private ladies and babies } hush

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — A short while had passed since the last time she had left the safety of Riverclan's borders, so caught up in the rush of recent clan happenings that she hadn't ventured out much beyond standard patrols. This time though, she found herself pushing carefully through the reeds and sedge that surrounded camp, letting her paws carry her until the comforting and familiar scent of Riverclan was beginning to fade from the air. It wouldn't be that long before making such a trek would be quite the burden for her, meaning that she needed to tell him as soon as possible. Before she was so weighed down that she would be trapped inside the nursery, settled in a nest with nothing but camp to focus on. The thought of it actually made her frown sharply, even if the idea of actual kits was an appealing one.

Swiftfire sort of just wished they could just pop into the world fully formed, however.

Her surroundings, though certainly not that of Riverclan's territory, were still somewhat familiar. Her jaws parted briefly, taking in the mishmash of scents around her until she could pick out the one that she was looking for. It didn't take her long, white-tipped paws carrying her until a familiar pelt of dark shades and eye-catching orange came into view. "Hush... Hush!" His name came out half as a gasp, nose pressing briefly into the heavy fluff around his neck before she took a step back. Swiftfire couldn't resist the urge to glance over her shoulder, briefly worried someone had followed her. "I'm... hi. I'm glad to see you again, but I didn't come here just for a chat." Her paws shifted briefly beneath her, bushy tail brushing against her own belly as she steeled herself for whatever reaction may come. "I have something to tell you." It couldn't be that much of a surprise really, right? Nature often took its course, and Hush had to know that as well.

// @Hush

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Since that night so close to the border of the clan that he had helped try to take over, Hush had been thinking about the multicolored chimera. He hadn't liked falling in love at first, hadn't liked that a cat that he once would have considered enemy he could now see himself spending his life with and though he could rationalize and argue with himself over why it was best for her to stay within the clans and he to stay without he could only wish that there was a way for them to have both without Swiftfire having to sneak around. They'd met very little since their first encounter, eventually wandering further and further away from prying eyes before they had settled to meeting here, a place close enough for Hush to call his home - however temporary it may be - while Swiftfire was able to be far enough away that she didn't have to worry about prying clanmates, those who wouldn't understand.

Though to be fair if it wasn't him in this situation he wouldn't believe it either.

Upon hearing his name the four-eared cat found his head quickly turning, fur rising along his spine for just a moment before eyes landed upon the other and he soon found it quickly lying flat before he stood to meet her, once hardened gaze softening as she pressed her nose to the fur around his neck, quickly finding himself pressing his own against her head for just a moment. When she moved back and looked up towards him and spoke he couldn't help the small cock of his head as he let out a soft questioning hum before she continued on. I have something to tell you.

"It must be important then, for you to come out all this way." Gruff voice lightly spoke out before his tail-tip twitched and an amused look danced across his face. "Come with me this way, we can sit and you can tell me the news." He moved a few steps back, a mash of feathers and moss haphazardly piled together to form his own little temporary nest within the reeds. It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world but it was comfier than the wooden floors of the run down shack he once reside in, so long as there was no rain coming down.

  • HUSH NPC x NPC || adopted by Hazel
    -- He/Him || 42 Moons || ages every 1st
    -- large tom, lh tortoishell x blue chimera with duplicated pinnae and large teeth
    -- unsavory, cannibalistic tendencies, enjoys fighting just for fun
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — If anyone had asked Swiftfire whether she thought there was even a chance of her falling for someone outside of Riverclan, let alone one of the rogues that had attacked them... she would've thought they were crazy. There was a nonzero chance she would've laughed in their face, hard enough to nearly roll over onto her back from the sheer force of it. Yet here she was, a purr bubbling up from her throat as Hush's head was pressed against her own. A content grin curled on her muzzle, for a moment able to forget all of her worries and the rush that had brought her here. He really wasn't so bad when they weren't actively at war, a fact that she would've loved to share with her clanmates if such a thing was ever truly possible. Though she knew it likely wasn't, a fact that had her stomach twisting into knots for reasons beyond just the kits.

Slow, careful steps carried her after him over to his makeshift nest, eager to settle alongside him and let her body relax for the moment, even if her mind wasn't able to do the same. Staying in one place seemed like the best idea anyways, considering her head still had an unwieldly habit of spinning at the best of times - she would've waited longer to make the trek, but didn't trust the nursery not to drag her in too soon. "It's nothing bad, thankfully. But it is important." Part of her hesitated somewhat though, worried that her words wouldn't ring true with Hush. They hadn't exactly specifically discussed kits in that past. What if he just saw them as a burden? Or worse, what if he wasn't willing to take the risk and put an end to things himself? She found herself pressing into his side, desperate for his comfort even as her own mind condemned his possible actions.

