Riverclan had given them one task and that was to check on their neighbors. To try and get any news from them. It shouldn't be too hard, given that we are allies. The last time he came here with Willowroot and Nightfish, it was messy. It was safe to say that they made fools of themselves in front of their allies and Willowroot had reprimanded all of them. Especially Nightfish for purposely slapping him in front of the Skyclanners. It had been some time since then and he hopes the other clan has forgotten it altogether, but one will never know until the time came. This time he is in charge of the patrol instead of Willowroot, which means he must ensure everything goes smoothly. No tensions between clanmates will be tolerated and no comments towards Skyclan will be made. I'll be keeping an eye on you Ratwhisker. A glance is made towards the burly tom before he focuses on Maplepaw.

This is your first time coming here, right? He smiles at the thought of Maplepaw being in awe of their neighbors. At least, when he was moons younger that was how he felt. The other clan seemed powerful and he always held admiration for them because Skyclan was known to have kittypets in their ranks. Call him a traitor for having those feelings, but as a former kittypet himself it was nice to know there was a place with those sharing kittypet blood being able to embrace that. Not to be shamed for it or having to hide it. Once they've finally reached the border he turns to his clanmates, "Remember we aren't here to start any disagreements. We are here to check up on Skyclan and ask how things have been. Now, in the meantime let's mark our borders while we wait." What news should we share? Sunstride has visited us and it hasn't ended in death, so maybe that would be fine to share. It's going to take a lot of time for the clans to trust Windclan again, if ever.
  • Patrol member tag! @Feathergaze , @Hazewish , @maplepaw. , @/nettlepaw , @RATWHISKER
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 48 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Dogbite's presence among the hunting patrol exuded a composed and steady demeanor, a testament to the recent turmoil. His lone blue eye scanned the surroundings with a mix of caution and curiosity, ever watchful for potential threats or unusual scents. The stress lines on his disheveled cheeks hinted at the recent challenges faced by Skyclan, yet he carried himself with a sense of determination. The memories of the encounters with both Windclan and rogues lingered in his mind, contributing to an underlying alertness. Dogbite's feathery tail trailed behind him as he moved through the trees, senses attuned to the sounds and scents of the forest.

Their hunt, however, took an unexpected turn as distant conversations reached his ears, drawing his attention away from the prey. Oh? Peering through the gaps in the branches his good eye blinked with familiarity.

Recognizing the scent of the Riverclanners, Dogbite's initial alertness shifted to a more diplomatic readiness. Abandoning his hunting task, he made his way down the slope to approach the Riverclan cats who seemed to be waiting on the border's edge. Their cinnamon and white tail held in a friendly gesture, they stopped just short of the border, addressing them with a gruff and neutral tone. "Hello, what brings you to our border today, Riverclan?" Dogbite's head tilted slightly, awaiting their response as he maintained an outwardly calm demeanor.

  • image.png

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:


With a soft growl, Johnny straightened up from his failed pounce, the branch swaying beneath him as the bird he'd been hunting disappeared into the sky above. Damn. Normally he was better than that, and the knowledge did nothing to soothe his irritation at having missed despite knowing that not every kill could be made.

He made his way down from the pine tree and began scenting the air for something new to track when the smell of Riverclan met his senses. Probably just a patrol passing by to remark their borders, but just to be on the safe side the patched tabby would make his way forward to investigate all that same. After all the drama with the rogues and Windclan, he would feel more at ease to see that things were fine with his own two eyes, nothing plaguing their neighbors.

When Johnnyflame arrived, he found he wasn't the only one with the mindset. Dogbite was already there, and the lead just managed to catch their words as he made his way over to join him. Dogbite wasn't wrong- while a few of the cats had broken away to start re-scenting the area, others remained standing near the shared border, as if waiting...

"No trouble in Riverclan, I hope." he offered as he came to stand beside his clanmate, a touch of concern stirring within golden optics. Riverclan and Thunderclan -a few hiccups aside- were mostly considered allies in Johnnnys mind, and the last he wanted to hear was that the rogues or Windclan was causing issues for them.

