" Is this really . . . necessary? " Cicadaflight mutters, half - grousing, as Mothpaw flutters about him. " I don't usually decorate for these things. " Usually? More like ever. As a rule, he definitely does not participate in the Clan's custom of pre - Gathering decorating sessions, but somehow, some way, the tabby - and - white apprentice had harangued him into it. Part of it is probably Mothpaw's unsinkable persistence; another part, her insistent friendliness that he is alternately perplexed by and envies; lastly, his general weakness for humoring the younger apprentices' shenanigans. He tends to look the other way when he sees them getting up to mischief, and occasionally, as now, submit to their schemes; who is he to ruin their light - hearted fun, an adolescent joy he never quite experienced?

Still, this just feels . . . unnecessary? Unserious? Undignified? Mothpaw had talked him into giving his half - tangled pelt a proper washing for once, and the feeling is uncanny. Silken curls fall in elaborate layers over his frame, the scruffy necklace of fur he usually wears traded in for a neatly settled ruff of waves and the thick bottlebrush of his tail fully feathered out, almost concealing its unnatural bend. The sensation of cleanliness and neatness is deeply, deeply unsettling, and he's currently suppressing the impulse to immediately dive into the river and spoil Mothpaw's efforts.

" What are you doing now? " He manages, scrunching up his muzzle and shutting his eyes so as not to be so assailed by the other cat's proximity. He's not used to cats being so . . . close, and so free about it, as Mothpaw tends to be. I never should have agreed to this, the warrior thinks, grumbling under his breath as the young apprentice continues her work. He doesn't even know what she's tucking in his fur . . . it could be dead fish, for all he knows. Cicadaflight sighs, opening mismatched eyes as he protests, " Are we done now? "

// Please wait for @Mothpaw !! Set in camp, shortly before the Gathering.

" speech "

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Is this really . . . necessary? The words begrudgingly inquire her as her eyebrows furrow and unfurrow, deep in concentration. ”Yes! It's very necessary, Cicadaflight!” The white and chocolate apprentice would respond back after he makes another statement on how he usually (more like, never has) decorated for gatherings in any manner. His appearance was well-rounded and regal, much that like the nobility he came from. A coat sharp as the midnight skies with an intricate pattern of bright ivory that cover primarily the front and midsection of the right side of the warrior. His eyes split with one reflecting the amber with hints of brown and the other a desolate glacial lands that reflect the waters in leafbare.

”I am weaving white flowers here andddd there━” Mothpaw would murmur as she gently weaves small ivory flowers into the dark section of his coat in big distances, but enough to give a little dazzle. She steps back for a moment as she glances at the moth wings behind his ears, using a paw to neaten them and put them back in a proper position. The apprentice frowns a soft curl drapes from his forehead as uses a paw to quickly fix it, circling around him as she admired her handiwork. Wow! I'm getting really good at decorating! The chocolate and white tabby would gleefully comment to herself, a soft smug smile gracing her lips. Her hazel gaze drifts towards his empty tail that is adorned with only another pair of wings, and she grabs a pawful of albino fish scales. ”Ehe. . . You're gonna look the best!”

The shorthair quickly moves towards his kinked tail and softly applies the albino scales along the outskirts of his tail, applying the aesthetic around the kink of his tail. Much like Lichenstar, he had the kink in his tail━ and she wonders if they're related by blood. Wasn't Smokestar called Uncle by Shellpaw before? The thought lingers in her mind as she works on his tail and eventually she's applied the finishing touches to his tail; faint scales reflect at certain angles of the sun. He's finely decorated almost a table centerpiece and the king of Riverclan, and the hard work of the apprentices causes her to smile ear to ear. ”Waaah~ Cicadaflight is so handsome! Everyone is going to be tripping over their tails at the sight of you.”

  • ooc.
  • MOTHPAW ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ sh chocolate and white mackerel tabby w/ hazel eyes
    ✶ 8 moons old; ages the 8th monthly
    ✶ bisexual biromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; mentored by NPC
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only


࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang approaches with steady paws only to pause as she glances over to Mothpaw and Cicadaflight, the bicolored molly having to double take as she realizes that her brother is letting himself get preened and decorsted by an apprentice. "I feel like I should be offended," The black smoke says with a ghost of a half-smile present on her maw as she draws closer to examine the apprentice's work and her whiskers twitch in amusement at the sight of this, "I thought I'd have the honor of adorning your pelt with little petals and trinkets. As your sister, of course." A rough chuckle slips from her throat as she decides to simply sit down on her haunches watching Mothpaw continue with her handiwork and let's out a soft hum. When the molly says that she's complete with her work does Bee stare at Cicadaflight unable to suppress the toothy grin that forms on her maw.

When Mothpaw comments about how cats would be tripping over their tails for him, the newly made warrior can't help but spare her brother's kinked tail a glance. If they don't trip over their own tails then they certainly would more than likely end up tripping over Cicadaflight's tail though this comment is kept to herself. "You certainly look a lot... different." She offers to him only to approach him so that she closes the distance between them as she uses a paw to adjust some of the fur on his chest and then glances briefly to Mothpaw before murmuring to her brother for his ears alone "What's with your little admirer, Cada?" It's a harmless question, she's happy to see that her brother is making friends or rather being forced to make friends.

"You did a pretty decent job of decorating his fur, Mothpaw." Beefang decides to comment at last as she takes a step back and her feathery tail lashes behind her, she personally wanted her pelt to be preened and decorated by her mate. After all, that's her best friend and soulmate.


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • bKn8fx1.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    12 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring...n/a
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and cricketchirp
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

() pebblepaw is fond of riverclan's decorating tradition. it's comforting, a soft ritual of love and gifts before every full moon gathering. the gatherings have always put him on edge- this will be his third to attend so far, one for every moon he's been an apprentice, and he foresees many more in the future now that foxtail is a lead warrior. still, even with his three moons of experience, it's a nerve wracking day. honey eyes watch with amusement as mothpaw circles his cousin, darting in and out with flowers and fish scales, until her victim is nearly glowing with decoration. his chocolate and white denmate has always been excitable, and watching that excitement settle around cicadaflight is a humorous sight to behold. beefang pads by, no doubt searching for a familiar snowy pelt that always seems to accompany her, but the new warrior pauses to observe the state her brother is in.

whiskers twitching, pebblepaw approaches on heavy paws, his thick fur not yet groomed to perfection for the occasion to come. "looking good, cousin," he compliments cicadaflight, trading amusement for sincerity. the tall dark hued tomcat does look good- coat well groomed, his bottlebrush tail smoothed to sleek perfection. "mothpaw, you really did a number on him," he finds his denmate's gaze, eyes twinkling. briefly, he wonders how his cousin feels about being fawned over. mothpaw doesn't do it out of some romantic interest, or puppy crush- the girl is truly just a sweet presence, but beefang calls her an admirer, and it makes pebblepaw wonder. he knows hazecloud decorates lichenstar's fur occasionally, and ferngill sablemist's. it's a thing mates do, or close friends. family.

instinctively, the storm colored boy glances around for the berry shaded fur of his sister, wondering if shellpaw would like a flower or two in her fur. he can't help but look for splashpaw too, although the latter is not attending this moon's gathering. ember eyes flick back to the conversation at hand, where beefang compliments mothpaw. settling his tail around his paws, pebblepaw blinks. "are you gonna decorate your fur, beefang? uhm, or moonbeam maybe?" the two are inseparable (and he can't say his cousin has hid her affection for the medicine cat.)

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 82323968_6BWV8DbihYOd2RT.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.