private last seen in san francisco .. gossip time

There was safety in a patch of reeds where the two cats sat beside one another, heads close together and exchanging words in hushed excitement. Hazecloud could easily go between an endless chatterbox and a silent mouse when she wanted, easily controlling the tide of a conversation after so much practice. There were few within the Clan that could make her let go of that control and find ease in their own nature ebb and flow and over time Aspenhaze had become one of those cats.

The silvery molly isn't quite sure when it had really happened. Placed on enough patrols together and perhaps thats what sparked friendship between the two, but they were both vain in believing their shared prefix and suffix were another tie between the two. It was a kind friendship that Hazecloud rather enjoyed, though, and Aspenhaze never held back how they felt about their Clanmates the way Hazecloud did.

"It was like watching a fox and a badger try to talk, but in the end I think it went pretty okay." Talks of the Gathering of course, catching up on everything she had heard when another figure approached. Hazecloud's face lit up as she looked up at Willowroot. "Oh good, I was just getting to the good part. Come sit down! There's plenty of this to go around." Now that she had officially been labeled a queen the preys rotation had seen her sooner, but her appetite was never enough to finish anything by herself. She gladly shared with anyone willing for the small price of whatever they heard going on where she couldn't reach.

@willowroot @Aspenhaze
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Alone time with their clanmates is not something Aspenhaze partakes in normally, as they seldom allow themself a friendship quite like this. But Hazecloud is pleasant enough, and they get along great, even if they mostly connected on the fact that they share haze in their name. But there was power in a name, and while they do think it fits them better than the she-cat in some aspects, at least it was gifted to one as deserving as her.

Their smirk grows at the gossip from the Gathering, almost sad that they missed it in person. “Oh, I’m sure it was a mess. I’m glad it was an entertaining mess, at the very least.” Aspenhaze laughs, and their lips settles into a smile instead as Willowroot approaches the two of them. Another cat that they hold in high regard even with her hiccups, especially as the mother of Mosspool, they allow their body to relax. “Yes yes, please do join us!”