Any thoughts of hunting were lost when the scent of RiverClan invaded his nostrils. Of course, the dappled tom didn't exactly recognize the scent; he's fairly new to the clan— it will take him some time to memorize each individual scent the other 4 clans possess. But his ears prick up as his new clanmates turn their attention to the patrol at the border, and he hears the word 'RiverClan' murmured. RiverClan. The clan who claims the river, the same very river he lost his mate and kits to. That RiverClan. He flicks his tail as he looks over at the patrol of RiverClanners, following behind after his clanmates.

"So, this is RiverClan?" He observes, with a slight turn of his head. So, these are the cats who were so heartless to do nothing when Mirjana and their young kits fell into the river? He couldn't have done anything to save them; he and Ekatrina barely made it onto dryland without falling into the icy water themselves! But they could've done something! He hides his disdain behind a neutral gaze, his tail swishing behind him. RiverClan must've found their bodies... did RiverClan give them a proper burial or did they throw them out to be picked apart by scavengers? "How interesting," He murmurs as his gaze stares at the patrol ahead, keeping his voice calm and neutral, despite how he really feels about finally meeting RiverClan.

  • 76565175_FUwzowW2yLWrpPO.png

    artwork by me
  • Zemo
    skyclanner, former loner
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: black/fawn tabby chimera
    fur length: long
    parents: isidora and vuk (loner npcs)
    40 moons

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The silver tom perks up when a familiar pine scent nears them. He smiles and waves towards the scarred warrior who appears to be friendly. Well, as friendly as two cats from different clans can be. Had this been in the past, then they would be allowed to be closer to those outside of their clans. However, it was decided that it was best for all of them to keep a paw in one world. So much so that it was made into a rule. The rule was put in place so no one else would get hurt when a time came where they would face friends or lovers as foe in the battlefield. I wish we could be friends. Is a thought he immediately kicks to the curb while he answers, "This may sound a bit strange, but we have come to ask how things have been faring for Skyclan recently. " It's not uncommon for patrol of two different clans to share small talk, but it is a bit strange for one clan to directly ask what is the news. I don't see the point in lying to them. We are allies.

Another tom joins them, this one wears a collar. Like he had done for Dogbite, he does for Johnnyflame. A wave and a smile he gives, before his pupils widen in shock. "O-oh!" Kinda forget when we usually talk and catch up there's bad news. Hmmm, I should've thought about that. Ugh, sometimes I wish we can just talk about happy things instead of being serious all the time. Like kits being born or a funny story. The silver tom shakes his head, "There hasn't been any issues in Riverclan, unless you count elders grumbling more so than usual about the cold or kits nipping at everything they can put their mouths on." He really should've ended it at there is no issues in Riverclan, yet that felt too rigid. They weren't supposed to be close, but does it really hurt if he wants to try and amuse them with shared troubles?

Green eyes glance back at those in the patrol. So far so good. When he glances back at the the Skyclanners a third has joined them. Black tipped ears flick when hearing their inquiry. Unaware that the black and orange looking tom harbors any hatred towards his clan, he waves his paw in greeting and nods as if to answer Zemo's question. He proceeds to address all three skyclanners present. "Once again, apologies for this bizarre request... But we wanted to know how Skyclan was doing. How you all are doing."
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 48 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Drizzlepelt was on patrol with @Orchidpaw! when he heard the commotion coming from the RiverClan side of their boarders, and it doesn’t take him a second thought before he corrals his apprentice and heads that way. He doubts it, but part of him worries that it’s an actual spat that would need to be broken up.

Luckily, it’s not that. It’s a silver and black RiverClanner asking how everything was on their side. He doesn’t recognize them, nor any of them for that matter. Drizzlepelt was really hoping he would spot Mosspool’s familiar face amongst the crowd, but alas. Maybe one day they’ll find themselves talking outside of the gathering.

Though, it is a bit suspicious that he’s asking how SkyClan is in the first place. Pikesplash is acting out of sorts too, and it doesn’t take a genius to notice. He tilts his head in confusion. “It is a little bizarre… I assume you’re having trouble on your side then? Do you need help?” Drizzlepelt asks outright. Beating around the bush has always irritated him.​
Applefrost's paws stepped carefully around patches of ice in favor of crunchy snow and frost. While Applefrost wasn't SkyClan's best hunter she was not all hopeless, finding success in a simple robin. It would feed someone though, even if they may complain it was stringy. She glanced to Dogbite as the scent of RiverClan grew stronger, telling of a nearby patrol and joined his side in seeking them out.

