La Seine and I ✧ Sorrelsong

Feb 20, 2024

Sorrelsong had once mentioned learning a few names of the stars in the Silver Pelt by Skyclan's elders. Flora at the time mentioned that she should also teach her about those names sometime. That she would like to go stargazing, not thinking much of it. She didn’t know what Sorrelsong had meant back then, still didn't understand it now. So when the molly was asked if she was able to stay out tonight so she could be taught an important part of clan culture she said yes. Mostly because she just wanted the excuse to watch the stars tonight.

She figured Ditto would be okay with her being out for a few hours more than normal tonight. Part of her did worry, not wanting to cause her beloved sibling any stress over not knowing her whereabouts. Despite her concerns she had to remind herself that they're a big cat. Even though Flora insists on calling him a kit at any opportunity that she could. They're fine and he should know that her sister will be fine too.

She let out a soft sigh as she waited for Sorrelsong by the camp's entrance. She was looking forward to this, well, she had to put some effort into keeping her brain focused on the fact that this was an educational thing and not a leisurely activity. It felt exciting though, a change of pace from what she had found their usual routine to be, not that she had an issue with the usual routine of course. Surveying the camp Flora thought that it was strange, being here when the sun was down, it was like seeing Skyclan for the first time all over again. She made a habit of making it home by the time the moon had properly taken its place into the sky.

It was a full moon tonight and clear skies, perfect weather for... she was just going to call it stargazing. Dazzling moonlight bathed the territory and its denizens as well as sunlight did, it was all rather pretty. While she loved her home she wondered briefly if the cats who slept here understood or really appreciated the beauty that was their camp at night, she was certain that she wouldn’t tire of it. The sound of footsteps pulled her outside of her musing, the familiar sight of Sorrelsong caused Flora to stand at attendance, immediately perking up. She grinned at her friend and moved so she could meet her in the middle of her walk.

“You look nice tonight! Moonlight suits you” she decided out loud with the usual lilt in her tone that indicated that she was in a playful mood. Flora took a moment to inwardly compare how the molly looked now compared to in the sunlight, she was pretty sure she enjoyed seeing her friend in the daylight more. “So! What does this ‘Silver Pelt’ look like?” she breezed past her greeting statement, tilting her head up as she asked and gazed at the stars with curiosity. Flora had wondered what was so special about this Silver Pelt? She understood that it was a cultural thing, most likely connected to Star Clan in some way. She wasn't sure if she was expected to be also following that culture but she presumed so, that's part of being a part of SkyClan right?

“Do you go stargazing often?” She turned her attention back to Sorrelsong. Flora wondered what the chocolate point molly did during the night hours. She liked to spend her time imagining what she got up to, what friends she had, if she stargazed often, with said friends or by herself, or if this was a special occasion? Hm, maybe she could interrogate her about it when she's not wrapped up in teaching.

