labyrinth || intro


all opinions are IC only i'm so sorry he's stinky
Jun 20, 2023
Living in the tunnels was miserable. Mother confirmed it was temporary, only until the bear left their territory, but that fact didn't change how infuriating it was. He was stuck in close quarters with cats he couldn't stand, every noise echoing throughout the tunnels. In addition, every time a monster traveled along the path, an absolutely unbearable roar filled the air. It was near impossible to get any sleep. And, with everyone on edge, his clanmates were even more insufferable than normal. Nothing that Snowfeather said in an attempt to calm him down was working.

"How much longer will we be stuck here?" he asks no one in particular. If he has to spend another night in this tunnel, he might go mad.
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"Hopefully not too much longer. I know we're all thinking the same thing." Well, he can only speak for himself, but the kit doesn't need to know that. He's sure he's not wrong in his assumption, either way. "We can do something together, if you'd like? Or we can just talk. As long as it's what you want." He finds it easy to hang out with kits, seeing as he's not that old himself. He's sure the queens will appreciate some pressure off of them, too. And, it keeps him occupied, so win-win all around, he'd say.

"complaining, are we? would you like to go ask the bears nicely to leave our territory so we can return to camp? hm?"

chilledstar rasped, their face visible with irritation. they can't help it. everyone was complaining all the time, and it wasn't like chilledstar could do anything about it, to help. they needed to return to camp so then at least they could complain where chilledstar didn't have to hear it. they were always going to complain.

"enjoying the outing, kit. it will be the only one you get until you're an apprentice."

they lash their tail, before turning to scorchedpaw. the apprentice offers a distraction and for that, they're grateful.

"what a wonderful idea. why don't we tell some stories? bear stories, even. scorchedpaw, you can start. tell us a story."

their dull tone speaks, as they laid down, tail flicking back and forth. anything to at least keep the complaints quiet for a bit.
He blinks a few times at Chilledstar's suggestion. I mean, he basically asked for it. But bear stories specifically? He didn't really know much about them...but he supposes he could fabricate something to scare the kitten into being more okay with staying here (even though he literally just complained too). Let's see...

He stays silent for probably a bit too long, not at all making the strenuous air any better. But he finally comes up with an idea.
"I got it! So listen here. Unlike us, bears can stand, like twolegs! If you think twolegs are dangerous, bears are even more! With their powerful jaws, I'm sure they could crush you immediately! And you couldn't escape either, since they can pick you up!" He lifts one of his front paws up and makes a swiping motion, then laughs with a bit of edge to it.
Batkit has the right ideas sometimes. Maybe the rightest of any other kits besides Applekit. She hates the tunnels too. She hates the whole marsh, right now. Applekit would grumble agreement alongside the dark tom - kit. Hopefully is what older cats say when they mean I don't know. She'd fix the apprentice with a pout. Applekit doesn't wanna do anything that doesn't involve getting away from this stupid place.

Warily, she glances to Chilledstar. she doesn't know what to think about them, after they saved her. Could bad cats do good things? Halfshade wouldn't lie to her, though. Maybe Chilledstar would have a real answer, she thinks, but they don't. They're mad at them instead of the bears for some reason. Applekit fixes a kittish glare at them. Soon, she'd be bigger, and her glares would be scarier. " Yes, we're complaining about the big scary monsters that could eat us in one gulp, Chilledstar! And this small smelly tunnel! " She didn't want any outings if the world was filled of mud and monsters.

Bear stories are the last thing she wants to here. If you think twolegs are dangerous, bears are even more! Was he stupid? " I know already! " the kit yells. " One of them almost ate me! " Mismatched eyes gloss over with a wetness. No one even cared. They just kept making jokes and saying scary things about the bears and no one even cared! All of ShadowClan was stupid, Applekit is realizing. She doesn't wanna be here anymore. " Let's go somewhere else, Batkit. "