private LAST PLACE // swanpaw

Snowykit's litter is out of sorts in many ways. Shadekit likes to lie, Bloodkit likes to bite. Even in their sleep do most of them struggle to stay still (it doesn't help that their mother's nest is, admittedly, not too comfortable.) Snowykit is likely the only one to sleep still, however that's not for lack of effort. Some nights are fine - she can tuck in beside Bonekit and sleep well. But there are nights like tonight, where her eyes crack open, and the shadows become beasts readily available to tear out her throat.

It feels like hours before Snowykit can regain the ability of her limbs, and when she does, she stumbles out of the nursery. Some cats call this a 'breather,' and she feels vindicated by remembering that. Her chest hurts as she hurriedly inhales the freezing winter air, blue eyes fluttering about as if the shadow monster will return. She spies something moving not too far off, and at first flinches when it appears to grow larger. It's a few heartbeats before she recognizes the mass as Swanpaw, and Snowykit blinks away most of her fear.

"Sw... Swanpaw?" she starts to speak, though she's interrupted by a yawn, "Why are you awake? Do... do we do bedtime patrols?" she's never noticed before, but then again she hasn't yet taken a 'breather' this late either.