Not here... While The others made polite exchanges Applefrost searched the patrol for the face of another. Thankfully he hadn't enough poor luck for them to cross paths this day. Onto other matters, like the topic of discussion Pikesplash had spoken of an odd request. Asking how they were fairing, looking for specific information maybe?

Applefrost placed the robin at her paws. "Is this about WindClan." Sunstride had been escorted by Howlingstar herself for safe passage to their border, he must have visited every Clan under the forest to spread word of Sootstar's defeat. She wondered if his conversation with RiverClan did not go as smoothly.



Lured by the smell of RiverClan at their borders, the Lead Warrior pushed forward through the snow and brambles, finding space in isolation to assess those in front of him. His fondness for the group had become tepid in recent moons, fighting together should've brought about unity, instead, it only reminded Silversmoke of the pain of leaving his home to begin with. A nod was offered in greetings towards Pikesplash, his attention briefly drifting over the quieter members of his patrol. It seemed normal... SkyClanners asking how they were, RiverClanners waving their tails back, then... the nature of the patrol was revealed, and the tabby tilted his broad head. Then, Pikesplash asked it again, and silver fur bristled as if being interrogated. 'I heard you the first time.' He wondered what they knew about Blazestar, if they knew about Blazestar. Eyes narrowed at Pikesplash's repeated request; if this was RiverClan's way of being friendly, then he feared their friendship may have run its course. Orangeblossom had sworn her patrols to secrecy, and he did not intend to break her word to appease the nosiness of a RiverClanner. Silversmoke fell unto his haunches, his tail curling around himself as SkyClan Warriors questioned the other tom.

"Our apprentices are recovering swiftly from their wounds if that is what you mean." His tone did not leave much room for Pikesplash to mean much else - blunt and quick, a nerve had been struck that he tried not to let sabotage the peace between the two clans. Ears flicked; what an awful thing it was for the attack of three apprentices to feel like old news now. "We are also rid of our rogue problem. As for our WindClan one... well..." His unenthused stare fell unto Applefrost, before finding the Pikesplash's once more. Until today, he was certain RiverClan would have more grievances with the moor-rats, but now, Silversmoke wanted them gone for good. In a grey world he tried to keep black-and-white, Harrierstripe's death did not feel like enough penance for the sins that WindClan had committed against his home. "They came to our borders to tell us their leader was gone, overthrown by cats unhappy with her leadership. I don't make much of it... no matter their intentions, I don't see how you can trust someone who betrays." He looked briefly to his apprentice (who was presumably there but banished to the shadow realm for reasons behind Silversmoke's understanding), willing him with a strong glare to remain quiet about Blazestar's fate.

Politely, they return the wave with an absent nod. They were glad to hear all was well on the opposite side of the river. His voice is far gentler now with a hint of hoarseness. "Good to hear " Dogbite was hardly fresh to the ideals of clans and borders anymore, but a part of him always prayed for good fortune. Especially when among known allies, albeit the nature of the conversation seemed off. He isn't quite sure just how to answer the other. Dismay settled on their pale maw as the Riverclanner prattled on. Quietly, he observed the others' body language, minding the anxious recoil. Hm. Soon enough, the rest of the patrol follows after. Applefrost close to his side and to the point as always, Zemo's newfound curiosity, Johnnyflame keeping a watchful eye with gentle concern, Drizzlepelt pushing the conversation ahead, and Silversmoke wasting no time.

