LAST CALL - a test

For Bluepool to say that she trusts her apprentice is a stretch. He was a good kid, when he chose to be. But her mind keeps drifting back to the night that Sunstride had caught him sneaking off, of all the glimpses she had gotten of him interacting with his mother at gatherings. She did not know much about mothers, her own having died when she gave birth to her and her sisters, but she did know about family, about connection. She would do anything for Sootstar, for Mintshade, but she also wouldn't have left them behind to live elsewhere. Hyacinthbreath was not only a traitor to her clan, but also her own kin. She wishes her apprentice could only see it.

Tonight, she was on a mission. The moon hangs high in the sky, bathing the moors with its soft glow. The gray-furred warrior slips through the camp like a shadow, making her way quietly to where the apprentices sleep. Her pale yellow eyes land on a familiar smoky form and she picks her way over to him. She watches the gentle rise and fall of his chest for a moment, her thoughts racing through her head. It is not too long before she reaches her paw out and gently reaches her paw out. "Periwinklepaw, Periwinklepaw, wake up" she whispers in his ear, careful not to wake the others up. The words she had to say were for his ears and his ears only.

Once he had woken she would gesture with her head, not waiting for him to wake up properly "Follow me, I have something I need to tell you" her voice is still a whisper and immediately after she finishes speaking she turns and leaves, padding out of the camp. She doesn't bother to look behind her to make sure he's following.

// @Periwinklebreeze.

periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Blue eyes snap open as he is jostled, flanks heaving for a moment before he realizes where he is and who is waking him. He is not in his nest, safely tucked away within the medicine den and it's sturdy walls, but instead in the center of camp surrounded by the other apprentices. He cannot recall falling asleep - he'd been talking to someone, he thinks, trying to distract his hapless mind from wandering, and then- and then what?

There is no time to keep questioning the series of events that has led to this most recent fainting spell, bluepool is already moving away. His own legs are swift to haul himself upwards, pawsteps light and near-silent as he weaves around those still sleeping deeply, taking larger strides than normal in order to catch up quickly. "um... b-bluepool?"

He's not sure if he should ask the question ringing through his mind, but her name comes tumbling out past his lips in his sleep deprived delirium before he can think properly of it. Bags heavy set beneath inquisitive gaze and with a stomach rolling with hunger from his self-induced 'punishment', he can only follow. It must be important, whatever it is she wishes to share.

They are just outside the camp now, their path illuminated by the moon that shines overhead. Nearly full.. It would be time for a gathering soon and Bluepool cannot help but wonder what news this one would bring. They always did seem to be decently interesting. Her yellow eyes snap to the smoke tom as he speaks her name. "What is it?" She asks, feeling a little impatient. The test she had been instructed to give was important. She didn't like the idea of lying to her apprentice, didn't like the idea of going behind his back and tricking him but she needed to know. It was for the good of everyone. Disloyalty was like a diseased limb. It needed to be cut off before it could spread. Hyacinthbreath was proving to be a tenacious weed.

periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The venom spat in his direction catches him off guard, and tired and pained as he is the boy's mind simply cannot handle it. Mind going blank, his jaw snaps closed with an audible click and the faint taste of blood as he swiftly shakes his head, slumping. He knew he shouldn't have said anything - bluepool will tell him when she tells him, he supposes. He simply slinks after her like a pitiful imitation of a shadow, like the dutiful apprentice he is. He really cant afford to upset anyone else right now. His tail twitches restlessly, and he can feel his pelt do the same as though trying to keep pace with his pounding heart - how much further must they go just to speak? Or... perhaps, it's not to speak at all - perhaps she'd been serious after all when she'd said he could die, maybe sootstar had finally gotten tired of him. He supposes that would be just his luck. Well, at least he'd catted with gravelsnap one last time he supposes.


Immediately she regrets the way she had spoken when the apprentice visibly flinches away from her. "I'm sorry Periwinklepaw" she says, her tone softer and accompanied by a great sigh as she takes a seat and tilts her head upwards so that she is gazing at the stars "I'm just tired and... stressed" she returns her pale yellow eyes back to the earth, back to her apprentice, studying him for a moment. She can see Hyacinthbreath there a little bit, just underneath the surface but she can also see him for the cat that he could be, the cat who she was getting to know. It would be a shame if he were to fail. "I bet you're wondering why I brought you out here" she can see it on his face, her own tiredness mirrored back to her but also something else, confusion and fear. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you" Not unless you're a traitor. She adds to herself silently. "I brought you out here because tomorrow night I've been tasked to lead a top secret patrol. We are to break into RiverClans temporary camp and we are to kill Hyacinthbreath once and for all." it's almost scary to her, how easily the lies fall out of her mouth. She watches for his reaction before continuing "You are to stay here in camp" She would watch him that night, pretend to leave but circle back and hide. She had to be certain that he wouldn't run off, wouldn't go tell his mother what they had planned. She brings her halved tail closer to her body, wrapping it around herself as best she can. It's a cold night and she fluffs up her fur a little in an attempt to chase the chill away.

periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The boy listens quietly, ears raised attentively as his mentor explains. He does not now what it is he expected to hear, but it is certainly not this. Mind and face flash through a variety of emotions in only a few heartbeats - anxiety, fear, relief, and lastly guilt. Is it really so wrong of him to be glad he isn't going with her- that he will not have to witness his mothers death at another's paws? Or worse - starclan forbid his own. He is not strong enough for that. But staying in the camp, running and hiding from the truth, from what will happen - well, isn't that just like him?

"Oh... i s-see," he mumbles softly, tail drooping. There is nothing he can do to change this - he wouldn't if he could. He'd done all he could, warned her what her actions might've cost - and yet... she'd smiled at him and said she didn't care. That she'd made her choice, and she'd die for it if she had too. He could never do that - be that strong. But he wants to - and so it is with watery eyes and an aching heart that he looks at his mentor and nods - determined to not mess up this chance. "o-okay... st-stay safe-" he almost says he wishes her good luck, but he can't force himself to. There is a fine line, he thinks, between knowing something will happen regardless of his actions, and wanting it to.