// @Sorrelsong
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Night time had always been a favorite of Sorrelsong's. When she was a kit with Duskpool and the others, she had always been excited to dream and tell her brothers the wonders she saw while she was carefully tucked into sleep's warm shadow. She enjoyed it as a show cat, the darkness was the only place that hid all of her imperfections. The uneven fur, the odd gait, the paws that seemed just to big to be dainty. It blurred the now and the then, it brought her comfort in the memory of her siblings and their games something she thought was gone. It was a comfort again when she had first joined the clan, allowing her to bask in the comfort of sleeping in the warrior's den when she was technically a daylight warrior, a stranger, a fox in cat's skin. It brought comfort again as her name changed into one she felt covered her in something more tangible then 'Circe' ever did. Even though sleep slipped through the huntress's claws most nights, she still had a particular love of it, it felt safe.
When she had offered to share Silver Pelt with Flora, it felt both like something a mentor should do with her - was Flora her friend or apprentice first? She found herself appreciating the molly's presence all the same - but it also felt something closer to tangible. After all, her brothers were up there. Their stories mingling with the stories of many other brave cats. Would her story be up there someday? Would Flora's?
She found her mind a bit fogged with musings, but the familiar scent of home and an echo of home, of her friend, perked up chocolate ears. Before she could open her maw, the ability to form words flew out of her for a second. She knew Flora well enough now to recognize the lilt, but the complement made her happy nonetheless. She didn't get many, and so added it to a little collection in the back of her head.
"Implying neither one of us looks good in the sun," With a similar lilt in her voice and a soft smile, Sorrelsong tips her head in greeting to the other molly. She'd grown to enjoy Flora's way of greeting. It generally wasn't formal and breathed life into the normally socially-aware molly. Briefly, she considered informing Flora on the way she seemed to glow - perhaps she had groomed herself differently? But the conversation moved quickly that Sorrelsong didn't give it much mind.
"Silver Pelt is," She shifted a little, what was the best way to explain this? She felt a bit of shame, almost fear wash over her. When Tigerscar had told her about Silver Pelt she thought he was... well, in a word crazy. She'd changed her mind since, but she never did look at Tigerscar the same way. Would Flora look at her oddly too? Whiskers twitching a bit, Sorrelsong settled on the easiest things to answer first, and hopefully Flora wouldn't mind... to much. Her paws itched. Maybe she should've taken Flora for battle training instead.
"Silver Pelt is, well, what I used to call stars," Maybe her history as a kittypet would help her explain the idea? "Silver Pelt is the collection of them that look over us. They uh,"
A soft giggle lifted it's way out of the molly, glancing upwards. The stars seemed to dance, shining so far away as the bug's lullaby wafted up from the grass. This is Flora, her friend. What was she so worried about? She trusted this molly more then she ever trusted Tigerscar. Besides, she never really asked the old grump about it, he just told her and got mad when she had questions.
"At the risk of sounding like an," She paused. 'Elder' was blunt... but also very, very rude. So to was everything else she could say. She needed to stop entertaining the kits so often, lest they infect her speech pattern even more. Besides, she was Flora's mentor. She was the example. But... Flora was a trusted friend. She glanced at the molly, her usual soft smile turning a bit more secretive. And.... no harm came from words, right? She leaned closer to her friend. "Old, uh, elder," The words came out rushed, hushed and with a jolt of adrenaline Sorrelsong rarely- if ever -felt. Her secretive smile remained as she uttered "respected and honored though they are, and deserve to be," just a bit louder before continuing, her following words bouncing slightly as she laughed. "Silver Pelt is all around us, where we go when we die. It's a comforting place with no battle and no hunger, just life."
The stars seemed to move tonight, was that because of the clouds of were the warriors of the clans hunting? Ears flicking backwards Sorrelsong froze. Was that movement from the elder's den or just a rowdy kit?
"Let's, uh, there's a good spot to look at the stars if you'd like. It's not that far from camp if you're comfortable with it." Sorrelsong glanced around, making mental notes of the tree near by. She wanted to make a point to stay close to camp for the molly's comfort. The forest had been terrifying to Sorrelsong when she was newer, and especially at night. She knew Flora was confident and could handle herself, but she still found a part of her wanting to protect the molly regardless. There should be a good tree around here...
Flora's next question made her pause. Did she star gaze often? The answer to that was a simple 'yes', but at the same time it brought a level of shame, and almost fearful secrecy. Sorrelsong had always been more reserved then her brothers, more drawn to religious things and ideas. They.... she was afraid to explain to the molly why she star gazed so often. Why exactly she cared so much about the stars. Would Flora look down on her? Would it make her fear the warrior life?
"I do, yeah. Mainly just to make pictures out of them when I can't sleep." That wasn't a total lie - or really one to begin with. It's how she began talking to her brother Duskpool about Star Clan to begin with. He'd said it was rude and disrespectful to the warriors, but Sorrelsong wanted to argue there was no harm. They lived in a better place now, and were part of something pretty and bigger then her brother could see.
"It's morphed into a past time now, I'll admit. Come on, I'll show you," She smiled, lightly placing her tail on Flora's shoulder. "And you can ask all the questions you want~" She playfully enticed the molly, knowing that she would ask questions anyway. She hoped Flora knew Sorrelsong would always answer her.

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  • ooc: lmao the play list powered my muse for this XD Feel free to power play her leading Flora somewhere if you'd like just so it feels a bit more natural :)
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

"I would never imply that you don't look good in the sunlight, the moonlight just gives you a certain elegance" she grinned, always delighted to hear that lilt in Sorrelsong's tone. She listened intently to her words, Sorrelsong's kittypet past assisted in breaching that gap between Flora's current knowledge and the knowledge that the chocolate point molly knew. "Oh! So why the fancy name for it?" She glances up at the stars, eyes widened as a soft "oh" escapes her maw, she felt a little silly that she didn't quite understand that connection at first. Eyes moved away from the sky and back towards her, there was a softness in her gaze, there was a fleeting thought that the stars didn't compare to how Sorrelsong looked when she looked at them.

Flora followed her lead, leaning in so her voice did not have to carry far. There was something infectious with that secretive smile, her friends' moods changed with the grace that the rest of her carried. Flora giggled at the attempt to hide the ruder term for the elders of the clan. The maine coon raised a paw to her maw and made a shushing sound, to symbolise that she would keep her words a secret. She was awful with secrets but she could make an exception, or at least try to. "I see, so this is related to Starclan then?" she meowed with a politeness that she only carried when inquisitive, glancing back to the sky once more. The stars twinkling down at her like fireflies in the night, or like the lights in the Twolegplace. It was comforting, she could get behind the idea of warriors of the past being in a place of comfort, being able to enjoy their next life. It sounded nice, she wondered if daylight warriors got that? Maybe she should ask, it would be a good excuse to listen to Sorrelsong talk more anyways.

