no angst last friday night -- mud

The kittens whisper, frantic and panicked despite the queens' best efforts, about the shambling mud-cat that groans and grumbles on the outskirts of camp. About how it had eaten Orangeblossom, how it was their new deputy because that's totally how it worked, how it might come for them next -

"Not a word or you're getting dragged in too." Orangeblossom meows flatly to one of her Clanmates as they try - and fail - to suppress a bark of laughter at the state of her fur. In her defense, she hadn't seen the puddle, and even if she had she'd been moving too quickly for her limp-struck leg to swerve out of the way in time. As a result, the usually orange-and-white deputy is covered ears to tail in mud, stinking and shivery and wildly unimpressed. At least she'd been alone when it happened - the embarrassment of someone seeing her tumble tail-first into the muck might have just killed her.​

  • absolutely please say words. what's she gonna do? throw mud? (yes)

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Lounging about outside the warrior's den, a lengthy figure had posted himself to absorb any amount of succulent sun light he could. The days of fairer weather was growing to an end as a chill nipped the air and also his soft cream and chocolate fur. He was 'resting' after taking such a fall the other day out of a tree in efforts to catch a bird. Though it was messy, at least he caught something. Even the best of warrior's had their moments of clumsiness, despite the fact that Ferretwhisker could definitely have maimed or killed himself easily but administering such a mistake. He'd never comment about the situation. His pride was still well bruised after the fact; especially, committing such an astrocity in front of Slate and Silversmoke. He'd secretly been avoiding them since the incident.
The quiet murmurs of kits near by had his elongated ears twisting to absorb their small voices, mothers hushing them immediately. Why do that? Are kits not allowed to ask questions? His cerulean eyes narrow in distaste, chiseled maw aiming towards them with a curled lip when a saddened figure entered his peripheral.
Now he understands the why, but the why still did not justify it. He purses shaded lips tightly, a cackle rumaging around his throat as he looked upon the mud caked deputy and all her, well—glory. Once pristine ginger and white fur was now plastered and caked in sludge, it's thick viscosity clinging onto her once feathered pelt. He tried hard to hold his tongue, but he's failing rather miserably. A thick, hardy bark of a laugh rips from his vocal chords looking at the very sight of the molly, his cackle turning into a cataclysm of coughs that had his head begin to throb from the strain. "My dear! What a look!" He jeers to her, an ivory toothy grin widening his usually sharp jawline. She offers him a warning, to shut up while he's ahead. But, unfortunately that just wasn't Ferretwhisker's style, now was it? The warrior then shifts himself onto chocolate paws, sauntering to her with a curled tail over his back. "I appreciate you wanting to change your appearance for aesthetic purposes, but I don't believe shit brown suits you. Better stick with the original, it was much—much cuter." He winks at her rather playfully as his serpentine tongue curls over his darkened nose.
Slate couldn't help but wince ever so slightly as Orangeblossom stalked into camp, obviously unhappy with her... predicament. Mud was a pain in the ass to wash and groom out of one's fur, especially if their pelt was long like his. Not that he was some self-obsessed diva or anything, but mud caking onto his locks was not a great look on him. He tried to avoid walking through it whenever he could, which was becoming increasingly difficult with the melting snow and all.

The deputy was irritated, as expected, and Ferretwhisker's "input" and obnoxious laughter probably wasn't helping with her already soured mood. He and Orangeblossom weren't close by any means — hell, they were barely acquaintances — but he'd take any excuse to take a jab at the daylight warrior. "It might just suit you, though. Wanna try it out?" Slate speaks in Ferret's direction, ever so slightly cocking a brow. For once, in a rare instance, a hint of a smirk peeks at the edge of his maw. The mere thought of getting to cake Ferretwhisker's dumb face with mud was amusing enough to the gruff male.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg

Ferretwhisker’s amused voice rises above the chatter of camp where Thistleback sat speaking low to his apprentices planning out their next training session, his skull tilts upwards to peer at the shivering earth-caked deputy. Silver stare glistening with natural humor but his frown remains.

The seal point was jabbing a bear at this point, Slate’s words serve to perhaps save Ferret from Orangeblossom’s inevitable wrath. She was stoic, if there was anything he learned about the woman, antics wasn’t really her dance. He had lately gotten the chance to appreciate her rather neutral yet strict presence.

Thistleback takes the opportunity to glance over his own coat, specks of nettle debris, dirty snow, grime. God knows what else, definitely the red tinted remnants of a meal around his jowls he takes to licking subconsciously. While his pelt was jagged and groomed down well, clean wasn’t something he took time to account for. It was Orangeblossom’s bright white fur that made it harder to ignore the abstract work of brown mess. " If you’re not dirty, you’re hardly working " he speaks up in support.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Silversmoke's muzzle contorted and twisted like a snake writhing in a burrow. The humour of the situation was not lost in him, for the sake of both his appearance and Orangeblossom's, he tried his best to conceal the frown that naturally tried to creep onto his face. He'd never been too bothered by mud. The tabby's fur was wild and unruly, marred as such by the scars that split the natural partings of it. Mud should've been a natural enemy, yet he'd grown used to the texture of it and wouldn't let it distract him from his duties as a warrior. However, there was something so incredulous about another serious creature being caked in the stuff that tickled him. He couldn't look the Deputy in the eye for fear of breaking his stance, so instead, the tall cat's gaze was cast toward the three cats that'd first spoken up. The muddy moggy still appeared in the corner of his emerald iris, as he took a deep breath to steel himself, Silver eventually began to calm down. Slate and Thistleback alike condemned the kittypet's teasing in their own ways, it was when the latter finished speaking that the warrior decided he'd do the same.

