LA DEVOTEE ♥ Hunting patrol

Paws fell silent, the scent of prey lingered in the air and the rush of water was heard nearby. Mix colored eyes scanned the area that flourished in front of them. There was shades of green and brown every which way and the rays of light pouring upon the open spaces to bring out their color. Heat beat upon the territory although an occasional breeze made the weather tolerable.

Petalnose led her patrol against the wind to hide their scent, silently weaving through some underbrush to keep them hidden from any oncoming prey. She slowly came to a halt, turning to her patrol members for instructions. "Whether you pick land hunting or fishing, I don't care. I want each of you to bring back something. I will gather under the willow tree once I determine we're finished for the day. Work hard and spread out, now go." She commanded, flicking her tail to dismiss them from their position and slinking off herself to the scent of vole.

Carefully her paws led her, her whole body low and flat to the ground. The molly was careful to not let her stomach drag across the earth below her. Despite the light parts of her coat, her brown patches perfectly camouflaged within the underbrush. She was cautious but quick as she followed the scent her nose led her to until a small furred creature stood cleaning itself. Once she was crouched three paces away, she sprung out and sunk her teeth deep into the warmth of the animal. Fast and efficient. The vole was fairly sized, dangling from her jaws. She carefully placed it down and nudged leaves over the first member of her planned pile, then she silently turned to scent for any more prey nearby. The molly also scanned for any slacking members as she searched for prey, taking the opportunity of land hunting made her capable to move around to check up if everyone was serving their purpose. Pikesplash teased her with catching a salmon, but later she would adhere to his wishes. For now, she would take her responsibility seriously to leading her patrol.

// @dovepaw. And this patrol is open to members who haven't been assigned a patrol! + Rolls are optional, but if you want to roll for an idea they are pinned in my discord channel! ♥


Clovernose himself hadn't been assigned a hunting patrol, so he joined up with a commanding molly named Petalnose. He was intent to do as he was told, and as they silently made their way through underbrush and vegetation, he couldn't help but mull over the concept of patrols. His own job within the clan tended to lean towards hunting and helping the nursery's residents keep busy, but he hadn't really been on many patrols since he had become a warrior. Of course, he had trained an apprentice-- Lambpaw-- but she had been very hardworking and independent, often joining patrols that he himself hadn't bothered to volunteer for. She had been trained by experience, but he had still done his job and taught her the basics.

Sometimes he wondered if he had done enough, but those thoughts were shaken off when they entered the dark recesses of suppressed memories, memories he hadn't let himself remember even as they tended to pop up unannounced at times.

His fluffy orange tail flicked back and forth as the molly released them to their own devices. He scented the air, thought nothing came to him at first he moved silently through the brush a few paces away from the rest of them and did so again. His nose was raised in the air when an adolescent mouse ripped by him, running from what he presumed was a bigger piece of prey.

Startled, he moved back slowly so as to not disturb the brush around him, and waited for the larger prey to come through. He was completely hidden behind reeds and tall grass when a starling flitted low to the ground. It was obviously looking for the mouse it had lost, and he readied himself to jump. His movement was quick and precise, leaping from the brush and dragging the starling down with him. The pretty blue-black and white bird fell with him when he dropped to the ground on sturdy paws, and he heard a soft crunch as it's neck broke from the force of the landing. It hadn't struggled much, and the birds feathers were completely preserved. No blood, no mess... he would probably strip the avian of its primary feathers before leaving it on the fresh-kill pile.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly