They needed more feverfew.

When his eyes fly open, Dawnglare did not question why dawnlight had yet to filter into his den. The exhaustion he felt was no greater than what has hung over him for a moon now. He would rest when he wished to rest. He would rise when he wished to rise. His body’s whims are a thing he has never questioned— and he saw no reason to begin now. Could he possibly worry for such a trivial matter, when there are— one, two— a swath of new infected taking up space in his den? Three— and he finds himself losing count.

Dark. It was dark. How was he meant to count in this light? Where the moon could shine more cleanly is where he should be. He ignores the way his legs felt too heavy— because they were his; lively, unblemished, a pristine white that only glowed brighter beneath the glow of the moon. The glow of the moon he was now under, and he fails to remember why.

They really needed more feverfew.

He is mildly alarmed, seeing the excess of cats sleeping outside of dens. But they would all need feverfew; cure for the burn that rakes its claws inside - out. A burn that– if he knew no better, he might think pulsed steadily within his own ears. Of course, he is immune to the petty gripes of sickness. The thought of it could make him laugh. He nearly does– but even now, he is conscious enough not to while the moon was a claw - sliver in the sky. His own claws curl around nothing.

Dawnglare pushes his way past the bramble. Only once, does he consider the threat of rogues. Feverfew was more important than that, wasn’t it?

When he returns, he is scalding; but he is victorious. His eyes gleam, and teeth clench around the bushel that is his bounty. It is no great harvest— the ever - setting chill made sure of that, but it is something. More than nothing. His backdrop is a warm, pink dawn, and the slow rise of the sun. His throat feels tight in a way it never has, but, perhaps that was better for the herbs, the weight of his breath could not diminish them any such way. Every scrap would be for them, and wouldn’t they be pleased? Wouldn't they scream their rejoice, and in it, he could quietly bask in his pleasure? Dawnglare pictures the thankful cries as he makes his way into camp, and— why are there so many strangers here?

He is dazed. Tufted ears are frantic in their flicking as the assess the situation. One, two— impossible to count. Three, four. The glassy sheen gives his eyes the appearance of a frozen lake.

Don’t you know this? You know everything. What you do not know, She will tell you. Isn’t that unfair, that advantage you have?

Dawnglare thinks it’s quite amusing. Feverfew acts as a natural muffle for his bubbling laugh.

Valentine looks to the sky, and he sees Mother’s eyes. Need She look at him, to pin him beneath her stare? He is brought back to a number of things, all at once. Twitch of a whisker. Drop of rain.

He is sick.

It hits him, all at once. Beyond filthy, a crawl beneath skin; worming beyond his fur and festering, this cursed plague. Not once has he fallen ill. It had been Her, then. He was beloved enough to have clear lungs. Pretty enough to watch with blank eyes, not understanding. Small enough to be kept from this thing— inevitability for all else. And once She left… Of course, he should be safe thereafter. Didn't that all make sense?

It could not all be for nothing. What an unfettered tragedy that would undeniably be. He is not sick. His head is clear. The shapes of the world were not foggy. The burn— a farce. Something desired his weakness so fully that it’d stoop to this, but he would never kneel. His laugh is triumphant! And he feels like he’s dying, dying. He is full of zeal! His bounty sees no bounds! And he tries not to rip at his own skin. None of these strangers could hope to hurt him! And he is crying, crying, crumpling to the floor with his bounty tumbling free.

  • OOC: TL;DR: suddenly fixated on his lack of feverfew, Dawn dazedly went herb hunting in the middle of night and has returned at dawn with very obvious yellowcough symptoms. He does not believe himself capable of being sick and is having a crisis crying on the floor after he's been awkwardly standing around and giggling to himself for a little bit </3
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Wow
Reactions: Marquette

The dawn never greeted Twitchbolt kindly, even in this weird new happiness he'd found. This... air-pocket in the middle of a disaster. Briefly, he'd touched his nose to Quillstrike's fur before quietly breaking from his side, taking care not to wake him. For a moment, Twitchbolt breathed in his scent before drifting out into the morning, prepared to shake off the nightmare that had raked claws across even this happy mind only moments before.

The new day gave him very little solace, though.

