border LANDS ONCE CROSSED [🌿] yearning

Dec 13, 2023

Snipe stares outwards at the land past the thunderpath. He’s told it’s WindClan and ThunderClan who inhabit the lands, he’s told he’s not to cross their scent markings, that he’s not to leave the boundaries of ShadowClan again.

Snipe feels homesick, not for his birth land but for many lands. For rolling hills, for oak forests and the dangers of twoleg occupied land. Homesick for the freedom to roam, to place his four paws wherever he pleased. On days like these where his heart ached for what was now lost he wonders if Porcupine was right, was companionship and kinship worth the cost?

He does not notice the cat whose sneaked up on him fast enough to break from his daydreaming across the border.
  • » Snipe
    » ShadowClan Warrior (in-the-making)
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Skunktail’s apparent kin that he had no idea about intrigued Scorchedmoon greatly. Though, before he had been held up by all the apprentice training he’s had to do with Snowpaw, so he hasn’t had much time to himself lately. As soon as the opportunity arises, he takes it gratefully. He doesn’t hate being around Snowpaw by any means, but everyone needs time for themselves!

He isn’t sure what compelled him to spend his free time around the Thunderpath that separates both WindClan and ThunderClan, but it’s not that weird for him to just waltz around and end up somewhere he didn’t expect. He also doesn’t expect one of the new guys to be here. Snipe, he thinks? Well, since he was thinking about it, no time like the present!

“Heyyy there, Snipe!” Scorchedmoon calls out, not thinking too hard about it before he raised his voice. “Whatcha doing? Interested in the other clans across the way?”

Perhaps there was still some naivety in Lilacfur when she thought of how her nephews were integrating into ShadowClan. She was hopeful that they would integrate into the culture well and that improvements would be made well enough so that they wouldn't feel as she had up until a few moons before. Some of her Clanmates were naturally snappish or cold, but she hadn't forgotten the way they had all agreed on wanting the same thing. They wanted to feel safe. They wanted to feel cared for- it just started with themselves.

Through the time they had spent together, Lilacfur had grown closer to Pipit than her other kin. Not purposeful by any means but as they all were meant to learn the in's and out's of their Clan, time to spend with just each other was sparse and, her own friends like Roosterstrut and Mirepurr took her attention more often than not. Seeing Snipe by himself had made her feel some type of way, a crawling doubt that her initial beliefs on how they were acclimating were not entirely true.

"Afternoon, you two." She greeted with a small nod. "Talking about our neighbors? Or just gossiping?"
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

While Smogmaw isn't privy to the finer details in Skunktail's romantic history, he grasps that the moon-streaked tom passed on his lineage to an unfortunate molly some time in the moons of yore. Applause ought to be due for such astute strategic insight. Blood bonds remain the determinant factor for whether an outside cat (or an entire flock) may gain entry into ShadowClan's lands, no matter the degree of attachment there may be or may not be.

Concerning Snipe, Hawk, and Pipit, who all claim to bear familial association to Skunktail—it's within reason to believe attachment reformed only in the wake left by their mother's passing.

What have the three of them demonstrated, other than uncertainty?

Embracing ShadowClan's ways didn't seem to align with Pipit's agenda, pitifully ignorant to social hierarchies and the respect owed to those above him. The other two showed promise in their interest and willingness to learn, though only time would tell if they could grow into their wits.

As @Hawk's prearranged overseer, it falls upon the deputy's dark-mottled shoulders to drag him through the nitty-gritty nuances of the clan's operations. Such includes exploratory visits to the thunderpath straddling their border and pointing out landmarks to serve as references in navigation. But, it's a smidgeon difficult when landmarks of note are relatively absent within the marshland topography. Puddles, mires, frosted-over or dead foliage—insipidness stretches as far as the eyes may see in ShadowClan. How fitting.

That being said, Smogmaw's squinted sightline soon seizes a specific silhouette amid the sea of snow. "Is'at your littermate?" he mouthes idly, exhaled mist swirling gracelessly into the other's space.

A more meticulous inspection informs him that it is, in fact, Hawk's littermate wallowing in some sorrowful reservoir. Brows furrow subtly as the tom draws near, affording brief glances towards the other warriors in his company. "Not a lotta interesting stuff that-a-ways," comments Smogmaw, sharing in Snipe's long-cast contemplation. "The forest's only nice from a distance, easy to get lost in. Moors are no better, and the locals leave a lot to be desired."

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[ ༻❄༺ ] Unfortunately for Scorchedmoon, Snowpaw had followed him. She hadn't exactly been tired and was already finished with her chores so she figured that it would be a good idea to follow her mentor about, and hey! At least his traing was paying off. Well, sorta. Soon as he had come to a halt and spotted Snipe at the borders, Snowpaw had accidentally bumped into the back of his leg, making a soft 'oft' sound before shaking a bit and staring at the pale warrior, noticing Snipe and then Smogmaw as well as Hawk had joined in on the journey which made her hum a bit before standing next to her mentor.

"What does Windclan even do besides running? Man they must be bored, no wonder Sootstar was mad. And not only that, do you think squirrels just...jump onto Thunderclanners for fun?" she piped up her questions, mostly to Smogmaw, after all he was the one who had mentioned that there wasn't much to see beyond their borders so, there wasn't much harm in asking about stuff like that.

"I mean, if I was a thunderclanner, I would for sure be afraid of squirrels randomly falling out of the sky, or go mad if all I did was run like windclan did" she would stated a bit bluntly, and perhaps for once, Snowpaw should have taking that break with her mentor for sure, because it was becoming mor evident that the chatty warrior was influncing even her (a bit).

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"What's everyone gathering for? Am I missing out on something?" Willowburn queried as he waltzed his way towards the gathering throng of felines. As he closed the distance he picked up on parts of the conversation that was kicking about, so he was able to make a few guesses as to what was happening. Chitter-chatter about the neighbours, nothing overly new. Though his gaze was firmly on Snipe, so he slowly encroached closer. "So, what burns within that mind of yours?"
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