Relief prickles down the tabby's back as the Lead Warrior takes charge. Immediately noticing the lack of Orangeblossom or Blazestar's current predicament in the report. "This is true." Noting it, he adds his own voice to the fray. "It seems Sunstride is stepping up, and he assured safe passage to Highstones for any clan." They can't help the slight note of doubt that slips through the cracks. Mirroring Silversmoke's own blatant dislike of the moor-living felines. "Only time will tell if such a clan is truly on the cusp of change." Windclan had betrayed far too many cats in hardly a pawful of moons. Most of it orchestrated by the mad Moor Queen, but a part of him believed a large portion was the bystander effect. Trailing away from such thoughts, he waits to see what exactly this cat was seeking answers to.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Drizzlepelt questions him and which has him screaming internally because as much as he would love to tell Skyclan their issues, Smokestar is sure to have his head if he spills the beans. Of course, the problem could be easily solved if they had the help of another clan however he knows that Smokestar will not allow it. This is something personal. It was a matter of pride. I wish I could tell you about it all, but I'm not allowed to. Only Lichentail or Smokestar could tell you. I'm just a warrior. I don't get to make big decisions like that... He shakes his head, "No, there is no trouble. Our leader, Smokestar and our deputy Lichentail asked us to check up on Skyclan. " I mean Smokestar didn't exactly tell us check on Skyclan that was Lichentail, but if she told us to check up and see how Sky is doing... I'm sure Smokestar asked her about it. Anyway, it doesn't matter who asks. Perhaps he is playing a bit dirty by bringing up the Smokestar. They would understand, hopefully.

A white and orange furred she-cat interrupts with an inquiry about Windclan. Green eyes look down at the robin she has placed on her paws. "Nice catch! And No, this wasn't about Windclan either." Suddenly this has become an interrogation. Aren't we allies? He wishes he could cry at this moment because it appears that asking even allies how they are doing is met with apprehension.

Silversmoke is blunt and quick to the point. There is nothing to argue with nor is there anything to add. Everything is a matter of fact when it comes to the silver tom. All he can do is nod, unable to add much to what is said. He speaks of Sunstride's visit. Looks like he's stopped by Skyclan as well. Silversmoke also decides to share his opinion on the matter which he can't help agree with somewhat. "I don't think the clans will forgive so easily. Riverclan for one will not forget that Windclan had attacked Smokestar with the intention of killing him before he could receive his nine lives." That is old news for sure, one that many at the gathering has heard of. Regardless of whether or not Skyclan cares, the meaning is simple. Riverclan does not trust Windclan.

Once again, Dogbite speaks. He gives a quick nod when the other wishes them well. "I see, so what Sunstride spoke was true. He visited Riverclan as well and told us that as well, but he also spoke of stolen Shadowclan kits. Of Sootstar's end as well as Granitepelt leading the remainder of her followers. I assume we are the last clan to be told what has happened, considering he told us something particular." While Pikesplash can't say he trust Windclan yet or hold faith in Sunstride soon to be Sunstar... There is something to be said about the Windclanner telling personally telling everyone what has transpired. The fact that the news is the same is a start when it comes to building trust. Without a doubt all the clans will be glaring daggers towards Windclan for moons to come.

He's doesn't keep the Skyclanners waiting long as he tacks on what is odd, "Sunstride had told us one of those followers, a warrior was found on Skyclan lands." Oh, to be clueless. He has no idea that what he has spoken of is a sore subject to all Skyclanners. That it is this warrior in particular that ended Blazestar. Of course, he has no idea and assumes that the golden leader is well and alive. How is he supposed to guess that the warrior killed Blazestar when all that was given is that whoever this warrior is, was found in Skyclan.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 48 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

RiverClan did not forget, RiverClan did not forgive. Silversmoke's nod was sharp. "Good. Too many cats think one good deed means they have to forgive another for the myriad of bad." WindClan had not earned forgiveness, they had earned peace, and even that was a shaky thing when remorse was absent from Sunstride's behaviour. Dogbite spoke once more, backing up his words with taciturn opinions and truths. Bringing up WindClan was a double-sided tooth, he thought it would keep the ally's welfare check peaceful, but, it was difficult see Harrierstripe as anything but a WindClanner, no matter what their new leader said. He told us something particular. Eyes shot upwards at the revelation, then, narrowed in suspicion. Within a breath, Pikesplash revealed what RiverClan knew. His fur bristled, limbs coiled with tension like a snake ready to strike. 'That wasn't his business to share... loud-mouthed dastard.' With RiverClan's intentions fully on display, the spotted tabby chewed the corner of his mouth, wondering how best to talk to the patrol leader. He seemed... well, Silversmoke didn't know how he seemed - amicable, but then again, so had the rosette tabby that thought it appropriate to blab.

