make strange noises with their throats. "You know, ShadowClan is known for eating frogs." Hawkshiver chimes in, though silence lingers in the air for moments afterward. He isn't quite sure what to say next; how did one talk to children, anyway?

Hawkshiver looks down at the slimy-looking creature, and with a blink of his cold stare, he comments next, "I don't think it would be happy staying in camp for long." If it were in ShadowClan then it would have been as good as dead long before it was carried into camp. Luckily for this frog, ThunderClanners didn't have much of an appetite for amphibians. Still, it was probably scared to death... if frogs experienced emotions, of course.
White tipped toes trotted along the packed dirt ground as Goldenpaw moved his way into camp. A vole hung from his jaws, and it wasn't much but at least something was better than nothing. The rather loud tomcat dropped it off onto the prey pile when there was a curious movement from the corner of his eye. Glancing over, there was a gathered group of cats consisting of Dovepaw, Acornkit, Shinekit and Hawkshiver. What where they doing? It didn't look like Hawkshiver was teaching them anything useful and they kits just appeared to be questioning the poor warrior to death.

Normally Goldenpaw would've brushed it off and continued on his way, but something about the group pulled him in and he found himself approaching. What could they be looking at? It couldn't be that interesting- it was a frog. The chocolate tabby gave a gasp and danced on his toes excitedly, "Its a frog! Oh my stars a frog!" He whispered before crouching down and approaching carefully.

Something not many knew about the young, rather harsh apprentice was this one thing; he loved amphibians and reptiles. There was just something fascinating about them that drew him in and there was so much he knew about them too! "Did you know they can live up to many moons in age in captivity? Like as long as Blazestar with his nine lives," Goldenpaw spoke excitedly to Hawkshiver then down to the kits and Dovepaw he said, "And they've been here longer than the forest itself!"

sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
As the pale furred feline strides over to see what all the fuss is about, nose crinkles in digust and he actually scrambles back a few pawsteps at the sight that meets his eyes. "Ew! Frogs are gross, they're all slimy and smell weird," voice is pitched high and whiney in distress, and she looks rather ill. They don't understand why everyone seems so excited - why they're all making such a fuss. Whats the big deal about a stupid frog anyways? Well whatever - "J-just keep it away from me!"