She was so caught up in thinking about the limited knowledge about the Silver Pelt that she had gained that she didn't notice Sorrelsong freeze, she just assumed that she was enjoying a lapse in silence alongside her friend. The daylight warrior looked back at the sound of her friend's voice, she tilted her head at the side, paw idly playing with a stray small pebble. "I'd love to! Taking me to your super secret star gazing spot?" She asked with a relaxed tail flick, pushing the pebble that her paws had found to the side.

The maine coon walked beside the warrior, keeping that closeness that Sorrelsong had initiated back when they hunted, occasionally bumping her shoulder against her own. Making pictures sounded nice, she nodded as she listened to her friend. Humming in thought as there was a light bounce in her step "Making pictures of them sounds nice" she spoke softly in agreement. Flora hadn't been out in the forest at night, she preferred getting home before it got dark. Sometimes being out here too late made her mind drift off over into thoughts of Pyrrha, her friend, sibling? They never really had enough time to establish anything beyond being adopted by the same Twolegs. Whenever out at dusk she would think of her, being out when the moon was high in the sky was no different. Where did Kittypets go if Silver Pelt was only for Warriors? Flora convinced herself that her friend wasn't dead so she didn't need to know.

She looked up at the trees, gazing up at the one that Sorrelsong had decided on. She was excited for the possibility of being shown a personal side to her, getting to experience what she pursues as a pastime. "We both know that I would ask all my questions anyways" she teased with a laugh, leaning against the touch of Sorrelsong's tail against her shoulder. Her own fluffy tail mirroring the movement "I will keep that in mind, do you think you could tell me more about StarClan? I don't really get it. I'd like to learn though." She confessed with a sheepish smile, a rare look on the Daylight Warriors maw. "If it's too sad of a subject then don't feel the need to answer, I'm happy with what I know" she offers gently, she had noticed that this may be a sensitive subject, not everyone is happy to talk about it after all.

Flora, wanting to show initiative, climbs up the tree first. Desiring to showcase the skills that she had learnt from her mentor, like she hadn't seen this countless times before. She scurries up the trunk of tree, finding comfort on one of the earlier branches. Waiting for Sorrelsong to join her so she can then take her up higher, she figured that the molly would know the best vantage points to witness the sky. "Do you invite others to stargaze with you?" she asked with a grin "or do I get to be the first?" she wanted to offer a light hearted question in exchange for the more mentally taxing one of having StarClan explained to her.

// I'm glad the playlist charged up the muse! (It's been charging mine as well haha) in exchange for powerplaying Sorrelsong leading Flora to a tree feel free to powerplay Flora climbing higher to sit wherever Sorrelsong would want to sit!