Even tired, slightly-scared eyes caught the strange hint of horror in Dawnglare's gaze as he glanced around the few RiverClan bodies who had woken up- and though he'd always known their healer to be strange, he had never noted the tom as forgetful. Not often had he shown open concern for the medicine cat- he'd barely ever been given the chance- but this, this was something worth concern. It wasn't the stupid spiralling fear that so often twisted Twitchbolt's perception and made him think everything was worse than it was.

Dawnglare was crying, crumpled- briefly he looked toward the mouth of the medicine den to see if his horrifying mate was going to bother to rush to his side, before remembering what had happened to him, too. What had happened to Blazestar, to Quillstrike- to Tallulahwing, fitful and rambling. Yellowcough.

"Dawnglare...?" he asked, tone quavering. Wouldn't be good to get too close, to let anyone close- he skimmed a radius for wandering bodies. They needed less, not more. Who was there to help a sick medicine cat? There was- "Ffff-Fireflypaw!" he called, a bit breathless. Who else, who else? "Blazestar!" Oh, idiotic.
penned by pin ✧

XXXXXTwitchbolt’s shriek brings Blazestar running, dread beginning to harden in his chest and stomach like freezing water. Dawnglare is slumped at the mouth of his den, teeth chattering in between fits of delirium-fueled giggles. The Ragdoll’s fur begins to stand on end, aghast. “Dawnglare? Let me help you up.” He cautiously pads nearer, the sweet smell of sickness radiating from his old friend’s pelt like decay. He makes a face, but offers his flank for support nonetheless. When he rises again, the look he gives his lead warrior is grim.

XXXXXLet’s get you to your nest, Dawnglare.” He bares his teeth, frustration drawing his features taut. “@Fireflypaw , you are the only healer left. Ravensong is sick…” He turns to Twitchbolt, his expression full of dread. “Get @Dandelionwish .” He does not know what else to do.

XXXXXTo Dawnglare, he leans closer, so that his voice is only a hair’s length from the prophet’s tufted ear. “You must hang on. You cannot leave me. We need you here.” His heart twists with emotion he cannot otherwise express—anger and grief, terror—all of them leaden his paws.

It is with great sorrow that Fireflypaw shifts through their dwindling supply of Feverfew, lips drawn into a downturned frown. His tail thumps rapidly against the ground, a croak of a breath leaving his maw as he counts the stockpile under his breath. One, two.. No. He couldn't do this to himself. Dawnglare would be back with the herbs aplenty, they would be saved- Dawnglare was his savior, he was the high priest- the Prophet, for stars sake! A vivid memory flashes past his eyes, Dawnglare crouched over him as he rattles off questions, a test.

What would you do if I got sick? The question is terrifying to think about, but he had reacted rationally to it with an answer well-thought out. Fireflypaw's ears perk as his name is called by two cats at once, urgency in their voice- he knew what was happening. Another cat had fallen sick to this plague, threatening to leave the world behind and join the stars. But alas, Fireflypaw makes his way out of the den only to nearly run straight into his father, whom loomed over a crying, sobbing mess that was Dawnglare.

His wails of agony are contagious, Fireflypaw nearly mirrors him in the horror he felt in that moment. He rounds his mentor's side, aiming to help his father push Dawnglare to his paws so he may lead the tom into their shared den. He would join his mate in this plague, this illness. Fireflypaw has never felt so filthy than in this moment, the crawling, ebbing feeling of sickness worming its way to his heart. No, no. "He's fine. He's fine." He grits between his teeth, the call for Dandelionwish one he understood but didn't want to tolerate. Was he not good enough, was he not seen as capable? To need an ex-medicine cat, tossed out by the stars, was he so foolish?

Once in the den, if permitted by the grace of the high priest himself, Fireflypaw would immediately get to work. First, check symptoms- never assume one is sick with an illness without checking first, he'd told himself. A paw lifts to his mentor's ears. Warm. His face lowers to Dawnglare's side, listening for wheezing- check. From the banshee-like wailing, he can only assume the delirium has set in. Check. "Here, someone wet this moss for me." It's a way to clear the den out, to prevent any more harm to his precious high priest. They couldn't look at him like this- no, Dawnglare was magnificent, he deserved the peace. Feverfew is grasped between his jaws, and he sets it down in front of his mentor with a deepened frown. "Can you chew, Dawnglare? If not for me, then for Mallowlark. For Blazestar, anyone." He whispers so soft against fever-warmed ears, tail tapping behind him. Could he use honey, if his mentor wailed out in complaint? Certainly. ​