"Well, he's not lying," the Lead Warrior admitted, looking to the horizon. "A WindClanner was found, then he was killed. Then, he was given to the foxes to feast upon." Silversmoke's tail lashed, heavy in thought. Half a moon, maybe a quarter-moon, until the truth was revealed under a river of stars. Lying would be bad form, but telling the truth was also out of the question. It took strength not to sigh in front of Pikesplash: 'Why is it so damned hard to be diplomatic?' He thought to SkyClanners that would be better at this, but, with a familiar cream ragdoll absent, the list was growing thin. Howlfire? Fireflypaw? Figfeather? They weren't here, it was up to him to save from further questions. An awkward bluntness still to his demeanour, Silversmoke's posture suddenly straightened. "It was one of Sootstar's brat that fell, bested by a kittypet that hasn't even finished her training." The cost had been grave, his heart panged at the memory of that. He breathed a deep breath, loathing the way it hitched in grief. "I hope that eats him alive in whatever afterlife he's wormed his way into." 'It won't though....' The damage he'd done was greater than any shame of defeat.

power belongs to those who take it .
Ratwhisker wanted to scoff, nose wrinkling in disgust at the concept of standing so close to beings that willingly let twolegs touch them. It was barbaric. It nearly made the warrior want to change patrols, even if he had to shove another out of the way and join another patrol, even visiting WindClan seemed more appealing than this. He could have used his precious time elsewhere than going on patrols that provided RiverClan with simple pleasantries. It made his skin crawl. “And how is that their business?” He reported, timbre low, not even those closest to him could hear such vile words directed at their supposed allies.

Why should we care? To care about others outside of your clan is simply—Ratwhisker’s nose wrinkled in distaste, yellow hues narrowing to stare at Pikesplash, tail flicking high over his shoulders in annoyance. His chest puffed out, peeling away from his clanmates to do what he was required, unlike others who seemed to think talking was more important than showing them that RiverClan would never falter, even with those problematic rogues, no doubt not even his son couldn’t fight against in that pitiful mindset that he had let fester for too long.

If one cannot make it in life without friends, then perhaps it’s best to live elsewhere or better yet, cut them out of one’s life as he had done to Dawnstorm. He needed to have no distractions. “RiverClan can take care of themselves without SkyClan’s help.” He rumbled, yellow hues sliding to Drizzlepelt’s form with disgust, even thinking about it made his stomach churn. At the mention of WindClan, Ratwhisker huffed. If only they were sensible to attack now while the clan was weak, kill them all in one fell swoop, ridding them of their problems and gaining more territory, but sadly, he doubted they were smart enough to realize it. With that, Ratwhisker veered off to strengthen their scent at the border.
thought speech
The back and forth conversation slowly became a bit... graphic, for Feathergaze's taste. Rogues, murder of clan cats (death in battle was hardly murder though, right?). She could feel bile rising in her throat, desperately trying not to show her discomfort.
"Thank you for the offer though, of course," the large molly meowed. Her focus had snapped to Drizzlepelt in trying to block out the words of Silversmoke. Then she remembered she'd been a warrior for hardly four moons and wanted to kick herself at her sweeping statement. "I-It's just, erm, nice not to bicker on every border."​
"I hope the stars continue to guide Smokestar through what is right. He is a very capable tom." Fireflypaw speaks up from behind the patrol, a mouth full of ice-bitten herbs muffling his voice slightly. Blind blue eyes swivel across the crowd of RiverClan cats, listening to the conversation unfold- eyes narrowing just a bit when Ratwhisker speaks. RiverClan can take care of themselves without SkyClan’s help. "Every Clan will need help from another at some point. It would be wise of you to remember that." It isn't a scolding, but a calm suggestion from the medicine cat apprentice. He'd been through this before, the stubbornness of the Clans refusing to help each other or show weakness. In reality, they will need help one day one way or another. Nothing can stop the Stars when they decide to toss another challenge at them all. Owlishly wide eyes flick over to the direction of Pikesplash. "I only hope that RiverClan will remain at peace through this rough leafbare. Herbs are dying, fresh-kill is hard to find. But alas, all the peace to you, dear friends."