𓆝 . ° ✦ A laugh bubbles from the warrior. Her paws find good holds, her claws sinking into the bark with little resistance as she follows her friend up.
"Yeah," She smiles, breath heavy in her lungs as she pulled herself up alongside Flora. She felt cold without the maine coon's tail on her shoulder and body heat dancing just next to her.
"You're the first friend I've invited! I usually like to, well, look at them alone." Blue eyes scan the tree, finding suitable branches but nothing big enough for the two of them to sit on. Her tail flicks as she continues climbing, pride and confidence mix in her belly. She doesn't stop to check on Flora's progress, she knows well enough that her friend is fairing well behind her. Flora was extremely capable, as well as well-built. They should do fighting lessons soon... a sharp stab in her stomach leaves the molly grimacing. If she teach Flora to fight... then..... then what? Flora would be a warrior and be able to defend herself. End of discussion. Nothing more to it. The words ring hollow in her own ears. Her stomach still hurts, but it's either nerves or hunger, nothing big.
She climbs, reaching a larger branch that could easily bare the weight of three cats. She signals to Flora with her tail as she climbs up, beckaning the molly over as the smaller molly made room for them both.
"It's not too just.... well it wasn't sad after I really wrapped my head around the idea." She smiles, watching Flora get comfortable next to her. Sorrel found herself leaning in ever so slightly. Oh how she wished her pelt was thicker. "It..." Again, the fear that this would scare Flora away. Would she have run had Duskpool not been in Sky Clan? She knew the answer was no - Sorrelsong had always felt like there was more after death - but what did Flora think? How could she approach this in a way that that wasn't scary but kept all of the important information?
"Let me know if this gets... to intense for you." She spoke carefully, each word formed with care in the safety of her throat. "It was, a lot when I first joined, and I didn't believe it when I first joined - there are still cats that don't believe clan-born or not so don't feel pressured. It's... it's not like a test to be accepted by the clan. Or... anything else." She wants to stress that point further, but stops herself. The confidence required to clarify her statement alludes her. Flora gets the idea, she's sure. She flicks an ear before continuing.
"Star Clan is kinda like Sky Clan or the other clans, except there isn't really a leader or a deputy and they're not exactly dead. When a cat dies, they become a star and they get to hunt in the fields of Silver Pelt. There aren't any clan divisions there, and prey never runs out. Everyone can simply.... be." She makes a wide arch with her tail, like she was painting the sky with it. The moon was rising, but not full. It hung like a claw in the sky, slicing the darkness with it's silver glow. The glow was echoed and amplified by the warriors of Star Clan as the emerged from the sun-induced slumber and dotted the sky.
"We don't end. Our memories are painted across the sky and as long as we remember those that came before we can travel with them, their knowledge a gift for us; even when we don't remember their names, they still hunt up there and wait for us to join them, to tell them stories of the living." Her maw closes, and shame floods the molly. She'd been spending much to much time around the old elders. Had she scared off Flora? She turns to face her, and finds herself tracing a cat made of stars.
Their being outlined by twinkling lights, their pelt as wonderfully warm as bark, their eyes as light and comforting as leaves on a new leaf day. Sorrelsong finds herself admiring the molly next to her, and somewhere along the way began leaning into her pelt for warmth. Their shoulders brush. It takes the thin air a second to rush into the molly's chest, but when it does it leaves her pelt hot.
This is... something new. This is.... something she'd dreamed of. She realizes, in that second with the stars and the moon harmonizing, that there aren't a lot of cats that she trusts in this world. Her brothers, and.... and well her leader but that was it. Trust was.... trust was knowing that someone was right behind you on the tree. Trust is knowing them, in and out, their little differences, their ticks.
This was trust.
Flora was trust.
And trust is what you need in a best friend.
That makes so much sense! That's why I want to protect her! That's why we get along so well! That's why showing her the stars, telling her their stories, maybe that's why it means so much.
"I can... I can tell you the stories of Shadowfire and Smokefang. Or of Candorwing or Rapidfang. I can tell you any type of story you'd like - sad or happy, a story of two lovers perhaps or a story of hate. Many cats are up there,"

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  • ooc:

  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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“I'm honoured!” she called out, while the playful tone was there it was true. She could tell that this must mean a lot to Sorrelsong, even if she didn't understand it just yet. Her eyes widen a little as she notices the warrior is climbing up higher than expected. This doesn't deter her though, while she's not the fastest climber in the clan she does her best to match her friends pace.

It's always impressive to watch someone with experience scale a tree like it was nothing. The maine coon follows her signal and joins her on the particularly large branch. Adjusting herself so that she could sit comfortably, she decides to rest with her back leaning against the trunk of the tree for better support. Idly she considers what it must be like to sleep on one of these branches, that would be something to explore at a later date though. Sorrelsong's careful wording of a disclaimer caused Flora to tilt her head towards the molly in confusion. She can understand wanting to stress that there weren't any expectations here, it was relieving to hear that she wouldn't have to believe if she didn't subscribe to the concept.

The daylight warriors gaze fixated on the claw of the moon while she listened to the warriors explanation. It helped put things into perspective, the idea of these stars being deceased cats was a little daunting. Yet, she didn't necessarily disbelieve it, the ideology was kind, beautiful even. There was something wonderful about becoming a star after you serve your clan, she wondered idly why there was so much tension between clans then if everyone's going to be part of a universal one in the end.

Her gaze drifts over to Sorrelsong, a quiet admiration to see her talk about something that she was passionate about. Her tail brushes against the chocolate points side, in a silent attempt at reassurance. Flora didn't want her to think that she was anything but attentive to her explanations, though maybe actually saying something may make her more self conscious. She wonders if she may be cold, she keeps her tail next to her friend, trying to offer some kind of warmth if that was the case.

“I think I understand. I can see why there are so many devout to StarClan, I think… I think I'd like to be that devout some day. Thank you for showing me this Sorrelsong, it means a lot to you right?” There's a smile, soft and wistful. She's glad she came out here tonight, to be able to spend time with Sorrelsong like this. While Flora strived to have many social connections she found it difficult to be herself around them, always opting to hide behind a playful persona. Here with Sorrelsong that pressure eased a little, she didn't have many deep or meaningful relationships but she was willing to leap into the unknown with her friend. To have a friendship that skimmed past the surface like that.

“Tell me a story that you find interesting. What's one that called out to you?” Her attention was now solely on the molly, her maw resting into a neutral expression but that wistful look still remaining. “Do daylight warriors join StarClan?” she asked curiously, finally asking what had been sitting on her mind during the evening. She considers Sorrelsong's request of stories, unsure of what else to request. While she had originally requested a that her friend enjoyed she didn't wish to place the burden of choice on her. “I think a sombre story would be interesting, you mentioned a story of hate? I'm guessing there would be a lot of drama with that!”