With the realization that she couldn't just keep things to herself forever, Swiftfire briefly closed her eyes before taking a deep breath, claws kneading the mash of feathers and moss beneath her paws. "It's still very early on, but... I started feeling very weird, recently. At first I thought it was all because of an injury I got in the battle, but then I realized it was more than that. I even asked Moonpaw about it." She could still remember the strain in her voice as she had called for the medicine cat apprentice, her only option in the face of Ravensong's absence. "And, as it turns out... I'm pregnant. With kits." As opposed to what else she wasn't sure, but she still felt the need to add such a thing on. To stress that there were kits on the way, real little ones that would be full of life and yearning to learn about the world around them.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
When she ended up following him Hush couldn't help the purr that escaped his throat, tail swaying behind him for but a moment before he soon found himself seated and pressed against the other, his tail wrapping the best it could around her side and head would nod slightly in thought as she spoke once more. It was nothing bad, but it was important. Many things ran through his head then, though they were many things that Swiftfire wouldn't speak of as "not bad but important", though they were things that he could deem as good himself, things that he knew would never happen as long as the clans were around and as long as the bicolored moggie before him lived among them.

He noticed the change in pressure against his side as she pressed against him more and before he could ask what was wrong she began speaking once more. Ears pricked as he listened to her story, as she spoke of speaking with a cat named Moonpaw - odd names, he'd never get over them - and then eyes widened as she concluded. "Pregnant?" He spoke, almost in disbelief. He knew how things worked, knew that it was possible, but he had still never thought that he would be a father, never in a million years did he think that if Swiftfire was pregnant that she'd come to tell him, come to share the news and let him know that he had sired children. "This is... good. This is good! We're going to be parents..." He glanced down to the other's belly for just a moment before looking at her face once more, the moment almost perfect before her remembered their living situation, the fact they lived so far yet so close and RiverClan was not the kindest to outsiders so he was sure he would not be allowed to visit.

"Will they be safe there? In RiverClan?" Would they know about me? The second part goes unsaid.

  • HUSH NPC x NPC || adopted by Hazel
    -- He/Him || 42 Moons || ages every 1st
    -- large tom, lh tortoishell x blue chimera with duplicated pinnae and large teeth
    -- unsavory, cannibalistic tendencies, enjoys fighting just for fun
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Initially, Hush's echo of her announcement caused her heart to drop. The new queen was so on edge that she half expected him to shift away from her in horror, or look at her like she was a supreme burden that had been suddenly thrust upon his shoulders. Swiftfire wasn't even sure she would've blamed him if that had been the case, her own uneasy feelings around her uselessness still plaguing her mind. Instead though, she was greeted with a sense of joy and breathlessness, his gaze flicking down to her stomach before focusing back on her. She couldn't help but grin back at him, the excitement of the moment sweeping her up in delight instead of anxiety for once. "We are! We're going to be parents, and I'm going to be a mom, and... oh. That still feels surreal to say." Even as her tail curled slightly down near where her kits were growing, it still felt almost like she was dreaming. Like she was going to wake up in the warriors' den with nothing but a concussion-induced headache as her only symptom.

When harsh reality failed to tear her away from the moment, though, she just relished in the press of her mate by her side. His questioning caused her ears to flick back for just a moment, though she found that she couldn't truly blame him. After all, he was so far out because he had been driven out by Riverclan. Even if it was her home, and the place she cared about more than almost anything... she could see why he'd be hesitant. "They'll be safe. Safe and well taken care of, we've got a whole protected nursery, not to mention kits and queens are fed first." A rule that Swiftfire strongly approved of, though she had never expected to be on the receiving end of things. She spared a look down at her own paws, his unspoken question lingering on her mind as well. "I... I won't be able to tell them about you, at least not at first. It won't be forever. Just for a couple of moons, when they're still small. Once they start talking around then, they can't be trusted not to just spout out whatever is on their minds." The chimera desperately hoped that would be enough to soothe him, at least for their moment together.

They would get to meet their father, she would make sure of it. It just couldn't be right away, or they would both be risking everything.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    41 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed