la lune | Nettlepaw

Firepaw couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Nettlepaw and had to wonder just how far the tom had fallen in his training, something he quite desperately needed in her opinion he needed to learn to truly fight so he wouldn't wind right back in the same situation that sent him covered in cobwebs and poultice for what felt like moons. Separated from her and the other apprentices, utterly alone and in pain it was a awful fate and she wouldn't have been able to stand the grief of not just losing an eye but so much time and dignity even if she'd argue otherwise. He seemed to be the type to stew in his emotions well now he was anyway, considering how he looked when they all saw the extent of his healed wounds she doesn't doubt he's not still moping. Most would, wouldn’t they if they didn’t have to drive persevere and clearly he had some considering he didn’t just bleed out into the dirt after that rat-bastard of a rogue tore into him.

He just needs a kick in the rear to get going again Firepaw thinks and if anything she’s good at doing that, she pushes others around it’s something she’s always done rather she means to or not. And today she seeks him out going to the medicine den (or whatever burrow he decided to crawl into.❝Hey Nettlepaw get your butt up we’re gonna go spar!❞ she mraows, it’s not quite a invitation as it is a demand.