He sensed a murderous energy coming from Orangeblossom, and combined with the unintentional encouragement of his clanmates, Silversmoke lunged toward Ferretwhisker. His teeth aimed to find the kittypet's scruff and hold onto it like a mother about to carry their kit. The former rogue did not try to carry the irritating tom though, instead, he was trying to keep in his place, his paws squared to try and maintain his balance with the presumption that the other would protest the rough handling. He turned his head as best he could toward the Deputy, a rare glimpse of trickery in his eye. "Get him." The male encouraged, the corners of his mouth appearing as he smirked. He didn't care if he got caught in the crossfire, dumping mud over a kittypet was enough catharsis for Silver. He'd always believed the majority of them to be stuck-up and prissy, Ferret included, and inviting the Deputy to get revenge on the point would benefit them both.

Ferretwhisker, true to form and exactly as stupid as usual, pushes his luck even after she'd told him off. Orangeblossom bares her teeth at him in a hiss of annoyance, unsure whether she's more irritated by the fact that he kept going or the fact that he'd called her usually unmuddied form cute. You're not allowed to call me that, her mind snips though she manages to clamp her muzzle shut on the words escaping. Slate's comment, thankfully, distracts her before she can put too much thought into why the compliment had made her uncomfortable, but she has to agree - a muzzle full of mud would shut Ferretwhisker up, wouldn't it?

Thistleback, at least, voices some small reassurance to her dilemma; it is, however, lost in the chaos of the moment as Silversmoke tries to hold Ferretwhisker by the scruff and offers to keep him there while she gets him all muddied for his teasing. Orangeblossom shares no interest with some of her Clanmates in their disdain of daylight warriors and kittypets, but she does share a willingness to teach a lesson to a cat out of order (especially in a case such as this, where there's nothing but dignity in the face of one's own Clanmates on the line).

"Don't mind if I do." She meows with a brief nod of gratitude towards the former rogue. Lurching forward towards the point regardless of whether Silversmoke was successful, Orangeblossom would attempt to smear mud across Ferretwhisker's front. His face, his chest she doesn't mind where her muddied paw would land.​


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

His laughter naturally draws a crowd, it's squawking tone loud and filled with genuine joy at Orangeblossom's misfortune. Slate appears naturally, a shadow looming over him as he retorts with a raised brow. Ferretwhisker glares at the brute, his maw lightly twitching in disgust in his direction. "But with your shit personality and looks, I feel as if it'd suit you even better." The daylight warrior flashes him a venomous smile, large incisors protruding under his lip. More inclined to comment, all on Orangeblossom's side of it. Thistleback speaks about the appearance of filth to prove how much one worked within the clan, and he's about to take a jab at the bi-colored tom before a brute force slams into him. Ferretwhisker makes a choking oof sound as the sheer force lands on him, sending him flat on his belly in the middle of camp. He thrashes around wildly, spitting venomous curses and snarls as Silversmoke lands on top of him. The tabby warrior had size on him, easily pinning his long limbs to the ground with the nape of his neck clutched within his jaws. The familiar tang of the fellow warrior floods his senses, rage and fear pulsed through his body as he tries to pull himself from under him with no avail. The seal point wasn't blessed with vivacious curves of packed muscle mass, only a lanky teenager without the proper hormones that stunted his growth.
"LET ME GO!" He yowls, his tone growing frantic as he wiggles around. "Silversmoke, I will tear your eyes out of their sockets and feed them to the birds for this!" The tom's teeth bared in hatred, poison dripping from his tongue while sapphire eyes burned with intense hellfire. He wanted to have the silver tabby's hide. But his threats fell upon deaf ears as Silversmoke inclined for Orangeblossom to get her own revenge. The once white molly with ginger grabbed a rather large glob of mud in her grasp, smearing it's substance all along his shaded face. She covers his ears, the top of his forehead, along his nose and even in his eyes. Her paw draws around his chest, their amused eyes piercing through his skin. Ferretwhisker thrashes harder, frantic claws digging into the soft soil beneath him to use as leverage. He spats and hisses, murderous snarl ripping from his throat. He tries to snap at the Deputy's out reached paw, but Silversmoke's grip on his scruff prohibits him from doing so. He's trapped.
It's only when Orangeblossom is finally finished that Ferretwhisker is finally, absolutely, fed up. He isn't sure if it's the sheer amount of hatred he's enveloped in, or the fact that maybe Silversmoke shifts just enough to find an opening. With a powerful haunches, he wrenches himself up and tosses the larger tom cat off of his back. Mud now caked his precious features, sullying his once pristine cream fur into a dull brown. The shame, the embarrassment he felt at that moment. His heart thundered inside of his chest, a wild-like look within his eyes as he stared at them all. They all laughed, of course, laughed at his humiliation as the performance went along in front of everyone. He wants to scream at them, wants to rip the fur from everyone's pelt till only bare flesh was left.
But a nobleman like himself had to be better than that. He wouldn't succumb to their treachery, their child-like antics. He'd rise above it. Ferretwhisker takes a shaded paw to wipe across his face, freeing his nose and eyes from the muck and slung it off of him, hopefully hitting one of the others in the process. With his pride still intact, Ferretwhisker turns without another word and saunters out of camp with his tail held high. He wasn't going home, but some time to groom himself in peace was needed before he did anything he'd regret later.